Buying christmas presents is so terrifying

It's 9 days until Christmas.

And I still haven't bought any presents yet.

That is because buying presents is really scary to me. It's like you're being judged on what you buy for people, and you'll feel unimaginably guilty if you don't get them something good. I panic so much about buying Christmas presents it's unbelievable. Birthday's are easier because they don't all happen at once, but for Christmas it's not like that :(

I've gone as far as to break friends with people just before Christmas in previous years so I can avoid buying them gifts. It isn't that I'm too poor or anything, it's that giving presents is TERRIFYING to me.

(don't suggest making something crafty for my friends either; that's just as scary to me)

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Avant-Garde

    I know how you feel, but take a deep breathe and relax. You could do what me and my family are doing this year and that's to give a certain amount of money to each other instead of presents. We are doing it this way because apparently last year, there was a huge argument. I remember being upset with the impracticality of me getting a waffle maker when I don't make or like waffles and I was upset with getting I think: mostly presents I already knew about and was present when bought, clothes and nothing entertaining like a video game. I'm not trying to sound like a bitch but it's beyond disappointing when you get something you have no interest in or can't use.

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    • jeebley

      You each give each other a certain amount of money? haha.. kinda pointless? no one gains or loses anything (except the crafty bastard who undercuts - another argument).

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  • SuMaFTW

    Easy fix. Give everyone the same gift... like a copy of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Am I the only who tried pushing the button?

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  • q25t


    Anyways, it's really not that big of a deal to a lot of people. I think that if you're breaking off friendships because of this, you might as well just tell the person you don't feel comfortable giving gifts. They'll probably understand and might actually be happy. A lot of people dislike gift giving.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    So glad we don't do that shit.

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  • kelili

    I haven't bought any Christmas gift yet and I'm sure that in the end I'll buy chocolates for my mum and my bf's mum. A shitty toy for my nephew and I still don't know what I'll give my boyfriend. Thanks God these are the only people I have to offer something.

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