Buying weed for the first time

I live in America. I'm thinking about buying weed from a friend of a friend but I don't know what weed goes for or anything, Is it like 20 dollars for a gram depending on the type? Does the price of weed get cheaper if you buy a bigger load? I'm not sure how this works, please help me and give me some advice. (This dude also sells edibles, not sure how much to pay for those either)

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Slowlymovingfast

    I live in a state where its legal so it's cheaper here but it was $10.00/gram before. Just about across the board.

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    • SammyStarts

      They might add on more money just because someone has to illegally transport it so maybe per gram of the illegal stuff is more expensive but idk.

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  • bech

    I live in an illegal state, if someone offers to sell to you $20/g, you're being ripped off. It's usually $10. Sometimes depending on the person and if you know them well they'll drop the price if you've bought more, but usually not. Definitely ask people around you for a different dealer.

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  • jackslife

    20 should probably get u 1.5-2 grams in an illegal state. yes, it will get cheaper with quantity. an oz is 28 grams and u can get one for around $180. edibles should be 5-20 a pop depending on strength. (be careful with edibles, especially your first time, 100mg will get u high out of your mind. start with a half brownie)
    source: experience

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  • sohcahtoa

    A gram should be around $20, I once bought an edible for $15 but it really depends on the seller. Have fun Bud :)

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