By the way, what does "tldr" "too long to read" mean?

Does it necessarily mean that the comment packs too much of words in which takes too much time to capture all the word or it's generally a form of irony and sarcasm to poorly composed comment that has poor relationship with logic, and is generally difficult for anyone to comprehend due to poor construction? What i mean is generally these same people who say 'TLDR' read massive quantities of articles over short period of time in which they consider neatly written and composed and they don't have to hair pull as much, as the writer himself is decent in using the right words in a right order for comprehension to be easily digestible by most people who are literate?

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Comments ( 19 )
  • ospry

    TLDR usually refers to something where the overall point is buried in a longer message with more detail

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    • Somenormie

      And when people aren't bothered to read a very long paragraph.

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      • LloydAsher

        I mean a paragraph is designed to seperate points. A simple space is all you need to seperate thoughts.

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    • Giorgi

      So do I need to write messages in shorter phrases but faster to grasp? Just exactly like I better enjoy to read or watch movie recaps than watch the entire 4 hour movie with majority of passive sequences that are boring to watch?

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      • LloydAsher

        When messages are concerned. You got to be to the point unless you are making an actual point with references that you outline.

        As for left for dead comment you seemed to be going on a random tangent after tangent after I wrote a comment that was specifically noting the first aspect of your post, not even engaging in the later portions.

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        • Giorgi

          As for tangets the only association I can make is with terminology during a math class back then during school years, either way, I don't know jack shit behind the final meaning of the sum up.

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          • LloydAsher

            The double comment thing doesn't score you extra points either. It's rather telling of your experience of IIN.

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        • Giorgi

          Still at loss of interpretaion, sorry but we're probably unfit to engage in conversation or let alone 'arguments' or if you consider without necessary quotation marks as actual arguments. So particularly useless conversations for either of us as parties.

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  • Holzman_67

    It’s just bloated text

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  • kikilizzo

    Its for lazy people who cannot read.

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    Word salad.

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  • LloydAsher

    Pretty much if it's a drawn out point thats too scatter brained as a use for a question or answer.

    I write it for that context. Also it the text is actually too long without being broken up by paragraphs in the same comment.

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  • Clunk42

    "Tldr" or "Too long; didn't read" is just what one says when something is too long for one to believe it to be actually worth reading. It's generally not used sarcastically, though I would expect for at least one comment on a post like this to be "tldr", just as a joke.

    Regarding the "reading longer articles without issue," that's more to do with people's feelings about the subject than "neatness." People will read things they are interested in, and they will not read things they are not interested in, so, if you post something people aren't interested in, they will be more likely to consider it not worth reading. Of course, a short sentence about something someone doesn't care about is very rarely too long to be worth reading, but a couple of paragraphs about something no one cares about is often considered to be not worth reading, thus "tldr".

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  • Vvaas

    i ain't readin all that but we up❗❗🗣

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    • Giorgi

      Wait so, you and Ospry are two different people? Who is either of you from that discord and the one who owns many pets??

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      • Vvaas

        yeah i'm not ospry lol, i'm apart of a discord with other iin people in it and uhh i'm not sure if ospry has any pets so prob me, i have 2 cats a dog and 13 chickens

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        • Millie_the_evil_saint

          There is a discord server?

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          • Vvaas

            yea it was made a few years ago, not everyone on iin is in it and most of the iin people in the discord are old users who don't really comment here anymore or rarely

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        • Giorgi

          So that's actually you not and so i'm actually in the end with the confirmation of who is who, not having awkward moment of silence with the wrong person. in real life however the physical differences in looks would make it easier. but either way, we're not great at identifying and differentiating blood related or even the twins, can be awkward and intriguing at the same time, hey, there's one more like him or her.

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