Calling people racist

I hear people say you're racist sometimes like its a big insult to be labeled that by some random person (almost ALWAYS a white person saying it). At the end of the day I dont care if someome thinks I am racist. Because I probably do have some racist views. But I'm ok with myself because I know I treat people with respect. If some black man is respectful to me I'm respectful to him. It doesnt mean I would want my daughter to have children with his children. But I would not treat someone unfairly.

I talk politics quite a bit with other people and also black people in person or on the internet. And it makes them have a level of respect when I keep it real with my opinions and not try to be fake. It even makes people open up with something like "yeah I wouldnt want my children marrying whites either, and I wouldnt want to live in a white neighborhood". You can still be friends with black people and have these views. And they will usually respect your views. And they will agree with you on a lot more than you'd think.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • CountessDouche

    So in conclusion, you're racist, but don't like being called racist.

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  • litelander8

    Ethnicities all have their stereotypes. That can be traditions or behaviors that we were raised with Bc that how our parents were raised. It doesn’t mean we should be hateful to other for those differences.

    I also think it’s very normal for people to want to marry with their ethnicity. It’s also normal for people who are different to fall in love.

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  • Meowypowers

    It is such an overused cheap tripe by people on social media that it has almost lost meaning. In reality being truly racist is a pretty sick thing, luckily most people in first world countries aren't.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    its this generations versiona the red scare

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  • Somenormie

    You're a cunt.

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    • idolomantis


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    • Aww

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  • idolomantis

    Having prejudiced views that you hold in complete sincerity is a very bad thing, though I personally don’t think it makes someone a bad person exactly. If you can view your racist beliefs in a detached way and still view the same people that you’re (at least somewhat) racist against as equal human beings, well then at least there’s some positives to that. People not “letting” their children date outside of their race is a huge dislike for me personally, but if you are able to recognize that this manner of thinking is racist and take a step back from it then I think that’s respectable. Most people don’t really have that much introspection, so I think I kinda get where you’re coming from

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  • S0m3th1ng

    Honestly you are racist. Just because you are not violatent towards people with a different skin tone than yours, that doesn't mean you are not racist. Everyone is equal there is no better or worse skin tone, everyone is equal. Also your skin doesn't change who you are there are white and black people that are bad and good.

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    • I dont see anyone as inferior based on race but im 100% totally fine with being seen as a racist.

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