Can a cat learn to like being picked up?

I'm sorta bummed that my cats don't like to be picked op or to cuddle at all :(

Is it possible to train them to like being cuddled? Is it possible they'd change on their own?

Yes, you can train them! (pls comment with tips!) 38
No, it's impossible to change the cats! 27
Other (comment) 7
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Comments ( 37 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    It really depends on the cat. You can't force them to like it though. If you do it more often they might get used to it but some cats are very stubborn and sometimes it is best to just accept their natural dispositions.

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  • Blablababe

    The cats will do what they want to do, and having cats my whole life, I know that they can't be forced to do something. It really depends on how long you've had them. If you have just got them then you may be able to train them but if you have had them a while then they won't want to be told what to do (trust me). Consider why they don't like being picked up. Are you rough with them? Maybe if they are outdoor cats they have been scrapping with other cats or eachother, and want to be either left alone, or are maybe sensitive in some areas. If they don't like being picked up suddenly, but didn't mind before, there may be something wrong so if that's true, take them to the vets. I'm sure that's not the case though. :)

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  • Wendell

    Yeah you have to kill it first

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  • Terence_the_viking

    If it is tiger uppercutting you, you need to tatsu maki senpu kyaku it.

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  • howaminotmyself

    My cats turned into lap sluts once they hit 6ish. They weren't like that when they were young. Now all they want is to hang out in my lap. I currently have a kitten who sometimes cuddles, but sometimes he curls up in my lap just to attack my hair.

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    • VioletTrees

      I've had similar experiences with cats. When cats are young, they're often too energetic to be lap cats. There are exceptions, of course, but for the most part, cats tend to mellow out as they get older.

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    • Lap sluts!! lol!!

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  • yeah you can train them if their not to old its best to tho when they are still young maybe 7weeks old or a year old but some old cats will learn

    if you pick them up every day and play with them
    and tell them no when they are acting bad and all that stuff they should listen to you cats aren't stubborn its people who don't like them that are. i trained all of my cats and they know the word no and i can pat on the bed and they'll jump right up like a dog would.

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    • Bubbles-for-life

      me too! but never say NO! like a harsh no when training because well dogs and cats dont know what they are doing wrong i love my cats and dogs

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      • i know not that harsh

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  • dirtybirdy

    Hmmm...I would conduct this experiment with a sphynx cat. Why? Why not!

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Yes. Mine lets me.

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    My cat likes being picked up...

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    They have to be trained as kittens. If they are used to it from birth then they like it. I can even touch my cat's tail and he doesn't scratch or bite me for that even though he has a tendency to do this when his whims aren't satisfied.

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  • theaverageatheist

    I have a cat, who was a completley feral when I found him in my back garden.
    At first he didn't let me even tuch him, but with a bit of patience he lerned that he likes it when I stroke him, then he got used to me picking him up ( even if at first he didn't like it) I lerned that if i hold him from underneath so his tummy is facing up (like you would hold a baby) He likes it, and I can stroke his belly.
    Now he has got used to me man-handeling him, I can even pick him up with one hand then hold him under my arm like a book and carry him around the house and he don't give a fuck.
    Mind you this has taken 7 years, they have to get used to you, i advise starting slow first just stroke him for a while then gently pick him up while you keep stroking him. don't try and pick him up all the time or he won't be looking forward to you petting him.

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  • IceEye22

    My can just likes to be held XD the thing is they don't like TOO much attintion.

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    I'm assuming you are talking about an adult cat. Yeah you can probably train it but you have to go really slow and let that cat be in control. Like pet it when it stands next to you, maybe it will sit next to you. Pet it when it sit next to you, maybe it will sit in your lap. And so on. This method of training is called "shaping" and it is effective with cats. Instead of trying to change the cat's behavior radically, you change its behavior in very small steps until you reach the target behavior.

    Make sure you are holding kitty correctly and you are picking her up correctly. Never pick up an adult cat by the scruff of its neck, it is painful for that cat and you can injure her. Learn how to lift her and hold her in a manner that is safe and comfortable for her, and make sure she feels confident that you aren't going to drop her.

    Don't pick up a pregnant cat unless you must do so for example to take her to the vet or to move her to a safe place. Pregnant cats will usually resist being picked up, and their instincts are probably right.

    Be warned though that some cats do not like to be held because it is painful for them. It could be a temporary condition like a UTI. Or it could be a life-long condition perhaps a consequence of having been spayed or having given birth to kittens. So if mister (or misses) kitty *really* doesn't want to be held, it could be that.

    Despite your best efforts you may never convince kitty to let you hold him. That doesn't mean he doesn't love you. Just pet him on his own terms, whether it's on the bed, the floor, or whatever.

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    • Thanks for your post! I've been doing basically what you suggested but it's like they're not caving in yet! I don't try to push it because I can see they're resistant.

      My cats are healthy, I know for sure because they go to the vets so that's not the issue. I got them when they were only 8 weeks old, they're brother and sister, and the lady I got them from had no kids or anything and I'm sure they weren't handled roughly so I guess it's just instinct or whatever. I was hoping I could make them cuddly! It's weird how cats just don't give a fuck!

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      • drugsrbadmkay

        They have their individual preferences too lol. I also have a brother & sister pair. The male really doesn't tolerate being held but the female occasionally will purr when I hold her.

        Like a lot of other people said here, cats do tend to become more cuddly as they get older like over 6 years old.

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  • Bubbles-for-life

    well when my cat when i give her food she nudges my arm and almost makes the food fall over shes not being mean she likes to cuddle shes 7 and me and my mom somtimes fall over cuz she keeps rubbing agensts our feet lol P.S. the older the cat is the more they like to cuddle.

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  • I'm not sure

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    Cats seem to be pretty stubborn (most of the time).

    Every time I try to pick up a cat, the cat seems a bit uneasy and doesn't enjoy it at all. However, I know certain breeds of cats have different temperaments so perhaps it depends on the breed of cat, and perhaps how the owner raises the cat.

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  • alv1592

    It depends on the cat. You can get them used to it, especially if you start cuddling with them when they're little. One of my cats has never liked being picked up, but I think it's because she had been handled roughly, and being held reminds her.

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  • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

    Yes, my cat didn't like being picked up or even stroked when she was a young kitten. For a few weeks I still picked her up though and each time she stayed there a bit longer. I gave her a LOT of love and interaction and she soon got used to it.
    Now, even if I just catch her eye she starts to purr. She follows me everywhere, sits on my knee all the time, sleeps with me and gives me lots of cat cuddles.

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  • Shrunk

    Yeah, when i first got my cat he hated being held, but I couldnt help my self being a little kid i wanted to carry him around like a stuffed animal all the time... now he is really old and actually purrs loudly when i hold him, and falls asleep in my arms sometimes... i guess it just takes time to earn their trust & they get used to it

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  • kr24

    Fuck cats.

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    • drugsrbadmkay

      I tried but the cat didn't like it and now my willy is all scratched up.

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    • Bubbles-for-life

      Fuk you....:N

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  • It all depends on where you got it from.-They have to get UESD TO YOU in the first place,no matter where you got it.How long did you have this cat in the first place,if it's been a LONG TIME,say about 6 mos or more-and ypu're the one whos feeding it/taking care ofit-and it wont come near you other wise-id say FUCK IT,GET RID OF IT!

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