Can a straight guy to have feelings for a mate?

I have this friend, we've been hanging out for years, but recently I've been feelin kinda weird around him, kinda like I normally would around a good lookin girl, and sometimes I feel like pressing against him or kissing him or sh*t like that, it's a hard to explain but it's freaking me out a LOT.

Aside from this, I've never really felt like that around any other guy, which is why it's so weird. I know I'm not gay cos I still fancy girls and all but I just wanna know if anyone else gets like this?

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Comments ( 81 )
  • loverdude

    most of these comments are just bullshit. Homophobic crap. canadian6969 is the only one I can see with any intelligence here.

    At your age it's just a case of felling a bit romantic towards your friend. And there is nothing wrong with that. Your hormones are all over the place and it's easy to get your feelings confused.

    I have a friend I have known for years. When we were kids we sleaped over each others place all the time. We saw each other naked all the time. But when we hit our teens I was so buzzed at getting pubes I wanted to share it with him so we had one of those. Show me yours and I'll show you mine moments.

    Sure I got hard and he wanted to feel it. I let him and we broke up laughing. Then we did a bit of holding each others dicks. Nothing wrong with that it felt good. One time we were mesuring our dicks and I had this overwhelming feeling to hug him. We were naked and laying on my bed. We wrested around and got hard we rubbed our bodies together. It felt good. I think I had a crush on him but it didn't stop us from going out with girls.

    I loved him and admitted it. We dated many girls together but ocationaly we got naked and held each other when he stayed over. It was our dirty secret. But it was not sexual as we never had sex or came together.

    We got older and started having sex with girls and we didn't do that anymore. My feelings for him never went away. He was my best friend closer than anyone else. I live with a girl now and he is married with a kid. I still hug him and sometimes we have even kissed.

    I feel like we shared something special growing up and he has admitted to me he wishes his son finds a friendship like we have. I asked him what if his son turned out to be gay and he said I don't care as long as he is happy.

    Love doesn't just happen between men and women. There are many kinds of love.

    The important thing is that you do love.

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    • NotANormie2012

      First, I am a bisexual female. I would recognize you as a bisexual or pansexual male. I agree with PooLTOY. There is nothing wrong with what you did with your friend, but you seem to be in denial about what it means. If you are a man, and turned on by/attracted to another man, by definition you are not straight.
      As far as the asker, I would assume you are also bisexual/pansexual. There is the possiblity that it could be a passing phase, assuming you are a teenager. But it might not be.

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    • blahuhblah

      Umm youre Bisexual. That whole teen thing was one of the gayest things Ive ever heard. And anything having to do with someone touching or rubbing your genitals is considered sexual, whether you have sex or cum. Not that there is anthing wrong with this, good for you guys. But you can not tell me that you are both not bi sexual, facts are facts. Even if that was the only guy you have ever felt that way about.

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  • almostnormal

    I went through a stage where i though i was bi, but i wasnt,
    although now im starting to have feelings for my friends... i know, it is a bit weird but us two flirt all the time, usually as a joke, but sometimes it makes me feel good... >< i know exactly what ur feeling

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  • kayramon

    I think it's perfectly normal. I don't know why it's always a double standard that it's normal between two females but never between two males. Sexuality isn't black and white, people.

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  • ttainted

    Ha. Funny. Because I think two guys kissing is one of the hottest things ever. I'm a chick, so maybe it's the same as guys finding two girls kissing. Although I find that pretty hot, too.

    I don't get why people freak out so much about bisexuality and homosexuality. It's such a normal thing, really, and I can (very much so) believe that most guys have been curious/thought about/dreamt about doing stuff with another guy. It's called human nature, people, subconcious slips through eventually.

    Once again, Kinsey Scale. A majority of the population is actually bisexual with either a preference for once sex over the other or they claim 'straight' and bury their 'abnormal' feelings. It's really not a big deal.

    Also, for the original poster:

    I think it's adorable. Don't let people say you're a freak, or that you're 'gay' for having these feelings. You're not. Bisexual like most of the population? Maybe, but you obviously prefer females. I wouldn't let anyone make up your mind for you, if there's a possibility your friend feels the same I'd let it grow from there. Chill, sit back, and let the tide take you where ever. If you jump ship too soon you may miss out on something great.

    Good luck to you!

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  • shortfingernails

    I'm going through exactly the same thing you are-- I''m like the straightest guy in the world and it's not like I like GUYS it's just that I have these feelings for this ONE GUY. And I still like girls-- so it's extremely f*cking confusing.

    There are three choices as far as I'm concerned-- ignore the feelings and hope they go away; keep the feelings and hide them from your friend; express them and hope he feels the same. As for your sexuality, I don't think it qualifies as making you bisexual or homosexual or even straight for that matter-- just an individualist. You develop feelings for someone based on their inner individuality. Most often it's a girl, but sometimes a guy might come along that has all the qualities about girls you like. Don't worry about it and just go with what you feel.

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    • creampieguy

      What an excellent comment. I have had the same man friend for twenty years. He and I share my wife. She loves it. We both treat her like a goddess. Watching the bi sex makes her so horny it takes two men to satisfy her. I've never benn with any other man. Before I met my wife I was with fifty women. This one man is just sooo special. Homaphobes go away.

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      • Junior213

        Yup that what my guy friend and I doing. We share girlfriend and make it threesome sex it amazing :)

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  • johndavies115

    I had a boner once and I let a gay guy suck me off. I had to tell him not to make any noise and i had to shut my eyes or I couldn't blow my load. It kinda sucked so I doubt I'd ever bother again.

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  • delitobandito

    what does it matter, if you feel love then all i can say is that love is blind, no matter age, race or sex.

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  • Malik

    If you're not sure, why not mess around with someone a bit? Have some fun. And if you are gay, it's not a problem, my sister's a lesbian and she's great.

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  • mymymymy

    everybody t some point in their life questions their sexuality. the whole point of being a teen is to experiment so why not

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  • alwaysquestioning

    Started skipping over comments when it turned into an argument...

    If you're attracted to the same sex, then you're bisexual. Nothing wrong with it. (disregard people who tell you otherwise) What is important, is to recognize that you have been attracted to at least one person of the same sex, even if you never acted upon it.

    And you may never have this feeling again, or you may have this feeling a lot more!

    For me, I had my first attraction to another woman at 18, and we sat down and talked about "will this ruin our awesome friendship if we go further and make it sexual...!" And this was in 1984. Yes, I'm older.

    I didn't have another attraction to a female until maybe 1992 or 1993...even in my own fantasies.

    But for you, realize that there are no rules to attraction, and of course we all know about gay-bashing and homophobia and all the other fear-based violent BS that exists in this world.

    Be true to yourself, and don't beat yourself up. About anything. Protect yourself, in all ways, emotional and physical, and know that this does not "label" you anything. You alone can decide where you fit into life's panorama of sexuality, and there's no rush. Good luck, brother.

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  • BrightEyes

    I think it's natural to think like that. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be even closer to an already close friend. Also, its common for boys to feel love for one another though they may be straight. Of course, few if any of them would ever admit it, it does happen.

    I wonder if your friend feels the same way.

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  • canadian6969

    Its normal, every guy has that exact same feeling for another guy at least one time in their life, if they say no they are lying. Either way he is probably just a really close friend to you and you love him in a friend way. That once in a lifetime feeling plus your friend love for him probably made this happen. You just said press against him and kiss that signals wanting to be closer, but not totally sexual. Dont worry, just go about your daily life and it should all pass. If it doesn't maybe by some chance you are denying you like him and you should really think about your sexuality

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    • jadbones

      listen, I am an open minded straight guy and I have never had feelings like that for a guy, I have some great guy friends that I am close to but, yeah never those feelings.

      I don't think gay or straight is an on/off switch, I see it as more of a scale from gay to straight, with no finite end. your proablly closer to the straight side of things but still gay compatable, really who gives a fuck? just let your feelings guide you, just be glad you have someone you have those feelings for.

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    • that goes out to you too. I have had and do have close friends who were and are like brothers to me and whom I love,and I have never had the desire to rub against them, kiss them on the mouth or hold their dicks. I think most straight guys would truthfully tell you the same thing.

      Don't project your own psychology on other people.

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      • blahuhblah


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    • you can't kiss a guy and have it not be sexual


      i think your gay

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      • canadian6969

        When you kiss your father, mother, daughter, or son is is sexual? NO so why a guy friend?

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        • blahuhblah

          Kissig AND press up against. Im pretty sure I dont and dont want to press up against my family members when I kiss them.

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        • i get a hard-on when i kiss anyone. that's why i only kiss women.

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        • WarLord

          I once punched my best friend in the nose for trying to kiss me. Kissing is gay, unless you're a girl kissing another girl. That's hot.

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          • canadian6969

            Then you are the class example of the moronic idiots that slow down the growth of the human species. Your ignorance towards something is the same as every other media driven ego stretched male out there. If you had formed your own opinion on it rather than spit out that refuse of text I might consider arguing your point rather than classifying it as waste.

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            • if warlord wants to "slow down the growth of the human species" then more power to him. You think the problem with the human world is that our population isn't growing fast enough?? lol

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            • WarLord

              An idiot am I? Alright, let me elaborate on my statement then. The majority of males are aroused by two women kissing and repulsed by two men kissing. This is not because of the influence of media, but rather the other way around i.e the media portrays what people want to see. In other words, media is the effect and not the cause.

              Your argument is based on flimsy logic anyway, as the exact same argument can be used for you. I can argue that you have been influenced by the media with all the homosexuality shown on TV and movies.

              Now let me get back to my lesbian porn.

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          • Anon009

            Thats sexist WarLord, why is it different for guys and gals?

            Look hunny, your not gay but could it be possible your a bi sexual? But just because your kind of attracted to your friend, it doesn't make you gay or bi sexual.

            Hun just go along with life, what happens is what happens.

            AML Shannonx

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          • That is just so unbelievably crass & stupid - god - what are you guys? The missing links?

            Poster: they are just feelings so don't get too upset about it.

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          • but that's also gay

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          • i agree

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          • rememberyourlimits

            I am going to go with what War Lord said. As for that being sexist, maybe but you have to admit two chicks kissing is hot. As for the comment, some one said about every guy has one gay thought, keep telling yourself that. That does make you gay, not a bad person, but gay. If you ask me, keep it to yourself if you value the guys friend ship, I had this friend who was a girl, knew each other our whole life. Lost contact with her for a few years, saw her again, and she was hot, but I would never risk our friendship over it. Sort of the same thing I suppose, the whole friendship, sex attraction thing.

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  • DreamInMetaphors

    ...Do yourself an enormous favor: DO NOT SELF-LABEL. People are attracted to others for myriads of reasons. The fact that this male friend alone provokes these thoughts leads me to believe that your feelings aren't "bi-curious" at all.

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  • isitnotmal

    No, you're not straight.

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  • hermione

    you sound bisexual

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  • Mr.Guy

    In my opinion, based on your feelings for this friend, I would say you ARE gay BUT these gay feelings may be ONLY for him.

    When I was coming out I sat down with my fraternity brothers at a bar and I told them that while I was away for the summer I discovered I was gay. After a few oohs and ahhs, and being asked if I like it up the bum and how does it feel, the 'president' of our chapter said out loud, "Hey, you never know who's going to sweep you off your feet. It may be a man, it may be a woman. What matters is if this person makes you happy. If this makes you happy then we as your brothers are happy for you."

    I'll never forget that moment ever!

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  • xXScYtHeXx

    You might be bisexual matey

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  • Dude ur so gay, come out already and stop being in denial.

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  • Sounds like someone fancy both male and female.
    Your bi silly be proud :P

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  • loudawwg

    Canada is so on point!

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    What's done is done. Why analyze it to this degree. Sexuality has many many facets. So, one encounter (you say no sex/no cuming) doesn't Necessarily represent your sexuality. Just a deep, untapped affection, which you guys ended.

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  • pookypoo

    You are bi or latent homosexual

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  • cubinsc

    That's not "straight" - being completely straight means you never have those kind of feelings for anyone of the same sex. You may be heterosexual-oriented but perhaps you're lonely or something and that's triggering your crush. If you're young it's normal for some people to want to experiment like that. Or you might just be bisexual. My suggestion is, don't go through with it unless you are absolutely sure about it.

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  • plur30

    Just because you like a guy doesn't mean you like every guy. Sometimes you just fall for a person, sex not important. I hope you can figure this out. There are much worse things than being bi sexual though. Men have been bi for thousands of years. It's in the bible! It's natural. Sex feels good and when you like someone you want to make them feel good too. DOn't let society scare you from fulfilling your needs. Good Luck!

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  • alwaysquestioning

    Sorry, if you're attracted to BOTH sexes, then you're bisexual...not enough coffee tonight. All apologies.

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  • BirdyMojo

    Okay, I honestly don't think you are homosexual. There are several articles that basically state if you have been friends with someone and are close, that sometimes you might even get that feeling. I remember when I was younger, I was having a sleepover with this girl, and I was minding my own business, and we were playing a card game, all of a sudden she leaned in to kiss me, of course I backed away... and she was like "I'm not a lesbian, I don't know what's going on with me?" We had been friends for about 2 years or so, and we were extremely close. So yes, it is normal for you to feel that way around him if you guys are close. Otherwise you could be. Who knows, I'm not in your shoes. :) Good luck.

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  • IveGotBallsOfSteal

    Bromance, bro. lol. When anyone is that close with another person, it just eventually carries some sort of romantic element. Pretty natural.

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  • LA_Woman

    Maybe your'e in love with him? Love leads to sexual desires.At least you have feelings.I think it's great when someone can express their feelings..and your body naturally reacts when you get turned on by's pretty basic.Just follow your instincts.

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  • coolperson23

    thats not normal ur not gay but bisexual.u got to accept it but thats just me

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  • PunkZombie

    Oh! Can I join? *Arm falls off*


    Anyway, maybe you're bisexual.

    But, you're probably a 1 or a 2. If you aren't a 0 you aren't straight, though a lot of people lie and at a 1 or 2 will say they're straight. (Which I dislike. It promotes ignorance.)

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  • MBasm

    U could be a closet homosexual...nothing wrong with it...if ur gay then ur gay..u gotta deal with ppl calling u gay and queer etc. oh well, congrats

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  • nothing2

    nope never

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  • sansimage

    that's BS, not every guy has that in their lifetime. But you can't really say that you're "Straight" now can you?

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  • XxgemdinxX

    Well, it is normal to get like that. A lot of people do. It could possibly be a phase that you're going through. A lot of people go through that. It's normal. And it usually goes away. It's cool to experiment with sexuality, so you know. But if you're straight and you're having feelings like that, could it possibly be that you're bisexual? I'm just asking. Do I think it's normal? Yes, I do.

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  • wierdo_yes

    um na i feel the same about girls sometimes

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  • gavinv

    I wouldn't say it is too strange. It's pretty normal for people to feel like they like another person regardless of their sex. It also may be admiration to him. I can honestly say I'd kiss (by the cheek) Michael J. Fox and hug him real hard. I also had the same feeling for a male friend once. I can also say that I'm completely straight. I'd have intercourse with women and will only have a romantic relationship with women. I'm no way bisexual. I don't like men the way I do with women. I like almost every women that looks cute and feel sexually attracted to them. For men, they are just men. Hang out and all and it just feels gross to think about kissing any guy on the street oppose to a girl.

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    • buriedalive

      tbh, I've been becoming a lot less attracted to girls recently and more to guys, and I don't know if it's because I'm thinkin about it so much or what, but I've met someone I like that I actually have a chance with, so it's all good now :) thank you for all the advice and stuff from everyone ^_^

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  • rwtf259

    sounds like your a very very slim bisexual. its ok but dont like force him or guilt trip him into doing stuff with you if he doesnt feel comfortable.

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  • pepper5

    you can be atracted to people of the same sex and not be gay.

    but the fact that you want to kiss him and rub up against him (whatever that means) sounds like you have other feelings for him.
    and maby your in denial or confuzed of your sexuality

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  • MermaidPrincess

    Sexuality isn't black and white, unfortunately. Just because you're attracted to girls and have always been doesn't mean you can't some day meet a guy and figure out you want to be more than friends. You aren't the first person to have turned out like this, and it's nothing bad or wrong. After this point some people "turn" and start hitting for the other side... as for others it's just a one time thing and the feelings never come back for another person... and so on a lot of things can happen. I would suggest you not beat yourself up about it and just go with the flow.

    If it would disturb you mentally in the future and you know it would, I suggest not acting on your feelings. It's esp. very difficult if your friend is a proclaimed straight guy. Acting on your feelings might scare him and destroy a good friendship. If you really can't be around him without having these thoughts, & you don't want to tell him how you feel, then I don't really see how the relationship can continue. It's up to you though. If you feel up to telling him, then you may, but look up stuff on the internet 1st and consider the consequences of the risks deeply beforehand.

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    • buriedalive

      i already did, and i didn't really think it through beforehand, and he just looked HORRIFIED and walked off without saying anythin. we haven't really talked since, but i'm kind of hopin if i don't mention it he'll forget, because i really miss him

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      • You're friendship with him might resume but it's probably over or will never be the same unless he is gay too. It might hurt you, but in the long run it'll be ok either way.

        BUT, you have to come to terms with the fact that you are gay and in love with another man. If you think about it, you should realize that you would probably marry this guy under the right circumstances.

        That's right. Your as gay as either one of the cowboys in broke back mountain or maybe as gay as both of them put together. The point is, you have to come to terms with your gayness. Good luck to you.

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      • digyourself

        I agree with PooLTOY. I think you're gay. Really gay. I'm also pretty sure that if deep down you weren't already half sure, you wouldn't have posted the story, I think that you just don't want to admit it to yourself.

        I'm gay myself, and I'm not going to lie to you, you might lose some of your more conservative friends over it, but it the long run it'll be harder if you just keep denying it.

        If you're really not sure, you should try experimenting with someone and see how you feel about it then, I'm sure you'll find someone willing to try something new with you

        I'm sorry about your friend, maybe in a while it won't be as awkward and you can be friends again.

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        • loverdude

          very silly of you to try and convince me of that.
          What are you trying to prove?
          I am in a very happy stable relationship. Just because I admitted to doing something when I was 13 years old does not mean it defines me now.

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          • digyourself

            I wasn't talking to you, idiot. I was talking to the poster.
            Hence the fact I replied to his comment.
            You shouldn't be so defensive.
            Makes it seem like you're hiding something :P

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  • buriedalive

    thanks for the advice and stuff, it helped lookin through it, the issue kinda half resolved itself now so, ahm, thanks!

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  • canadian6969


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  • izitblud

    maybe you're just too close

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  • sounds like you are bi sexual. if that's what you are, that's what you are.

    Now, the question is, should you act on your impulses? well, that's always a question to be answered with the phrase "it depends".

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  • theonethatsred

    OKK. dude. get a grip. you're developing a man-crush or sth.

    what you need is what they call a "Girlfriend"

    these awesome "Girlfriends" meet all kinds of needs. You'll find them to be time consuming as well. That will definitely bring you back on track.

    eventually.. you'll be chilling with your buddy.. beer.. talking abt hot girls.. and everythings gonna be just fine.

    btw... don't kiss the poor dude. its worse than backstabbing him.

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  • Blackk2390

    You're unknowingly bi-courius

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  • TheDude

    Yes sounds like your bi sexual if your sporting wood for your guy friends.

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  • Fuhad

    Stop all contact with this friend until you sort your self out, or else you could loose a good mate.

    You could be mistaking genuine affection for a good friend for sexual desires.

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  • 2 women can kiss each other and its normal not sexual a man and a woman can kiss and its normal and not sexual but if a man wants to kiss another man in 99.99999999999%% of the cases your arse is the next stop

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    • I got news for you Mr. I am a gay and my dick has NEVER been in anyones ass, male or female. I want their COCKS not their arses! I think only a man can suck another man because only a man knows what it feels like to have his cock sucked. It therefore stands to reason, he'll employ the tactics that work best for him. It therefor follows he'll make a better job of it than a woman!
      I SUCK COCKS because it is the sexiest thing you can do for another guy and I love the pleasure it gives them!

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      • Eladnelg

        That is the fu cking definton of TMI.

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        • lol, nearly is the king of tmi.

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  • Psycho_Mantis

    im with warlord, i got thrown out of a straight club the other day cos i told the fags next to me to stop kissing and fuck off outside, apparently i aint allowed to say that,
    bollocks i dont like it, so why should i be subjected to it, if ya wana be a fag do it away from me. and i aint got a prob.
    i dont force them to watch me get with girls, they choose to go to a straight club in the same way i choose not to go to gay bars.

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