Can animals see ghosts?

Okay so the backstory behind this every morning I sit in this front room with my dog while i just chill on my phone. The was the room is set up is a couch and beside the couch there is the door to the rest of the house and a huge window above the couch that shows inside to a living room. I sit with my back to the door while my dog sits opposite. I notice every once and a while he'll perk his ears up and just stare behind me but once I turn around, nothing is there. He sometimes even whines while he does causing me to freak out even more... so, can animals see ghosts.

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Based on 19 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • e51pegasi

    Ask Scooby Doo, he's seen a few.

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  • Holzman_67

    I just asked my dog and he nodded.
    I think that's the closest you'll get to an answer

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    No one can answer your question, because it's impossible to know for sure.

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  • fakeaccount2

    No, but they smell in 3D possibly 4d , basically just more sensitive. No such thing as "ghosts", that's just fake shit people made up for things theyre too lazy to understand.

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    • ImJustDone

      But 4D smell is totally a real thing...

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      • fakeaccount2

        If you think "ghosts" are real then how is there no 4th (more like 5th) dimension (meaning - level of perception)?

        Like the other comment said I'm just using the terms loosely, as long as were going to use equally bullshit words like "ghost". Actually time is the 4th dimension so it would be more like "5D", but that implies they can "smell" (sense) time inclusive (which they kind of can - internal clock).

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      • nikkiclaire

        Yes it is.

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        • ImJustDone

          Please find me an academic paper on the subject. I would love to learn more about this "4D smell"

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          • nikkiclaire

            This isn't an academic paper but it will give you keywords and ideas to begin your own research.


            Dogs are amazing.

            Don't get caught up on the term 4D as it applies to dimensional physics.

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            • ImJustDone

              I just don't understand how a smell could be 4D or even 3D. It can only detect what particles are being inhaled at that moment which limits it to "observing" only whats directly in front of it. Even when particles drift over long distances they have no way to know from where the particles came. They may be able to make educated guesses, but I can't imagine it would be very accurate. We are able to see in 2D(and to a limited extent 3D) because of the clear directional nature of photons, but aromatic particles have no such directionality. I do agree that dogs have an excellent sense of smell, so maybe that's all you meant, but after a google search and skimming your article I can't find any evidence of this "4D smell" phenomena.

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    • nikkiclaire

      It's not just more sensitive, it's that they are thought to be able to differentiate individual components of a scent. This is why a dog may eat it's own feces. It can smell the different things it's composed of.

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      • fakeaccount2

        lmfao good to know i guess

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  • Issacelerx

    I read the title as: Can Criminals see Ghosts.

    But I'm sure animals can.

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  • randypete

    Our dog see dead cats and it freaks him out

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  • Ummitsme

    I wonder if dogs see ghosts of people or other dogs that have passed. Do animals have gosts too? All i know is i'd be scared shitless if a spirit veloceraptor was creepin through my house in the middle of the night.

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  • RoseIsabella

    If people can see ghosts then so can dogs and cats.

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    • sab3ros

      not true my friend dog,cat,donkey,Male chicken (Male chicken)cry when he see an angel at the morning

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  • S12207

    I've had some questionable moments with my dog that had me wondering the same thing.

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  • nikkiclaire

    Dogs have incredible hearing. Most likely is a rodent of some kind or a heating vent clicking.

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