Can be nice but usually a bitch. why?
What is wrong with this person? she is over-friendly and can switch into a bitch for no reason! she's 64 ..maybe she's not getting enough cock, if any.. or she's bipolar or a BPD person or ?
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What is wrong with this person? she is over-friendly and can switch into a bitch for no reason! she's 64 ..maybe she's not getting enough cock, if any.. or she's bipolar or a BPD person or ?
She could have some sort of a mood disorder, or just not be very good at controlling her emotions. I had a bipolar friend who was like this, and would get mad at the drop of a hat over nothing.
I was going to say bipolar. I have an aunt who switches her personalities every few months. I cut her off permanently. I could not mentally stand it, when she wanted to be my best friend for a few months and then tell me I wasn't welcome in her home. I told her to never call me again.