Can cashiers refuse small coins and $100 bills? is that normal?

Ok, so me personally, I usually just consider all coins and bills as legal tender, unless they are counterfeit. But say you’re my cashier, and I tried either paying for something that was 1.50 with a $100 bill? Or tried paying for something that was 2 dollars with 200 Pennies? Can you legally or legitimately tell me: “That is way too many coins to be paying for something. I’m not going to count all those at the end of the day. Sorry about your luck.” ??

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Comments ( 16 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    No because you're a private company and you can refuse sales if you dont have change.

    Ive seen videos of dudes paying for $300+ dollar fines to the government with pennies and they have to accept it and count it. I think the government has to accept legal tender regardless of if its in pennies or not.

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    • LloydAsher

      Does this mean if you had a federal note demoting an amount of gold and silver would the feds have to pay in the metal or the net worth of the metal at the time?

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        I have no idea with that one

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  • LloydAsher

    Kinda a dick move to pay for small things with 100$ bill's.

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    • Lusty-Argonian

      Thats when I give then change in 1$bills. My boss was so pissed. I was happy

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      • LloydAsher

        Hey if I need to get singles for a strip club I'll pay with a 100$ to yea

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  • olderdude-xx

    Stores are not required to have unlimited change, and can refuse to accept payments that are beyond a normal change value (or within it if they don't have change).

    Large payments with pennies can be banned as well in private stores if there is a policy against nuisance payments.

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  • ibrokemyds

    In the UK stores regularly refuse to take £50 notes because of how often they’re counterfeited. As long as they’re not discriminating on legally protected grounds they can refuse whoever they want, even if it seems unreasonable. It’s the same reason why a bakery could refuse to make me, a lesbian, a cake even if i view that as stupid.

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    • Lusty-Argonian

      Your username is heartbreaking

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Whether or not they refuse depends on the stores policy.

    At the Target I work at we couldn't let customers pay for a small item with a hundred dollar bill because a lot of them would try and scam us and say we didn't give them enough change back(about twenty bucks). I had a few customers like this. They'd really try and sell it by screaming and making a scene when I wouldn't budge. (I was not about to get in hot water with my managers for being short in my register.) The second management would say they'll check the cameras, the customer would immediately drop the act and leave. These ghetto karens kind of ruined it for everyone else.

    As for the second scenario, that one is generally considered inconsiderate. I remember when customers were paying in pennies for large purchases, they'd hold up the line and get harassed by other customers. Even after we'd open up other lines to accommodate everyone, they'd still be pissed off at the person paying in pennies and wouldn't stop letting them know.

    I guess in the end, it's all denied to avoid trouble.

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    • wigz

      Target is gross. I feel filthy the 3 times I've been there.

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  • litelander8

    I live in the ghetto and even corporate companies refuse $100 bills.

    I think it’s up to the company for real.

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  • darefu

    In the USA, if you're a leftist, black, brown, female or lgbt+, they better accept it, or somebody is going to end up suing the business. Only if you are a white male can they refuse without worrying.

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    • profanity


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  • HannibleSmith

    yes most businesses have the right to refuse service for any reason as long as its not discriminatory

    they wont take $100 bills because they are a common counterfeit

    and they wont take pennies because no-one is counting 200 pennies and the revenue lost in a line of even 4 people is a loss to the business you can get around that by using Pennie rolls

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  • libertybell

    Did you watch Seinfeld last night?

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