Can crystal meth make a straight person bisexual?

Not that it's at all okay to do meth or normal.
But I did smoke crystal meth and continued using it every other few weekends and would be up for like 3 or 4 days for about 6 months in my life a few years ago. After about 6 months of this I had a bisexual experience and I am ashamed of it.. I have always known myself to be straight.. Now I'm confused about what happened but I still consider myself straight because I'd never want to be with a dude, but I had this experience out of the blue.. while high after a few days being up I somehow ended up at some gay guys house.. my female friend left me there and I was too f**ked up to leave. The meth made me feel hornier than I'd ever been before in my life exponentially to infinity. I don't know what got in to me but I put on some internet porn.. it wasn't long after that I started jerking off and I didn't care that the gay guy was there and watching me. I couldn't stop jerking off for like 12 hours.. the guy blew me. Whats worse is I went back there and did the same thing like 6 more times. I'm so ashamed.. I was 28 when this happened. I've never had gay/bi feelings b4, I'm not attracted to men at all, but on speed it was a whole different thing.. I must have liked it or I wouldn't have gone back there 6 times. I would never have done this sober. I don't even know what to think of myself now. I have since cleaned up, I don't mess with that stuff.. a few years have passed. I'm horrified still. I don't think I could ever admit that to anyone in person. I'm afraid of how this will affect my future relationships.. I don't think I could ever be honest about that to a women - she'd dump me on the spot! In fact my last girlfriend 'had a feeling' I played with dudes (And IDK WTF cus I don't act gay and don't think that way) but of course I couldn't tell her the truth about what had happend! F**K! And she dumped me. I guess I have more than one questions here.. I know I need to see a counselor but I don't have the money. I am in deep emotional pain about this years later. I'm so ashamed and horrified with myself.. Other than that 6 months in my life I've always been a good outstanding person, but now I can't seem to get past this horrible experience. Any comments advice would be appreciated, but please don't insult me I've been through enough already.

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Comments ( 66 )
  • pookypoo

    Get the fuck over it. Im sick of you stupid people making such a big deal out of your gay experiences. Its nauseating. You need to wake up and realise that the only reason you are ashamed or even care is because youve been brainwashed by your fearful ,homophobic, narrowminded ,dysfunctional church and community.
    Homosexuality/bisexuality has existed as long as humans have. It obviously wasnt labelled as 'Gay' but nevertheless it has existed alongside heterosexuality. Its not new and its not shameful. Its natural. The only thing shameful is the way heterosexuals think its normal and acceptable to discriminate and persecute any person who doesnt conform to their own view.
    Stop listening to the bleeting nonces of this world and educate yourself. Education will liberate your mind and stop you from being controlled by others.
    Read the Kinsey report for the truth about the human sexuality spectrum. Look to the animal kingdom to see just how natural diversity in sexuality really is.

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    • dckent

      First off, take it easy on ppl, a gay/bi experience on an otherwise straight person, can be both alarming AND a traumatic experience. Please try to be more sensitive of their experiences; that is the purpose of this forum./ (and just because you might be a certain way, the averag ejoe may not be.

      Secondly, get off your knowledge high horse and start reading more, (it appears you need to) and by more I mean more than just material that agrees with your humanistic, and sadly undefined views. (and more than just sucking dick all day...) If you compile ALL the information, analyze it and put together you will have a broader perspective of our true reality and thus be able to make a more "educated" conclusion for yoourself. Read from everything (that includes the HOLY scriptures too BTW might do you some good anyways) unbiasedly and make a conception that way. Otherwise you only a piece of a larger picture. That is why your reply seems cold and even void of definitve statments. You are not defining anything for anyone, just reprojection the same open-ended general view of things. This you just can't do when it comes to the very serious and sensitive topic of human sexuality. Starting off with comparing humans to the animal kingdom, uhhh, did you actually think about that one before you used that as ammunition against a vulnerable and obviously more guarded, straight thinking individual. Give your head a shake! WE ARE NOT NOR SHOULD BE COMPARED TO ANIMALS!!! If you view yourself as likened to an animal, then you better cut down on the bathhouses, ya beast!

      (WAIT for it...)

      is NOT natural!!! It is genuinely non-natural as it does not promote GOD-Realization, like pregnancy and childbirth If you have multiple partners or use drugs to "fag-out" then you are definitly NOT natural. In fact you are believing a lie AND PROJECTING THE SAME LIE ONTO OTHERS. Stop comparing yourself to animals, you were structured to form a living, thinking, human person. You can reason between right and wrong. Look into yourself and you maybe even resolve to analyze your

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      • lennydb

        Jeeeez you guys.. Everything is natural.. C'mon.. It is natural to be drawn to things humans label as "unnatural".. Plastic is even natural, it just takes longer to decompose. If we fuck up the earth do you really think mother earth is heartbroken? No, she's just gonna start her own juice-detox and flood us all out, and start over. Or self-destruct, but that's just the galaxy detoxing. Shit really doesn't matter except that people don't know how to make themselves happy, so they start making other people unhappy.

        On this topic, I agree with pookypoo. The guy feeling ashamed is where he starts to make his own life miserable. But maybe this is just his process, and he might find that if he lets go of his narrow minded thought structures, his beliefs about homosexuality, he might be able to have a gay experience when he is sober. And then, he can find out with an open mind, that he was straight all along. Now all that is happening is his fear chasing him. Face it damn it! If you can. This post was the first step. Good for him.

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        • lennydb

          Oh I just saw this was years ago.. I wonder how he is now.

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  • stillcurious

    Take it easy on yourself. I went down on a guy when I was fucked up before. I'm sure alot of guys have. I'd never do it sober. My wife was there when I did it. We were both shocked the next day but we moved on. You should see the stuff Ecstasy will make you do.

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    • jay12

      I joind this site few hours ago looked at the whole discussion and I related to the whole thng but I t was allways fantasy and toys wit wife like I replied an explained hour later I did lil bit of my meth I just do bump shots so it lasts well I got on a ad site casual encounters answer guy n wifes post jo to porn and take pics of them and a new guy wit them like me I hangout in there room wit a huge bed in it they invited. Me to join. In. Wit them I said thanx but I can be wit a man not gay as I talked. Bout this site and I'm not ever going that far wit it I showd off a lil bit and said ill prove that shit did most wat I had not like me I'm freakd out let's just say to much? Yes my eyes crossing. I finger. Her. Alls I know is jerking hubby rich wow I been sucking the mans dick for don't Know. Longtime and had anal sex I just. Got home I'm not sure how I feel I'm num not a story a. Shocked man here.

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  • Mando

    I think you should be a whole lot more concerned about your drug habits and a whole lot less concerned about the knob-gobbling.

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  • funfinder707

    Yes it's perfectly normal. It removes many inhibitions, and allows you to be sexually free and able to experience a side of life you have been programmed to think is wrong. It won't make u gay but if you had subconsciously suppressed a sexual attraction based on societies perception of it, then u will be more willing and open to explore them when using meth. If u truly aren't into the same sex, animals, or any other type of sexual variation, then u still won't be.

    That being said, prolonged and continual use of speed could have effects on the users ability to make morally wise decisions, and I advise against it. It also makes most users comfortable with who they are, if they weren't before.

    I smoke about 1/4 ounce per month and suffer no I'll effects. I go to bed every night, get up for, and go to work each morning, having not missed a day in over a decade. I do know people who are unable to do as I do, but they have addictive qualities to begin with.

    You should not use meth, period. It can kill u, destroy your life, and those around you. But if you do, be careful.

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    • kittycat_16

      Wow, Ii couldn't have said it better myself. I too have been using for decades. I am a woman but never desired to be with another woman. I function as "normal" as the next, sleep, work. But I smoke dope.

      I came here to see what might be said about guys in prison and why they would smoke if it made them horny being there's only men around so what's the point. My question was answered. OMG!

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    • curios4info

      I was reading this post and the comments and had a look of shock/sarcasm/offense at the same time until I read your comment. It was a relief to know that there was somebody providing actually relevant and helpful information. The writer of this post will receive no compassion from me on either side of the fence. It is disgusting to see what words you have used to describe something that many people find normal and natural. Regardless of your "horrible experience" - the way you wrote is not called for. I am a gay guy and an attractive one at that and I can tell you that many of not most straight men I meet hit on me. That is not an effect of meth, it is a reaction of attraction. You remind me of those men. Be lucky that you actually found a guy nice enough to try you out. I personally stay away from guys like you for this exact reason. I am sorry if I offend you but you really have upset me enough to want to make an account for the purpose of commenting (which I rarely do) . How about you ask yourself clearly and honestly (listening not just hearing) - are you gay? Once you have this answer you need to work on your foul language on an internet forum where billions of people will read, feel, etc. I have many straight friends and I am totally accepting of this, even if it isn't natural to me. If you answer straight, then go to the warehouse, buy some cement and harden the fu** up. Ps "the most disgusting thing to ever be placed into humanity" phrase you used is as disgusting as your personality is. Open up, live, love, appreciate - there is too much variety in almost everything we have on earth, why seclude yourself. Yes you disgust me now, but I am hoping this may at least help you understand how a gay guy reading such a post would feel.

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    • Puffin4+10yrs

      Hey funfinder 707, I relate wit your comment best. It was your last paragraph that earnt my respect! Mate, can i ask how you got off the pipe? As a hard working, middle age father, I find it very hard to get thru the week without a pipe.. depending on the cash flow, ill pick up either 2 or an 3.5 each Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday. Recently i discovered that ice has taking over my life, i need pipes just to get me outta bed and be normal.. i don't feel the buzz no more, it just keeps awake, now and then depending on how good the rocks are, i get to that cocky stage lol but most of all it gives me the energy to work & gets me thur the day. I want to be like you, & hang my pipes up for GOOD! I spoke to my local GP about my problem, waste of time that was. How did u get clean?

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  • alvarez99

    The first time i did meth, a few hours into the trip I suddenly became mentally consumed by visions of cocks. It was an all-consuming visceral obsession. When sober, the thought of a penis is pretty gross to me....I feel no attraction to it. But when high, I just want to be showered down upon by multitudes of dicks. It's not even the man himself, that is attractive. I just need the dick. Now, I don't care what this classifies me as, but the point is that meth can seriously supercharge a otherwise straight man's desire for cock.

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    • drc255

      i thought i was the only person who who expirienced this i could not have put that better it is like some kind develish cock spirit enters you i also expierience an almost dangeoruss compulsion to want to be outside with the breeze against my supercharged meth speed induced sensitive skin i however consider myself straight it really makes you feel sexually raw i now no longer take speed meth as a result

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    • Yosamitysam

      Exactly the same with me. Dunno why, I'm not gay and it grosses me out but sometimes after smoking meth this gay thing happens to me. Visualizing cock. When I'm normal I would never go near a cock

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      • ButtNutz

        yeah some one needs to do a study on this cause that's one way I was able to tell if the meth was good. After the first hit and I wanted to be around dicks and knew it was good shit. When the high was gone the desire would leave.

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      • jay12

        I can't get over this everything. Said on this is exactly. What's been happening to me yes its definitely. Meth giving me desire to have fantasy of having. A cock when I strtd injecting meth I want to have taboo sex for me bending over for wife wit assbeads at frst then month"""",,s later went to have second. Threesome wit her male friend I did my shot it was to big of one almost fellout she had meon all fours wit a huge. Dubblheader going Crazy hard in front of dude. I loved. It now I'm testing. Da waters. Came close to geting real thing but I'm afaird ill cry my eyes out next day.

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    • Shade843

      It definitely does it to me too. Im high right now and its all thats on my mind. If im not on this stuff i have interest in guys.....but as soon as im high....its over

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    • Cumdumpster74

      I was raised to be straight. I was raised to be Christian. I thought for myself, and am now a meth addicted, Satanist, with enormously extreme desires for cocks, cum, and humiliation with pies and pudding and more...I fantasize about having hot girls make me up 100% like a slutty girl, shaving, lotion, perfume, make-up, things, strings, miniskirts, blouses, bras, fishnets, high heels, I would love breast implants that would be gigantic, and so later...I cant escape the embarrassment of everyone looking at my 36dd tits bouncing all over anywhere I went!!! I want laser hair removal my eyebrows done, the whole nine...and then to be subjected to being taken out in public to the most popular, largest, bathhouse or bar; full of naked, horny, men with throbbing erect cocks!!! Once there, the girls would introduce me as Strawberry Gloryhole, The Cum Depot, Cumdumpster, Slutty Girl, Elizabeth, Jezebel, Lilith, Sara, Nancy, whatever. And, then I would be placed in a sea of hot, sexy cock, and be taken turns on all night long until every guy had dumped his load in me, on me, in me, all over me!!!
      How many guys would it take to fill me up??!?!?!?!?!!!!! How many guys will it take to make me overflow??!!!???!!!
      I want to try having a large funnel inserted in my shaved, bitch-ass and then have an eight ball mixed with water slowly poured in the funnel!!! Then, 300+ men, jack off in the funnel!!! I dream of having this recorded on video, having the hot girls there taking pics and posting them online, laughing and eating and enjoying watching me get fucked and filled from both ends while they cheer me on...afterwards my mouth and ass are given inflatable buttplugs which are then filled until taught. The hot females take me to a public park, sit me on a bench, tie me to it, and proceed to give me a pie sandwich, and then fifty more!!!! Pour cold, clammy, pudding over my head, take pictures, laugh at the mess, and then leave me there for the simple idea that I am then fucked, completely fucked!!! Humiliated!!! And, I'm full to the top, with all that hot, sexy, sperm!!!!! I love meth, and cock, and cum, and I'm so embarrassed and ashamed of myself for sharing this with you on the internet that Im about to cum in my panties!!! What a slut I am...

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      • Shade843

        I get the exact same high noe

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  • Truth1987

    Keep doing meth dont listen to anyone who tells you not to. I know of other people this has happened to. If there was a choice between a really hot girl or actually a fat girl and the guy would you have still choose the guy? If yes then maybe thats gay but meth makes you horny and you just want sensation. Totally normal maybe try getting high around hot girls. Get them high too and then you both will want to fuck especially if its a girl you feel is way out of your league if she was high enough if she wasnt that into you she might fuck you or at least let you eat her out.

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    • ialooking

      I read then reread your post. I know of guys who, like you, did meth then had sex with guy(s). The drug probably enhanced you sexxxually, & once you were hard you didn't care who or how you got off, so long as you got off. Thank God your clean now. As far as your last girlfriend, either someone told her or she needed a reason to break up. Don't beat yourself up over this. It happened, your clean now.

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  • g514

    It's fine dude. You were fucked up. I've been in the exact same situation but did even more, and that was with another straight dude (who was also high). It's the meth's doing, not you.

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  • yupithappenstothebest

    So I'm seeing comments from people that have never done it. For me I am straight, but I have had some drug induced (meth)sex. But mine started with an ex girlfriend and we both were high and one night we were feeling so horny that we were watching porn and she said she was going to put a new VHS that she bought and really wanted me to just be open, I wasn't sure what she meant I was just stroking my cock and all of a sudden the movie came on with 2 guys and a girl being bisexual with each other, I had to admit I was turned on. She came next to me and started massaging her pussy and playing with my balls. After awhile she leaned over and said she would love to see me with another guy so while we were high as hell I said I'll try it for you and she immediately called one of her bi friends that gets high with us on occasion I had known he was and every time I had been high with him I would jack off in front of him and he would beg me to suck it and I was always wanting to but when I would come down I was glad I didn't. But on this occasion for her I would go with it. When he arrived we did another bump together and for the next 12 or so hours I fucked him and he fucked me and we did a lot of gay things and my gf was right in the middle of all of it enjoying 2 men fucking each other and fucking her in both of her holes at the same time. Now when I'm not high the discussion never came back up during sex. But when ever I got high I'd go for more cock and balls. I don't put my sex life in a category when I'm high I just do what I think feels good. So ppl that never been on meth don't know the sexual urges. Hell it would make the pope suck his bishops cock. I only do it recreational and 22 years later if I'm high I'll gag myself on a cock and get with one of my several bi friends and let them pile drive me and I'll pile drive them. So yup its normal

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  • smgb2014y

    I'd say so. I've experienced it too. Straight all my life, I get on meth and suddenly I'm desperatley hot to service muscular hunks with fat cocks. I fantasize constantly about pleasuring men with my mouth and letting them fuck my virgin ass like a pussy. I sober up again, zero desires for men.

    I know I'm not repressing this while sober, because I LOVE it! It's so thrilling and taboo and it's like a whole new world of sex to explore. I wish I could get hot for dudes all the time, and have been trying to 'train' myself. But, so far only meth will bring it out and this is why I use it about monthly.

    Each month I go on a little binge and become gay for a week. Not bi, not curious, but desparately gay for masculine dudes. I want to maintain my "normal" straight life, but secretly become a gay bottom slot for 1 week out of the month. Each month I take one step further towards my fantasy.

    I'm reading about how to deepthroat online and practicing on anything remotely shaped like a cock. I'm using sex toys on my butt and I found that I LOVE the feel of something way up inside me. I discovered that I have not one, but two rings of muscles down there, and I love to feel something thick stretching both out while I grip and milk it. I'm doing a heavy workout to tone my cheeks even more, and strengthening my internal fuck muscles with squeezing exercises. I'm using lightening cream and shaving my hole smooth. It's so hot, better than a girls pussy.

    I've started to chat with men online and share pictures of my sexy butt wearing a g-string, and also of my fuck hole with my cheeks spread. Tons of men are messaging me and telling me my butt is cute/sexy and it makes me so hot! I've started to think of my hole as 'my pussy', or 'my fuck hole'! Right now I'm pretty much 'shopping' for the hottest bod and package I can get. Once I find it, I'm going to take a real good dose and go wild on my man.

    I hope to find a regular, secret 'boyfriend' to pleasure around home. I travel a lot for business, though, and I really like the thought of slutting around with new men while I'm away, having a hot boyfriend in every town.

    I hope that once I've taken the plunge, I can have these feelings without meth! But, I'll always keep doing meth anyway, because I love the doors it's opened for me and it makes my pussy so horny and sensitive.

    When I'm not up to that, I'll continue the life of a 'normal', masculine straight guy that nobody would suspect.

    I don't care if this is normal, abnormal, gay, bi, or whatever. It's just me and I LOVE it.

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  • familyguy63

    That shit has made me do lots of perverted things! I've felt up little girls,been fucked by men and even fucked my own mom once! GET OFF THAT SHIT!!

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  • Fun~Sexy~Cool~Dude

    so extremely horny and sometimes it can make u hard and be able to have sex forever. Then there's times, for my-self anyway, , that if someone bumps into me, I feel like I wanna cum right them.. Its strong..

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  • OsamaBinMarijuladen

    Theres a big difference between getting blown and blowing a guy..... your all good mate. a mouth is a mouth

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  • ihopeyoudie

    yes drugs can alter your perception and you can convince yourself and condition yourself that whatever happend with the altered perception is to be your new outlook and way of life. but ultimately if you want to be bi , be bi. if you want to be straight be straight.

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  • prvtpaul

    The drugs are messing with your perception of reality. Meth is changing you. STOP!

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  • BloodRedAndTrue

    hey man you got head, thats not too gay. however it is a man.atleast you didnt spread your ass for anyone.

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  • crispycreamy

    Meth doesn't make you fucking queer?

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  • Paul

    Don't worry man. Just accept it as an amazingly extraordinary experience. It has made you wiser and better.

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  • DocLuvin

    When I’m Spun out, like I’m right now! I immediately want cock by looking to chat or webcam with a parTy ParTner. More into TransWomen, CD and Sissy Bois. But gay cockworks !!

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  • CumDumpsterFoetusgrubber

    I use meth and for a long time have attempted to decieve myself and others about my sexual desires. I was brought up that gay is bad and fucked up! In reality, I think about sucking cocks and drinking cum all the time!!! In fact, I think that a bunch of women masturbating and squirting their pleasure sauce all over me and down my throat would be so awesome!!! The higher I get, the more I want sex...cocks, and cum!!! I would love to be the center of attention in a huge creampie gangbang!!! And I dont think Im wrong for hungering for such things...

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  • Texlam62

    I smoked meth about 4 Mo,andi watch shemale porn, and it makes me want to suck a cock, a gay friend of my gf must of KNOW how I was feeling cause he called ,said hey you want to get high, I said yes.i knew he was up to something. She was in another town SUNDAY, he showed up and running we got high, I went to bathroom and when I came back there was a gay video on. I sat and couldn't look away,and my cock got hard, in a sec we were 69ing

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  • angelonyc

    I'm gay, was trying to be straight till 23.. then just faced the fact.. I've met bisexuals, who have come out at varying ages, 20s - 60's.. There are 'straight guys' who will only have gay sex with one male, for 20 - 30 years.. There are straight guys who consider themselves tops cause they are the top active.. There are other straight guys who 'date trannny hookers on the DL.. but identify as straight..

    Yes, drugs, alchohol, will lower your inhibitions, to do something you wouldn't otherwise.. I've known some extreme psychically violent homophobes, who later became the biggest bottoms.. I know bi guys who range from 1% - 99%... and even the boundaries will change with time, stress, life situations..

    Luckily, I stopped deluding myself at 23, and made it clear who I was and what I liked.. Most people had no problem.. A few straight guys, told me they admired me, they didn't have the balls to even try it.. Hey I still occasionally fantisize with women, only been with two.. The younger generation now, is become even more free form about it.. Back in Roman days, and at various times through history, homo, bi, straight sexuality was not as defined, and not a big deal..

    I most certainly advocate being open about your sexuality, and not stringing or using people. When I came out in 70's) it was harder.. Todays 20 year olds, don't seem to have much issue with 'switch-hitting.

    I would never force myself on a questioning bi - guy.. I've stayed away from them.. I don't want to be someone's experiment.. And I've seen first hand how crazy and violent some w woman can get when you screw with their 'dick' supply.. I think some most people settie into their sexuality by mid late 30's.. and their do seem to be some who have no problem switching..

    I think it takes time and courage to face feelings which are not the ' public norm'.. For a lot of my life.. I had to take drugs to have gay sex, because of the Catholic upbringing.. I had certain fetishes, (leather,).. master-slave. On the wise advice of my bisexual sex buddy of 20 years.. I explored and grew out of those fetishes.. (although I don't have any issues with people who want to role play or use toys.) as long as it's consenting, and no one is getting hurt..

    Life is so much more about what you do in the dark.. I lived in NYC, and it was very 'GAY' themed, and you had to be political.. l I went out west to a gay bar in the 80's, in Texas. And I quite enjoyed it.. It was 'Brokeback Mountain'.. It was really hard to discern you were in a gay bar. everyone acted straight.. And I feel most comfortable in that surrounding. I don't want my sexuality getting in the way of interactions with people on a business or social level. Although some people specifically do that and get far..

    But if some gays want to 'flame', so what. I used to really avoid them, they made me very uncomfortable.. Finally I realized I didn't want to bee associating with them, cause people would assume I was a 'fag'.. There are 'Straight' guys who flame.. We equate certain looks, mannerisms with sexuality.. My lover was tall, ultra - masculine, and built like a professional boxer.. He slept with men, sometimes women, sometimes both together.. He just loved life and sexuality... Many gay guys I met later, never even thought he was gay..

    My cousin married a sweet guy, who had meant health issues, He had that multiple personality, "Sybil" syndrome.. They split up after 20 years, and my cousin finally told me his mental condition.. One of his personalities was gay, and when he was in that personality would always come up and talk about his situation.. Not knowing he had multiple personalities.. I was somewhat stuck.. I loved his wife, my cousin very much.

    But I also realized his mental health and stability of their relationship, was more I'mportant.. I told him to gradually explore it.. and decide and come out to his wife, one way or the other.. The other personalities, were drug addicts, and aclchoholics.. I knew of several gay guys, who got married, lived on the DL, pretending to be straight, driving off to larger cities, and picking up hustlers, tea rooms, etc..

    I think above all you need to be honest, especially when we go into late 80's, and AIDS became such an issue..

    I had a Puerto Rican Friend very involved with PWAC - people with Aids co-alition.. He was a very street oriented Puerto Rican, but with a college degree.. He started going to Prisons and talking and held seminars for Black woman who caught AIDS from their DL boyfriends and husbands.. They had no where to turn.. The Black Church was not ready to take that issue on yet.. So they lived in total denial.

    Seeking to the truth and knowledge is the key.. a few gay experience especially if high, don't make you gay..

    I feel blessed to be older and not have so much testosterone in my body now.. I am no longer 'driven' to get sex.. I think a lot of woman, do not understand what a powerful drug 'testosterone' is.. I eventually learned and defined the wall between, love and lust..

    One other aside.. Woman always have their breasts, and are on display to some degree.

    A means' cock changes size, is not apparent at some points.. There was a gay guy at my gym, who 'pumped' his genitals. so he had a softball sized package in his tighty whiteys.

    It was the straight guys who looked at it most.. I thought it was disgusting..but I always got a kick out of who would stop him in the locker room and sneak glances.. I would assume some guys have a curiosity about another man's build.. Some will allow themselves to think about it or even act on it, others cannot cross that moral barrier. That's OK too.

    As long as it's safe, and no one is getting hurt, and you're not deceiving someone.. The unfortunate side of drugs, is it often makes one forgo, the 'playing safe' part.

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  • Coreycumwhore

    Man I love getting high and playing around with a few big hard cocks and having them cum on me .

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  • buzzybimaybe

    think that it does make you bisexual the reason I think that is because I am bisexual no because of it when I was sober I never ever wanted to do anything with a man

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    • Johneric

      A good blast and I instantly want cock,wife is all good with it .

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      • dirtycocklover

        Me too I've just had a blast and now I'm online looking for cocks to suck

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        • Shade843

          I have the same urge.....I'm high as hell

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  • ttt208

    I always thought I was straight and me and my best friend used to love to chace bitches around. We'`ve always done drugs but when we started slamming meth together shit got hot. We both figured out that we liked to do big blasts. And fuck almost instantly were naked together in my bedroom cocks hard. Shit went from their. We are both pretty good looking and he turned me on long story short that was all over a year ago. Now when we are horny a big blast of meth and I can bet Im going to have his cock in my hole pretty fucking quick. The sex is so fucking awesome, we don't give a fuck. Do 50 cents and let a hung dude fuck your ass, if you say you dont like it your lieing.

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  • mmss

    Same here. I have homosexual tendencies when I smoke ice. When I sobered up the attraction goes away. It's nice to see that I'm not alone in this. Maybe we are taking ourselves a little too seriously. it's really not that big of a deal. The meth on the other hand is a big deal.

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  • Cjtop_city

    Check it out guys. For all intensive purposes, im a straight guy in my middle 20s with a wife and two children. Im very spiritual though not exactly religous. Ive developed my own understanding of life and the tendancies of the universe. One such belief is that life is short, its purpose is to experience and to learn lessons nearly too deep to be preached (or fully understood by the audience if it were). Life is extremely personal and the experience, though comparable, is entirely individualistic. Morals, values and ethics are instilled and help to personalize your experience here on earth; in no way is anybody ever right or wrong in their beliefs, for each life is their own and far too complexly different from anothers to even b compared.

    I do not believe that recreational drug use, in self-controlled moderation is unhealthy. I believe that everyone has individual likes, therefor, individualized reward methods. I completed every goal i had this week and it was very stressful. That is why Friday i enjoyed some amazing rips off the ol meth bong and aint slept yet. Tomorrows sunday, time to crash and get back to real life.

    As well, i believe sexuality to b subjective to every man and womans genes, childhood/life experiences and personality. My story is too long to publish here. And my reality is that there is beauty to behold in a mans solid, strong and masculine physique; a potential equal and oposite to a womans softness and the undeniable beauty in her graceful methods and gentle femanine curves. Both exist without much bias in my conscious perception and the world must be twice as beautiful for it.

    I find it hard to believe that a die-hard straight guy cant find the attractiveness in his gender. After all, im more likely to feel profound jealousy and distaste for a good looking guy engaged in intimate(not necessarily sexual, if u dont know the difference) conversation with my wife than if he were generally unattractive. Do straight guys see the difference in an àttractive man and a plain looking guy? I d

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  • shootermcgavin69

    Either you're bi or your not! Having said that, I'm 100% straight but I could come up with 1000s of scenarios in which I would be more than ecstatic to be participating in any manner of male on male sex. My wife is my fetish and I would pass through hell and back to see her in action. If I knew that my wife would have to do what ever I wished as long as I did it first, you'd think I was trying to set a world record for being F'd by men. I can't imagine a number of men that I would think was too many to see passing her around. If this bothers you, you think it's SOOO wrong or you just can't comprehend it I say look at your own relationship first. I've been with my wife for 18 years and my desire for her is stronger now than it was when we were first in love. SEX IS SEX, LOVE IS LOVE but most importantly LUST IS LUST and without LUST where's the fun?

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  • Outsider21

    It doesn't sound like you went too far down that path. It isn't like you started taking it up the rear or anything. Still though, getting head from a guy isn't what your into normally and if it weren't for the meth you probably wouldn't be doing that. Get off the meth, that's the most important thing. I wouldn't spend to much time questioning your orientation over this, because what you did wasn't completely gay and it was all drug induced anyways. If your continuing to have drug problems I encourage you to seek help

    (855) 445-9234- A confidential drug abuse hotline

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  • Realfor069

    In my opinion yes meth can make you have a bisexual experience if your straight. I'm a straight male that loves women & pussy, when it comes to having sex with a woman I am dominate to the max. I started smoking meth about 3 years ago & I have had several bi NSA interactions. I never thought it could happen nor did I go looking, but it all started when I was watching porn alone, I love ass so I was watching women with phat asses shake & dance, all of a sudden i saw an ass that was phenomenal & I sat & watched the video all the way thru, by the time it was over I was jacking off & really into it, all of a sudden the person turned around & I saw dick & balls. Shortly after that I got curious & started watching bubble butt guys getting their assholes licked. Their facial expression was that of PURE pleasure & I wanted to try it, so I did. To make along story short I started finding guys on Craigslist that did what I was looking for so it happened one night & it was so taboo, nasty & freaky it loved it & I had the best orgasm ever. Basically it opened the door for me to started sucking dick, eating, licking & tongue fucking any juicy bubble butt guy that I could, I eventually was asked if I would let this guy fuck me & I said yes, we were smoking meth & I agreed. I don't see myself as gay & I sure as hell don't classify myself as Heterosexual or homosexual, I am hedonist & I love pleasure whether from man or woman.

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  • curiouswife

    My husband has been on and off meth for 15 yrs he is 32 now.These past two months he has done it everyday.As we speak he is in bed with withdrawls,He had to leave work it was so bad. At his old job he could do it at work without drug tests, but he quit to take a better pay job so he used synthetic piss to start the job and now wants to get clean because he will be going in another plant..I was searching the net for how long meth withdrawls last and just started reading things I was curious about.Not sure if Im gonna like the answers I get...When me and my husband started to date we both did roll pills,that was the best sex ever,I dont care what anyone says about it.We have a very good sex life and we have been together for 13 yrs with 4 kids..On the nights when I was suppose to be mad at him for getting fucked up I would be in bed horny as hell waiting on him to come to bed because I knew he had got high and he was about to fuck the shit out of me.On nights I would get fucked up with him we would send our kids to my moms cause we knew we were gonna be getting freaky. Being a married couple who use to stay in clubs together before our kids came along. Sorry I have not got to the point,I felt I needed to vent and I cant talk about this shit to anyone else. When he is fucked up he likes me to play with his asshole,but here lately on this two month binge it is getting kinda(I dunno)...I have licked his asshole,used toys on it,fingered it,but last time we had sex I was on my back and he was on top of me but he was turned around with his ass towards me ,anyways good position accept i had two fingers in his ass so pretty much he was fucking me while riding my fingers..In some ways it really turns me on,we even came together,But I cant help but think in my head that he likes dick.He is always with his guy friends who also stay fucked up.Should I be concerned that he likes dick or just accept that I can please his weird fetishes .. Again sorry for all this, trust me I could vent a lot more.

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  • Fun~Sexy~Cool~Dude

    There are situations when I used when my inhibitions were gone and had flirted and i

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  • michaels4p5

    yes if he or she needs more meth hmm whats the best way i can score more meth i know i will sale some ass out on the street then i'll have my fix. now did that sound right or wrong of what a meth user would do for a rock of meth.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    No I do not think it can make you bisexual. However some people have committed gay acts to earn money for things like meth. If you just got high and decided to have sex with someone of the same sex maybe you are gay/bi. Stop denying it. Not like a lot of people care that much this day and age.

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  • Thinwhiteduke

    Meth removes inhibitions thereby putting you in a mood where your comfortable enough to explore your sexuality. When I'm sober I'm totally straight but when I'm on meth all I wanna do is get naked and jack off. Lately I've really been enjoying porn videos of guys just jacking off. It actually turns me on even more when I think to myself, Dude your super turned on right now watching this guy play with his cock. I'm pretty happy with where I'm at with my sexuality. I think it'd be way hot if with next chicken is felt comfortable enough to tell her how I've explored my sexuality.

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  • jgp4889

    Want to clarify the desire for threesomes with a guy and girl and general bi behavior is only when I was high on meth

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  • jgp4889

    This also happens with me. I haven't used in years thank God. I wanted to pose a question to other men this happens to. I was sexually abused by an older boy when i was in elementary school. And I heard that the brain remembers the abuse and when older seeks that same kind of sexuality or situation that happened. I figured thats why i got into the whole bi thing. Did any homosexual sexual situation happen to you when you were young?

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    • Cjtop_city

      Yessir. I attribute my all-inclusive attraction toward either gender to the period of childhood where i was molested, rather regularly in foster care by a young man twice my age and size. I know a couple of guys with similar experiences who have admitted their varying sexuality and one tells me hes is certain that it could b traced to the event. I am too and since his admission and yours, my lifelong theory is reinforced with evidence. Fuck the sickos that did it, but i dont believe that the 'why' should hold much focus. Wasnt our choice was it? Thanks for posting this.

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  • TylerInTacoma

    I have had gay fantasies before, even sober. When I do Meth however, I really want to have a man fuck me. That's the only reason why I ever really do Meth. I get a small amount, smoke it and wish I had a gay man next to me. I feel too shy to act on this, but I want to. I gave a man head once when I was buzzed on beer, I acted like I was reluctant to do it but I wanted it. I am decent looking and in good shape. How can I deal with this? I am afraid of Craigslist ads. I have heard of assaults and robberies.

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  • luicyyou

    Thats so fucking funny cause I said it made people bisexual weird...just one of the crazy effects of meth

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  • dragon999

    I hate to break it to you, but being extremely homophobic may be related to having suppressed feelings for the same sex. I found guys who identify as straight yet are very comfortable around gay men are often the straightest ones.
    It's hard to fake being authentic and comfortable for an extended period of time.

    I feel its somewhat disconcerting being this happened several years ago. Yet you still have very intense feelings about it.
    I think you owe it to yourself to explore why that may be. In the overall scheme of things this is pretty insignificant.
    Your looking for outside validation, from a forum. Which for the most part is superficial, having no insight or perspective other than what you are writing.

    Experience would tell me, there's more going on than you care to admit or acknowledge. Hence the internal conflict. That combined with the homophobia. Considering several years have passed.

    A couple things you need to realize:

    - Take some responsibility.
    - No one really cares. Besides you!
    - You decide what you identify as no one else does!
    - It does not make you gay. Nor does it really mean your bi.
    - It simply means what it is. You let a guy perform oral sex on you when you were high!
    - You cant change the past.
    - People make mistakes do things they never imagined they would. That's part of life and learning.
    - You decide the importance and impact this will have on you and your life. No one else.

    What happened is not uncommon. A good example is what happens to some men in some prison for extended periods of time. A good percentage would not have done it outside of prison.

    Another example is people who are fucked up and have unsafe sex only to find out their HIV positive later. Most would not have done it sober. They have to live with that for the rest of their lives.

    Your definitely making a mole hill into a mountain. Better use of your time would be either to forgive yourself, educate yourself or explore why that is.

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  • shuffles101

    From my experience meth can turn a lot of us into sexually obsessive creatures. I believe though that drugs only magnify our traits or bring our subconscious out to play rather than actually create them.
    The gay/bisexual thing sparked my interest as one of my huge conspiracies while I was using meth was that a lot of people were hiding their true sexuality. Even though I am now clean I still have this paranoia that the men around me are secretly attracted to other men. These guys have all been on the drug too! Some in prison as well so maybe that doesn't help. Sometimes it really worries me. Meth has long term affect.
    Choose wisely
    Oh, but this is the least of my problems haha

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  • funfinder707

    Doesn't make u bi, but it breaks down your inhibitions about many things. It allows you to be sexually free and I'm a better person for it. If you do it, maintain control. If you can't, then don't. But don't sweat it either way. Ur normal. I do trannies when I smoke crystal.

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  • stella1

    I'm the first woman on this site to talk about my experiences with my STRAIGHT boyfriend over a period of time wherein he used Crystal Meth excessively. Not only has he always been straight but he was extremely homophobic. He has been a major drug addict for yrs now. He's 57 yrs old, and only recently started to experiment w/homosexuality. I have got to believe it's the meth that caused this. When he's not high - he acts ashammed, embarrassed and very passive because of his behavior. He doesn't know that I'm aware of his bisexuality, however, he first started approaching that subject with me during fantasy/sex talk. He often proposed we bring a morphadite (haha! Your read that right) into our bed with us! Instead of that turning me on, it repulsed me and I told him this. He just wanted to talk about "another man" (albeit a transgender person) joining us for a threesome. Then - one day, I found posts my bf was making online on porn sites, seeking a same sex, bi curious person. Eventually, my bf wanted a lot of anal fondling performed upon himself by me and that's when I put my foot down w/him. It totally creeped me out!

    This was a major turn off to me. Imagine being a woman and your guy's always been a loving, straight partner then suddenly - something like this pops up. It really freaked me out and made me lose my desire for him; something I'd had for decades. It was a sad experience and like a small "death" for me to experience; this "loss" of my bf's sexuality. I have no doubt that the meth usage is what caused this and brought it upon him. Unfortunately - after breaking up with him - his descent into madness and homosexuality became even worse and more apparent. Please note: I'm not putting down homosexuality. Many women I know are into it and derive pleasure from being with another woman. Also, several of my best male friends are gay. But I imagine if this situation were reversed, and two gay lovers were involved in a relationship and one day - one of those two people started wanting only straight sex, that would be equally as horrific, confusing and upsetting.

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    • curios4info

      I am a gay guy and I totally feel you! I have heaps of straight girlfriends and the issue with boys they have is they always hit on me, sometimes blatantly. This is not me being arrogant at all; my friends and I totally agree on this and they do not get upset at me. Just re-assuring you that I agree that it is not acceptable and I am one of the few gay guys out there who will turn down any bi, curios or straight guy. Rest assured if I am ever in town, I would not try to take your man! :) If I have to admit it, anyone can.

      The only thing I can say is that I disagree that meth changes your sexuality, it helps them realise what they really want but have been suppressing as fear of judgement. It is inevitable that 'gay' straight guys will end up accepting themselves now or in the future some time. I would consider yourself lucky that you have a chance to meet a nice straight guy. This is what I personally believe.

      I am not at all offended, I suppose everyone has an opinion (and the right to one) and you will agree or disagree but I wish you all the best. Have a good one and good luck girl.


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  • Psychosocial

    Meth is bad stuff. I was on it for 10yrs solid, smoking at least .5 grams of "ice" a day. Makes ya horny in strange ways. Stop using if ya can't maintain!

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  • mastersupreme

    I find this very interesting. I been dating a guy for almost 2 years and i never knew he really did the stuff till the past 6 months. Now we moved to a different location and he dosent have his hook anymore, and i noticed alot of changes in him... really makes me wonder how naive I have been since the beggining. Were gay but i honestly think his use made him that way, and its very strange... still figuring things out though...

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  • getbent

    I've wondered this many times myself as a man who has experienced this same basic phenomenon. I am an occasional binge user of meth for, let's say, the last 8 or so years. I probably go on two to three week meth fiestas maybe two or three times a year. I am basically a completely straight guy in every aspect, masculine oriented & very much attracted to women. However, when I get to using meth, it seems like my sexual chemistry is instantly rewired, & I begin an obsessive pattern of fantasizing about performing homosexual acts & usually end up spending hours at a time looking at hardcore gay porn & posting ads on gay & bisexual personals(explicit pics included). I've never actually hooked up with another guy, but push the envelope a little further each time & wouldn't put it past myself to go through with it at some point in the near future. The thing is, once I'm done with my little crystal run, any gay curiosities I may have entertained totally fade away & the urge to be with another dude sexually disappears completely. I bet any scientific study of this subject would absolutely link meth to some hormonal effect that pushes some guys in that direction when they're high on the stuff.

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  • reymantic1977

    I;m been doing meth for nearly 12 years now and it has not made me desire men. But I would say that it has impacted my autonomic nervous system in a detrimental way in which it has made my movements seem "gay like" from others who do not know me. As a result, it has made me more homophobic and made me question whether I was gay and I didn't even know it. I was fortunate enough to understand human sexuality and the psychology and history of western civilization. I've read Focult's "History of Sexuality" when I was in college and understood how the Victorian Era socially programmed to feel this sense of "homophobia" and being ostracized by society.In effect,all people have a degree of gay tendencies, it's perfectly natural, and some have it more than others. Some are impacted by their environment via child abuse or other factors that make them lean more towards finding intimacy towards the same sex, but each case is different. There are people who are fearful of how they are perceived by their peers that they are fake and try to keep a persona that is sterotypical of their gender. Also many people are misinformed about sexuality, that it's absolutely inane. But a lot of this socially programmed and to believe that crystal meth impacts ones choices in sexuality, is something I personally have not believed to be true.

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