Can dreams hurt you irl?

I have super realistic dreams. Meaning, i don't know they are dreams sometimes until i wake up. The feeling is different from when i am awake but at that moment is not that noticeable.
Sometimes i get hurt in my dreams and, while i am sleeping it does hurt. Like for example, one time i got shot on the back. It hurt in my dream but i woke up and the feeling was still lingering in my flesh, but not painful.

Today i had a dream in which i was being persecuted by some dude and he shot two arrows to the back of my knees, making me unable to walk and bend my legs.
When i woke up, my legs hurt. Like genuinely hurt at the back of my knees. And i couldn't bend them for at least 3 minuts, just like as if the arrows were still there. It has been like 15 minuts and they still feel sore.

Is it normal to feel pain from your dreams???

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Comments ( 11 )
  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Lol that's not what happened. What happened is you had that dream BECAUSE your knees were hurting. You may have been in an odd position or may have pulled a muscle and because you felt the pain in real life, your dream formed around that pain

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  • isitnormal_1

    I feel sensations in my dreams! Good ones too :) dreams are amazing, you should look into this

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    I had a tooth I broke a while go. One night, after having some drinks, had a dream that I got into a fight, and was hit in the face with something. In the dream I spit out some teeth. I guess I was grinding my teeth, when I woke up the rest of the tooth was loose, in pain, and bleeding. I ended up just pulling it myself. I believe it works like Sanara commented.

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  • Tinybird

    Sometimes this thing happens in my dreams where I can't stop myself but it's like I'm using my teeth to like push against my other teeth and it really hurts but I can't stop from doing it and it makes me think my teeth will fall out. But in the morning it never hurts. I would like to stop dreaming of that though

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  • Sanara

    I think if your body is in pain when you are sleeping, your dreams will implement that somehow, not the other way around.

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    • My dad told me that too but, i wasn't in a weird posture or anything like that. I was just laying on my back, staring at the ceiling. It was a really normal/relaxed position but i couldn't move my legs.
      It was very weird.

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      • Sanara

        Maybe you have leg cramps

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  • Very interesting.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I got shot in my dream and I remember it hurt very badly. When I woke up that part of my body was sore. I get the feeling no one believes me when I say this but it has happened. More than once actually.

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  • Somenormie

    Depends on the dream.

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  • Dreams are fascinating.
    I've definietely had similar things happen before.
    Not sure how it makes any sense. Could just be the brain creating a pain response to a very realistic dream out of confusion.

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