Can i become an illegal immigrant for all the benefits?
Can I cross the border legally, then toss my passport and pretend I can't speak English, come in with the hoard of illegal trash? Will they find me out? I want free money.
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Can I cross the border legally, then toss my passport and pretend I can't speak English, come in with the hoard of illegal trash? Will they find me out? I want free money.
Yup. In fact you can be a poor hungry immigrant traveling from...War torn France? And you'll be portrayed as being a poor immigrant escaping war.
If anyone decides, "hey, maybe we shouldn't have tax payers fund this?" Well they're just racists, apparently. xD
Should I smear some shit in my face first so they don't mistaken me for a Frenchman?
Enit, it's ridiculous. They put them up in hotels and everything. Ironically, the bleeding hearts (Whose lifestyle these people detest) defend their actions.