Can i send a heart emoji to a girl if she sent one first?
I know this sounds stupid as shit but I have general anxiety and its been kind of eating me up. So I met a girl yesterday while I was out and things were pretty chill. We later shared a taxi home and she texted me saying something like "It was nice seeing you, get home safe :)"and i was like "oh thanks, was nice meeting you too" which all seems like normal friend behaviour, but then she send a heart. Now I know some girls just spam the heart to be quirky and shit but I didn't know her for long enough to know if she's that kind of person. I didn't want to leave her on seen, and I felt rude So I just sent a heart back.
Is this normal? Do you think I might have come off weird by sending a heart back? Like I know girls send it to friends but guys tend to never send it, so I'm scared I came off too strong. Did I just fuck up? what is the normal way to respond to a heart? I'm sorry if this is stupid but I'm getting a lot of anxiety because i'm generally shit at social stuff.