Can i send a heart emoji to a girl if she sent one first?

I know this sounds stupid as shit but I have general anxiety and its been kind of eating me up. So I met a girl yesterday while I was out and things were pretty chill. We later shared a taxi home and she texted me saying something like "It was nice seeing you, get home safe :)"and i was like "oh thanks, was nice meeting you too" which all seems like normal friend behaviour, but then she send a heart. Now I know some girls just spam the heart to be quirky and shit but I didn't know her for long enough to know if she's that kind of person. I didn't want to leave her on seen, and I felt rude So I just sent a heart back.

Is this normal? Do you think I might have come off weird by sending a heart back? Like I know girls send it to friends but guys tend to never send it, so I'm scared I came off too strong. Did I just fuck up? what is the normal way to respond to a heart? I'm sorry if this is stupid but I'm getting a lot of anxiety because i'm generally shit at social stuff.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Did you want to send this girl a heart emoji? I don't think you should send anyone a heart emoji just to be polite, because they happened to send you one. I do think if you meet someone you like and want to pursue that person that you need to go into the experiences with the understanding that the person just might turn out to be someone who likes you too, but of course there's also the distinct possibility that the person might not be interested. I think you ought to mentally prepare yourself for possible rejection as well as possible acceptance. Either way it's okay, and I don't think you ought to judge yourself too harshly.

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  • ratfuccker2

    mate its been 2 weeks i need an update

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    • lmao forgot about this post. We actually went out a couple times after that but she told me she's not ready for a committed relationship or anything. oh well.

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  • NickNickNick

    Perfectly normal, and if she gets weirded out or avoids you, then thats on her. I used to have the same type of feelings then I realized that they are just normal humans like me, and that the anxiety just slows me down and makes me feel and act stupid.

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  • radar

    Don't worry about it.

    -a girl

    But this overthinking every detail will fuck things up for you, and between you.

    -a person with GAD

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  • SwickDinging

    I'm too old to be aware of proper emoji etiquette, but as a general rule, if a girl does or says something cute or flirty like this, it's fine to reciprocate.

    If she's just sent you a heart emoji then it would seem very silly for her to think it was weird for you to send one back.

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  • thepuppet

    nah that should be fine

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  • litelander8


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    • Pretty much in the title. Met a girl last night and she sends me a heart emoji and I sent her back and I just realised that might come off weird since girls send hearts casually while guys only leave it for their gfs.

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      • litelander8


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  • DeletThis

    You've thought much deeper into it than I have, and now you have me wondering. Is a dude sending a heart weird?? In this case I would've just thought you're kind, and confident enough to not care about convention. Also, I wouldn't have sent a heart to a guy in the first place unless I liked him (and if I didn't get one back I'd assume the feeling isn't mutual). But, you guys sound a lot younger than me so idk the standard procedures.

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  • Schizotravestie

    personally I will not have answered anything.

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