Can polar opposites in a relationship last?

Let's say they have very little in common. Music taste, movie taste, food taste, opinions on politics are opposite ends, etc but they get on incredibly well and have fun together even though politics cause a huge clash so they have to avoid political talk

Yes 12
No 4
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Comments ( 8 )
  • SwickDinging

    Most of the stuff you've listed here is very superficial. I think even the politics thing isn't nearly as big of a deal as some people make out, unless one or both of you happen to be very closed minded. My husband and I have never voted for the same political party in the whole time we've known each other and it's never caused any problems.

    The important things are sense of humour, sexual attraction, long term goals, and mutual respect. That sort of thing.

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    With what you mentioned, yes.

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  • Inkmaster

    They can, but only if their differences compliment each other.

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  • It can work but it's always easier if you agree on things.
    Certain things you have to agree on I think such as what your morals are and what you want out of life. But when it comes to interests, music, movies, food you don't have to. As long as you respect each others likes and get excited for each other. Like if your partners favorite band released a new album and they're really excited, that you don't put them down about it. That's more important.

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  • Sanara

    If you have different morals, either you both need to just agree to disagree (if it's not too upsetting to either of you, then you can debate it, but dont expect to actually change their opinion) or you actually shouldn't be with each other. Morals isn't something you should feel you have to compromise where it matters.

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  • Sanara

    As long as you actually manage to enjoy time together, and you can agree to disagree on what you don't agree on I think there is hope. I picture having at least one shared interest would be really important for bonding, but maybe not always. And different political or religious views absolutely will be a deal breaker if they are constantly trying to change yours, while with a more tolerant people it may not be. One thing I think you absolutely shouldn't disagree on is whether to have kids or not (in that case just leave so both can get it as they want in that area)

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Works for me and my wife. Shes always been totally straight edge with no drugs, very well spoken and put together, the perfect mother that puts her kids before anything, goes to church, reads kids stories before bed and then when kids are asleep is sad and misses them.Then I'm the complete opposite. Was always in trouble, did drugs, likes to party and gets into fights.We have been best friends since we were kids then dated in highschool and still married at 31. Idk how it works but it does. We have absolutely 0 in common.

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  • KholatKhult

    I think if you’re getting with someone you share zero morals or opinions with, you’re probably settling.
    And it’s pretty contradictory to begin with

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