Can vivid dreams can really predict the future?
I've read that vivid dreams can actually predict the future. But, I have trouble believing that. Last night, I had a very vivid dream about moving back to the UK (I lived there back in 1998-2002), and it felt so real that I was surprised that I woke up back in my bed here in the U.S. It's hard to explain, but like during the first several seconds of leaving the dream and half feeling myself back in my bed, I still felt like I had to convince myself that I didn't just go back to the U.K. But anyway, my point is is that I've read that dreams can really predict the future, and that the dream I had really meant that I'll really be moving back to the U.K. soon. Do any of you actually believe that dreams can predict the future? Because I've had a couple of not so good dreams not too long ago which I hope is not a prediction of the future, one being my Dad passing away, and the other being me getting in a horrible car wreck and breaking several ribs. I sure as hell hope that those weren't dreams predicting the future. Anyway, what do you all think?