Can you be weaker than yourself?

I do things that I'm really good at while other time I'm barely holding my own. Like for example sports; sometimes I'm really good at it, I do things that few people around me can do and things that I didn't even know I was capable of. And some other time in the exact same area, I can barely do the minimum while not being especially tired.

Does it happens to you in some areas too? Or am I the only one being this inconsistent? Am I normal?

Voting Results
75% Normal
Based on 16 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Since none of you seem to have understand the question, I'll try to be clearer;
    It's like one day you're good at boxing, and the other day you totally suck.

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    • Shiki

      Every artist knows the day you begin a drawing and you got so fcking inspired. Next day you need to erase the first line you draw for 20 times and be stuck in your little horizon of no inspiration...

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    • iEatZombies_

      I do that with art. Unlike writer's block where I have no inspiration, sometimes I get this anxiety that makes me put too much control into what I'm doing and I just screw it up. Other times I'm in a good mental spot and things come out how I wanted them to.

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      • Thank you. You're the only one that gets it.
        Ok thanks

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    Some sports there is more luck to than others. Powerlifting like I do, is not very luck based.

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  • cupcake_wants

    Yeah, I have been very talented at some things, like I was able to learn Spanish in high school with no background in it and became an interpreter, even in courts. However I'm so dumb with technology. I can't even figure out how to use an iPhone! I SUCK!

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    • This has NOTHING to do with the question...

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  • WeirdGuyFr0mTheSouth

    Yes, I was good at boxing in highschool but terrible at wrestling. I got rag dolled like a bitch on the mat. For some reason boxing was funner for me and I had success quicker with less work.

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    • You didn't get the question.
      It's about the same thing, not 2 different things.

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    • KholatKhult

      Complete opposite for me lol, I could never get the footwork down for boxing. I can throw one good punch, if that misses then I’m off balance and fucked

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  • ellnell

    Yeah that's normal I think, at least if you're going by luck.
    If you practice a certain sport often and with the intention to get really good at it then your skill will probably be pretty consistent after a while. If you only practice a certain sport sporadically just for fun without any intention to get really good at it then it's normal to have times when you're really good at it and other times when you're not.

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