Can you breathe a tiny bit underwater without help?

As a child I learned that I could 'breathe' underwater a teensy-tiny bit. Is it normal to do this?

I did it by pushing a miniscule amount of air our of my lungs and into my nose, and then quickly breathing it back in again before the air bubbled out of my nose into the water.

It's like a kind of 'recycling' I guess. You couldn't do it for longer than a few extra seconds more than your usual breath-holding time. Did anyone else learn to do this as a kid?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Rocketrain

    Pretty cool to make own ways of things but this is bit odd because, you're saying, you breathe in your exhales before it leaves the nose, as I understood. Which is not oxygen anymore but carbon dioxide which is as far as I know biologically impossible for a human.
    Unless you have some other physical capabilities to extract oxygen from water.

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    Any unused air could have just been used normally. Any used air is, well, used. Your body cannot independently recycle air so as for you reuse used air. You're simply playing with either used air or unused air you could have more easily used normally.

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    • Good point.
      I have heard that the body does not fully use all of the oxygen in every breath. So, theoretically I could have 'recycled' it. But let's face it, it would only have lasted one or two more breaths, and those breaths were absolutely minuscule.

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  • LloydAsher

    Closest you could get is using electorisis to extract the oxygen from water by breaking the h2O into hydrogen and oxygen.

    You are a mammal designed to breathe air that's mostly nitrogen with around 21% oxygen at sea level. No amount to training will get you to breathe water even a tiny bit. You can train yourself how to pump extra oxygen into your blood so you can go under water for extended periods of time. Average for free divers is 10 mintues. World record is 24 mintues.

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    • What I mean is that the air never left my body. I just blew the air into my nose, then rapidly sucked it back in just before it escaped.

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  • greekfish

    I just used a snorkel

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Record a video of it

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