Can you guesstimate how many calories this is?

Grilled chicken panini (tomato, lettuce, mozzarella, mayonnaise)

One mango

Two bowls of Cheerios with barely any milk

That's what I ate yesterday. I'm trying to lose weight but I gained a half a pound since yesterday 😑

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Comments ( 6 )
  • techpc

    Don't measure your weight one day to the next and think it's 100% accurate. You should average each daily weight over the week, because there are many factors that make day-to-day comparisons inaccurate.

    Hell, when I was losing weight, I didn't weight myself consistently at all.

    What if you eat a late dinner? Some of that food might still be processing in the morning, making you weight a bit more.

    What if you eat a lot of sodium one day, and your body retains more water? You will weight a bit more.

    What if you didn't drink the night before, and wake up dehyrated? You will weight a bit less!

    I used the MyFitnessPal app to lose 50 lbs over about 8 months last year. Counting calories and doing some vigorous exercise twice a week did it for me.

    Just don't be too hard on yourself if you go over your calorie budget on some days. Just make sure to get back on track, and try your best to eat healthy foods in general. And, remember to exercise!

    The food you had that day sounds like maybe 1600 calories. That's pretty low, even for someone trying to lose weight. I suggest using the app, so you don't have to guess so much!

    About 1 lb a week is on the higher end for healthy, sustainable weight loss. I was eating maybe 2100 calories a day when I was counting calories religiously.

    Also, something important about counting calories in general. Companies are allowed up to a 20% discrepancy on their nutrition label when it comes to calories, so NOBODY(!) can 100% accurately track.

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    • KholatKhult

      All of what you said is great techpc
      But what they ate is no where near 1600, probably less than 1000 - which is not sustainable, and highly lacking in nutrition.

      OP ; gaining muscle will help you to lose fat passively. Muscle burns calories even at rest. If you’re worried about “bulking up” I guarantee you don’t have to worry about that, nobody accidentally gets buff
      Hitting your macros is very important, empty calories won’t do anything for you, and eating that little will only jack your metabolism and have you gain all that weight back the second you go back to a “normal” diet, as well as leave you too drained to properly exercise

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    What you're doing honestly sounds fine. Just dont get discouraged. Keep up eating like this and you will lose weight. If you do alot of walking ontop of that it will speed it up.

    Me personally I would cut out the cereal and try not to eat much bread. Cereal is just full of carbs which your body processes just the same as sugar. I wont eat cereal even if im not dieting. Bread is the same way. When im losing weight ai try to cut the carbs down and when i do finally eat I eat mostly meat and veggies. If you cut the carbs really low you dont have to watch your fat intake as much. I like to do the keto diet when I lose weight I see faster results. It makes the intermittent fasting easier because my body is running on ketones and not carbs. That way I dont have the blood sugar drops that makes it painful and hard to eat less.

    If you switch to a keto diet you could go a whole day without eating and it wont even bother you! Once you go into ketosis your body doesnt have issues regulating bloodsugar the same way.

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  • Anonnet

    Hard to guess without knowing how big the "bowl" is, how big the panini was, how much milk you used, or what kind of milk it was but I would guess, uhh...
    ...500-600 from the panini, 200 from the mango (wow... but that's according to Google, idk), about 500 from the cheerios...

    So, something like 1200-1300 calories?

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    • LloydAsher

      Which is fine if you eat like once a day like I do.

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  • Normalmember Is a good resource for counting calories. You can look up restaurant menus or fruits or pretty much everything.

    If you cut out mayo that would be good. I think it's easier to cut calories in drinks, cut juice, sodas, and alcohol especially. Drink more water, and 1% milk. losing weight you have to burn more calories then you eat in a day, but eat adequate protein, to not lose a lot of of the good muscle weight.

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