Can you have low testosterone

Is it possible to have a very high sex drive but also have low testosterone as a man? As in having the ability to always get really hard and needing sex every day even twice a day. Can you have this and have low testosterone?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • LloydAsher

    Low testosterone and low sex drive go hand in hand in males.

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    • I know thats why I am wondering if you can still have low T with a high sex drive. There's things making me think I may have low T but my sex drive is higher than most peoples.

      I just need to quit speculating and get it checked to be real. Kind of nervous theyre gonna tell me my levels are low and its gonna suck to hear.

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      • LloydAsher

        It's probably not that. I had low testasterone (on steroids now) and it sucked. My sex drive was so low that sex was more of a thing that I knew I needed rather an actual hunger for it. So I usually only went on the hunt every few months.

        If you feel like you need to bang every day I can guarantee you that you do not have a testasterone problem..

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