Can you help interpret
I just had a CRAZY dream. I googled but cant find quite what I'm looking for, is there any way you can help explain what it means?? Warning it's kinda looong...
Me and my family is at the beach, but the beach isn't set up like your normal beach scene. Out of nowhere my sister is attacked by a shark. He has her left arm and head in its mouth and some other man is trying to pry the jaws open, I'm poking/ gouging its eyes and beating it's back to scare it off or to atleast let go of her. But unfortunately after a while the shark ends up swimming off with her. I'm thankful for the man helping but I soon end up finding out that my sister saved him first from the shark, and then the shark ends up getting my sister. I'm pissed at this point but I try and calm myself down thinking 'well he did try the best he could'.
So everyone at the beach is leaving, I help my mom pack up the car but i take off without saying anything and i go and try to find my sister thinking 'what if she got free and needs help getting out the water' or 'maybe I can find the shark and see if I can still save my sister'
I'm out walking looking in the water, I see a shark but I feel like it's not the one plus no sign of my sister so I keep walking. (I'm walking beside a building in the sand with 2 bodies of water on each side of me, if that makes aaany sense) all of a sudden I get this eerie feeling. I turn around and see a male lion in the distance, in stealth mode and freak out. I can tell its watching me and is hunting me. I take off running behind the building (I was already at the end of it) til I reach the side of it. I turn and look there's a ladder/stairs that go to the roof and I just start climbing them. As i reach the top of the building the lion is at the bottom. I'm not sure if the lion is capable of jumping high enough to grab my legs and drag me down so all of a sudden I wake up.
I had no idea I was sleep but somehow ik to wake up.
I was trying to figure out what the shark part meant for my sister and what the lion part meant for me. If anyone could help that would be nice. Also how did I know to just wake up? I didnt jump and wake up, i just gracefully woke up...