Can you help me in this situation?
Ok, so I’ll hit you wit a funky-ass brief overview of what’s been goin on: I’m at dat stage up in tha game, where eventually you gotta straight-up take care of yo ass fo' realz. Adulthood be a gangbangin' freaky thang yo, but I want ta git a successful n' meaningful game. I’m just straight-up unshure of mah dirty ass, since I don’t know a shitload of common sense n' don’t have much experience wit people. I be thinkin i should git a thang soon. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. But I don’t know what. I also should git all up in college yo, but some crew thangs have put dat on hold. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! What tha fuck iz yo' lyrics, biatch?