Can you morally justify being a criminal?
If so, how? I'd like to be a criminal.
No | 27 | |
Yes | 35 | |
Other (explain) | 6 |
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If so, how? I'd like to be a criminal.
No | 27 | |
Yes | 35 | |
Other (explain) | 6 |
You can morally justify damned near anything. I have known people to morally justify things that I could be attacked for if I mentioned on a public forum so instead of explaining to them that I no longer speak to those people and that it is not my standpoint, just take my word for it when I say, with enough clever wording... you can justify damned near anything. At least to yourself.
Well, it depends on your crime, really. Generally speaking, I'll go with no.
In this day and age, being a criminal could mean possessing or growing a plant, not paying income tax towards a government that is evil that you don't believe in, etc. In this day and age, going against a corrupt government is what more people should do for the greater good.
The only thing I can think of is in the extreme like stealing food to live
Civil disobedience such as the cases of MLK and Gandhi. They were criminals technically.
Because WEED shouldn't REALLLY be against the law.
It depends on the crime. If you kill someone defending someone that was gonna be hurt or by doing so prevent yourself from getting hurt yes. Stealing because you do not get extra stuff you do not need and do not feel bad about it no. Stealing to eat that is sad and not sure I would blame you for it. Rape is never excusable.
It was a crime of passion baby, that's because you're a very passionate woman. Now I can understand what's goin through your head when you saw me with that other woman, ..but did you have to shoot her....16 times.