Can you switch games to other computers or is it illegal?

I was told before you cant switch certain programs between computers since its encoded to one specific computer. I found a used game online and the new version is costs 40 and the used costs 6 so I was going to go for the 6 version. If I got the used game would it screw up my computer? Most computer games I buy don't work on my computer but I got a new one. So would a used game work or is it going to totally ruin my computer because the encryption codes or whatever?

That applys for most programs but not games 0
It depends on the game or program 8
No it should not mess up your computer 9
other 3
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Comments ( 6 )
  • megadriver

    Pretty certain you can install a game on another PC too. As games are linked to an account (mostly). If all else fails, download a keygen. That will work.

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  • GreyWulfen

    In the worst case, the program simply won't work, but it will not damage your computer in any way.

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  • WolfDog

    Most PC games come with activation codes, they are locked to a specific computer or account. Some games like the lego games don't come with codes, so you can install them on any amount of computers. The code games won't destroy you're computer, they just might not work, check with you local laws, as most times anything that does not work, you should get a refund. You can also try emailing the game publisher and seeing if they can unlock the code (might have to email proof, receipt, picture of code, etc.)

    If all else fails, just download a keygen, or pirate it, since you already payed for it.

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    • Well the game I found said it was used and it says has the activation code included. Does that mean its not going to work on my computer? I not getting a download I am buying the game. I wanted to get the real game since I have not had the best luck with downloads in the past. It was about the 5th the price of what it costs new. I am trying to buy Amnesia.

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  • seekelp


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  • Couman

    It's legal as long as you don't actually use it on more than one computer at once, or keep a copy when you sell the disk. In any case, it's very unlikely it would mess up your computer, the worst you should worry about is wasting 6 bucks.

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