Can you turn a blog into a website?

Can you make a blog into a website. If so can someone help explain how. Whats the difference between pages and topics. Do pages hold a topic or are they separate. If a editor does not have the same power as administrator what can they do? What is the difference between Author/contributor/editor?

YES here is how 8
No its impossible 3
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Erik963

    If you want to turn blog into website you can use bunch of freeware programs specifically for site editing on the internet. Or you can learn HTML and code the site yourself. HTML is nothing hard and requires almost no knowledge.

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    • Where do you learn HTML?

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      • Erik963

        Google it. I am sure there are articles for beginners. YouTube also has lot of videos about HTML too.

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  • dybex

    This is not a question for IIN and sounds too much like homework.

    Firstly, a blog is a website. If you want more control over your content try a CMS app like Joomla. There are plugins available for it that can bridge other popular web apps such as forums, blogs, webstores and wikis.

    You should take a look at stacks such as LAMP and you should have at least a basic working knowledge of MySQL, PHP and Apache.

    If you're playing about with LAMP stacks, you should look into virtualization software too.

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    • Well this site is for helping people. I didn't know where else to ask it. So I need special software I need to download?

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