Cancer or aids?
Which is worse and why?
Cancer | 14 | |
AIDS | 18 |
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Which is worse and why?
Cancer | 14 | |
AIDS | 18 |
Cancer is worse because AIDS is preventable. All you have to do is to either be celibate or practice safe sex (or drug use) to avoid AIDS. Cancer sneaks up on you and indiscriminately attacks both the innocent child and the lecherous old person. And they don't have to do anything at all to get cancer.
It depends on multiple factors, financial resources, and access to medical treatment. I guess cancer is less worse, if it is caught early enough. AIDS can be managed.
No matter, being born is worse. That sentences every life to eventual sickness. The end is always fatal. Does anyone have any educated sense to realize this? No, they keep procreating. How selfish.
Wouldn't we like no disease, ever? Yeah, that would be great.
Depends on several cenarios and variables. While one may last decades with the hiv virus without ever developing aids, cancer is usually detected on an advanced phase of development and can diminish one's life quality and longevity abruptly, even though it can be cured contrary to hiv.
Then again, it's all too vague and subjective. It's quite the misfortune for someone to go through this clinical condition, I feel sad for those who sorrow in anguish from it and other severe conditions.