Cannot poop when boyfriend is home...

Now don't laugh... But I have this sort of fear of pooping with my boyfriend around. We've been together for a year now. We've heard (almost) every noise a body can make, come from each other (except I don't intentionally fart around him). We pee in front of each other and he has pooped around me before, but if I know he's home or even outside, I cannot go. I'll just hold it in or go somewhere else to use the restroom. Is this normal? I know it's silly but I just can't help it.

Voting Results
54% Normal
Based on 59 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 29 )
  • loopoo

    I think alot of girls don't like pooping in front of boyfriends, if I lived with my boyfriend I wouldn't do it either.

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  • CoraCook

    Just go in the backyard.

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    • hmmm???

      Omg! My husband told me to do that haha. He wanted to take a shower but I asked him to wait so I could use the bathroom. "Just go in the backyard" umm noooo lol

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  • hmmm???

    As a female, I understand you wouldn't want him to actually know that you could make the bathroom smell. And you wouldn't want him to hear anything either. It would be embarrassing.
    I was the same way but now it's been a couple of years that I've been with my husband and there's times when you just have to "go". My husband tries to catch me. Our bathroom door doesn't lock either!
    Really it's not a big deal to them. If your guy is like most, he'll make a big deal out of it if you do...jokes etc.

    I think it's normal in the beginning of a relationship, but maybe it's time to not be so intimidated by it anymore. You already have him :)

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  • delling

    I completely understand this. I'm not really the same way, but it's something I think about. I don't like doing it when guests are here, and I'll usually wait.

    If you still have this problem after you're married or have been cohabiting for a long time, then you might want to seek therapy so it doesn't impact your health.

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  • deepthought33

    I think it is kinda normal, but I'm this way with all friends and family. My kid is the only exception and that's probably only because he is still young.

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  • Ponywriter

    Once you're around each other for awhile you'll just let em rip

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  • pulse-punch

    You should grind one out on your boyfriends chest, problem solved.

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    • Cheet0

      Yeah acasually that'd be an interesting way to get over her fears, right?

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      • Cheet0


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  • BonusRound

    I can't poop in strange places either

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  • TrustMeImLying

    One year! That is insane. Is it just pooping? Or are their other things you aren't at comfort doing around the bf?

    I am like this when I first meet someone or am at their place But that only lasts 2-5 visits.

    Try to rationalize your anxiety. Your bf will never think less of you if you go poop around him. If you are concerned about the sounds, which you shouldnt be, you can play some music on your phone in the bathroom. Moreover, some people might even be offended that you are not comfortable around them enough to do something like that.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    The Japanese have a problem with this , there is a huge number of constipated people because they are afraid to go at work... They even make toilets with nature sounds and rock music.
    Maybe you should play the radio in the bathroom. Or just take some laxatives that might get you over the fear lol .

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  • Incomplet

    If you're really concerned about the noise, you can put some toilet paper into the toilet first to reduce the splashing.

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    • CountessDouche

      Or run the faucet. IF I POOPED, and I'm not copping to such vicious allegations, that is what I would do to cover up the soundtrack.

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      • Incomplet

        Wouldn't it be odd to hear the faucet turn on before the toilet flushes, though?

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        • CountessDouche

          I guess I give terrible stealth pooping advice.

          But seriously, OP...if it's that big of a deal, then just start pooping right before showers. The running water will cover up the pooping sounds, and by the time your done, the bathroom will smell more like soap and shampoo, rather than poopoo.

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          • CoraCook

            But theeeeeen, picture this - bf gets horny, thinks of hot gf showering, and decides to surprise-join her. She'd just die! WITH POOP ON HER BUTTHOLE!!! No, no! bad, bad advice!

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            • That would be traumatizing! The bathroom door doesn't even lock so I couldn't do that.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Feeling embarrassed, to an extent, is normal. What isn't normal is when you let the embarrassment prevent you from doing a necessary bodily function. I'm sure your boyfriend wouldn't want to find out that you've been making yourself ill. I'm sure that he will understand. Everyone needs to go.

    I'm concerned about the state of your digestive health. If you don't go when you feel the urge, the bowels will harden and you will become constipated. The longer they stay in there, bile will start to form. The majority of the toxins in your system are supposed to come out through the bowel movement. If you don't go, it will put a strain on your detoxifying system.

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    • I'm just worried about noises and smell. It would be so obvious what I just did when you hear spraying from an air freshener. And our door doesn't lock. I know he wouldn't care but I still can't go when he's home.
      I'll try to slowly get over it. I don't want it effecting my health.

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      • Avant-Garde

        Block the door or hang a little sign on the door that alludes to something personal like "spiritual practices". He should know not to bother you if you are doing something religious. Also, music is good at covering bathroom noises and certain types of music seem to help with coaxing out the movements.

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      • hmmm???

        You could keep matches and a candle in the bathroom and light it while your in there. The sulfur from lighting the match will cover the smell then you'll also have the candle smell :)

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  • Dot123

    That is not normal. Everyone poops. It's a natural body function.

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    • I know it's natural, but I almost feel embarassed about it.

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      • Dot123

        Well you shouldn't be. Everyone poops. Maybe you need to read the book again. So what if your bf knows if you're taking a dump when he's around. Nothing wrong with taking a shit.

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        • iEatZombies_

          Preach it. =)

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