Cant talk during meals
I cant talk while im eating because im focusing on eating.
I do not understand why youre supposed to conversate over a meal. I am trying to eat thats why im eating. I cant do both.
I also think that people are disgusting when they eat. They look gross and if they make any sounds they are gross and they better not talk with food in their mouths. Learn some manners.
I cant handle it though ive gotten better at it over the years. As a kid I never ate at school for example I just poked around in my food because the sight of other people eating disgusted me too much and other people looking at me while im eating was something I could not handle and still cant.
Eating at dates is a very strange concept to me. Ive never been able to personally but ive tried.
This is not a problem to me personally, its only other people its a problem mainly my family that its a problem to. I think they should just shut up and respect my ways.