Capital punishment?

In the United States, we still see people executed for crimes. The death penalty is defended by some, and attacked by others.
     Those who defend it say that it is a specific deterrent; that anyone who is executed will never break the law again. They say that it eliminates the danger of breakouts or parole, which can occur even on a life sentence. They say that it is not true Justice to keep someone safe and feed them when they have committed atrocities against the American public. They bring up stories of mass killers and maniacs who nobody can sympathize with, The defenders also say that the Death penalty is used only in circumstances when the victim's guilt is universally agreed upon.

     Those who disagree with the death penalty say that it is not important that "Justice" is dealt, just that these people are kept out of society. They say that the capital punishment is cruel and unusual, and that there is a possibility that innocent people could be executed accidentally. 

What do you think? Do you agree or disagree with the death penalty?

agree with the death penalty 18
disagree with the death penalty 16
other 3
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Ellenna

    I'm amazed that anyone in the USA can argue for the death penalty in view of the large numbers of death row inmates who've been released because new scientific detection methods have exonerated them.

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  • Crusades|

    I support the capital punishment. Why should we allow tax payers money to be foolishly wasted on providing criminals with free food, a roof over their head and all the other expenses that a correctional facility requires?
    I believe someone who is able to take someone else's life should be deprived of any right because they themselves have deprived their victim of any freedom of choice.

    And as far as the uncertainty goes when trying to prove someone is guilty or not, that is something that remains a matter of prosecutors competence. It's a risk we have to take because, i think it will work in the long run. Crime rates will decrease because people will be more aware that their actions have permanent consequences.

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    • theseeker

      That's the reason I would support it as well. However, another part of me says spending the rest of your life in a cell is a worse punishment than death. It forces you to think about what you did and live with the misery. If I knew being in a cell with nothing to do was all my life was ever gonna amount to, I would want to die.

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    • I agree, I also think holding prosecutors up to a higher standard and imposing very harsh penalties for improper prosecution would be wise also. Take away some of the zeal some lawyers have for nonchalantly destroying someone's life for their career.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I'm all in favor of the death penalty. I don't think it right that someone can destroy the lives of numerous other people and live better in a US prison than many of the world's poor do.
    Make a mistake? Then the next one to die is that prosecutor. There'd be no rush to judgement that way!

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    • whabbo

      what a douche

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      • thegypsysailor

        Thank you for your wonderfully thought out and intelligent post. It was especially interesting how you stuck to the subject and added your viewpoint on the death penalty.
        You are indeed showing everybody on IIN the depth of your intelligence and the quickness of your wit.
        We all look forward to your next contribution.

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  • Olly01

    People say that it's so important to avoid executing innocent people, but what about all the people who end up being killed by reoffenders who weren't executed or were let off because there wasn't enough evidence. I think we should be more careful to stop these sorts of people being a danger to society. I'd happily be hanged for a crime I didn't commit if it meant that all these people were executed too.

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  • gloryholeflasher

    I don't know how we could ever apply capitol punishment fairly, but for people like Jeffry Dahmer, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacey, Richard Speck, etc, I wholeheartedly approve of the death penalty. In many cases I would not approve of the death penalty because our criminal justice system is so defective, and in some cases it's actually corrupt. It's too difficult to know who's guilty or innocent because of rules of evidence, and inability to afford a proper defense.

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  • dirtybirdy


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  • Unimportant

    Oh, interesting topic on IIN! That is unusual...

    This is one of those questions which I have thought about for a long time, and still am undecided. I lean towards "against capital punishment", but I am not entirely convinced.

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    Eye for an eye. Scar for a scar. A life for a life.

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  • it gets crazy to kill someone who hasnt murdered anyone , a hateful crime against nature

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  • kelili

    There has been debates here about whether to reintroduce it or not. I am against it because thé system is corrupted, the government is corrupted and thé judges are corrupted. No faith in thé system. It's à big NO.
    Sorry my autocorrect is in french.

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