Capital punishment?
In the United States, we still see people executed for crimes. The death penalty is defended by some, and attacked by others.
Those who defend it say that it is a specific deterrent; that anyone who is executed will never break the law again. They say that it eliminates the danger of breakouts or parole, which can occur even on a life sentence. They say that it is not true Justice to keep someone safe and feed them when they have committed atrocities against the American public. They bring up stories of mass killers and maniacs who nobody can sympathize with, The defenders also say that the Death penalty is used only in circumstances when the victim's guilt is universally agreed upon.
Those who disagree with the death penalty say that it is not important that "Justice" is dealt, just that these people are kept out of society. They say that the capital punishment is cruel and unusual, and that there is a possibility that innocent people could be executed accidentally.
What do you think? Do you agree or disagree with the death penalty?
agree with the death penalty | 18 | |
disagree with the death penalty | 16 | |
other | 3 |