Certain thoughts/people/situations make me want to end it all/escape?

Certain situations make me have an extreme mindset and I begin to have suicidal ideal and or want to escape and run away. These situations or people, or the impressions/observations I have make me want to leave because I can’t take it anymore.

At home there’s so much stress, drama, negativity, screaming and yelling. Unhealthy mindsets like my mom and family I just want to get away from. I’m planning to move out.

But I posted in another thread it’s work that keeps f’ng me up in the head. Some days it’s okay and the people there don’t bother me. But like clockwork I keep getting scheduled these Monday nights with all the same people and I end up leaving hating my job. On these shifts they don’t really talk to me, I feel alone and isolated being the only guy working with a a bunch of girls up front (at a restaurant) and they’re all a little self-absorbed and not interested in me. So I try to do my job but it keeps getting to me. My main manager acts obnoxious and weird at times and she’s hard to relate to and I have to wear a mask on around her or act differently, or she just outright is mean or shames people/think she funny.
I can’t tell what is causing me the most pain, the people or the thoughts about the situation. But it becomes all encompassing. I go home hating it there and wanting to kill myself because I don’t know what else to do. I’m afraid the problem is me and will repeat and I won’t find a job where I’m okay with the people. This has happened a few times before. I’m not autistic but have always been more of a introvert/shy but I genuinely love talking to people. And it’s the not-talking-to-people when I actually want to, it makes me feel awful….

At worst this is making me mentally unstable where I need have a stress drink or attempt to distract myself from this. It’s bad. It makes me feel the only option is to quit this job. But then there goes that option to move out, which then keeps me longer at home.
I’m tired of going through this. Tired of feeling the way I feel. I just want to show up to my work and be surrounded by some people who think like me and want to get to know me. There’s like 2 or 3 people there who are like that, but it’s not enough to smooth over or hold me over when I’m working with people I have nothing in common with or they don’t want to talk to me/I feel there is an invisible wall between us.


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Comments ( 4 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Just dont do it. You honestly never know where you're gonna be in 10 years but it will probably be better than now. Things can turn around for you. Try to find a new job. Are you in the USA? I know alot of good companies in the USA where you can move up.

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    • donkeykong716

      This is positive thinking I need. Even if it means having a positive frame of mind for the things that happen at work/in life.

      The past 5 years have been difficult since moving back in with family. I’ve made some small successes the past year but it’s like I just have very little tolerance for things not going contently in life.

      Yes I’m in the USA and I work in the service/restaurant industry

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    Suicide’s never the answer. Seek help before you talk yourself into it. Start with your doctor.

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    • donkeykong716

      Thank you.

      Looking for a new therapist has been overwhelming. I give up every time it doesn’t work out with one.

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