Change the word "tolerance".

When using the phrase " Religious Tolerance" or " Racially Tolerant" I feel that it implies that there's still something to put up with about their lifestyle.
I think that saying something like " That person is Racially Harmonic" sounds more peaceful. Cause there's nothing to tolerate, really. We're all people, eh?

Yes, but still silly. 7
No, it's fine the way it is. 10
Other( comment ) 4
No, OP misunderstands the word meaning. 6
Yes, nice idea. 19
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Comments ( 17 )
  • anti-hero

    Racially Harmonic would be a great name for a jazz trio.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I'm more into apathy, myself. I can't say I tolerate it because it's not something that bothers me and I can't say that I'm harmonious with it because that might imply that I have made some sort of conscious effort to care about it and accept it.

    The only thing I can really say I need to tolerate is rude and disrespectful behavior and general jackassery, for the rest, it just goes right past me without a second thought, 9 times out of 10. Apathy.

    Unfortunately, for a lot of people, it IS called tolerance because they do feel some need to be bothered or are otherwise helpless to their environment and perceptions in a way that they can't not notice, care or be offended. Can't imagine what that would do to one's blood pressure on a regular basis...

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  • disthing

    I see where you're coming from - but I think 'tolerance' is a useful word because it isn't implying direct support or opposition. You tolerate it - you accept it rather than resist it.

    There are people who are tolerant but who hold opposing views and have to temper the urge to impose their ideas on others. In this context, tolerance means acceptance of differences i.e. 'putting up' with those differences. A tolerant society is a society that accepts a variety of lifestyles and view points.

    I think the word generally works. It isn't flowery or sentimental, it is a practical and useful word :)

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  • GorillaLove

    I agree! Let's change it to Toblerone! Religious Toblerone, Racially Toblerant.

    Actually... I cannot understand why some people think that we are *all* people. In fact, I can't Toblerate the idea that some ignore diversity.

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    • Avant-Garde

      That last one was clever... No, Toblever, is much better!!! From this day on, it shall be Toblerone Day!

      (*Evuckles* Guess what weather shall be like today?)

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Aww, poor Mister Gorilla. D: Well, I remember reading that some scientists have been thinking about reclassifying dolphins as "non human persons" due to their advanced intelligence...

      Or should we use the term sentient beings instead? ;P

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  • bananaface

    YES!! Although I wouldn't use racially harmonic (^lol at Parrish's comment, though^), there's something that really bugs me about how certain people say they're tolerant. It's one of my biggest pet peeves. I have a problem with arrogant people, and this seems like the worst sort of pretentiousness. Only when done a certain way, though. Like, "oh, I'm so tolerant, I put up with all the gay people and everything, because I'm such a great, open minded person."

    It's the putting up with it that bugs me. Like they're doing the people they tolerate a favour or something, or accepting some sort of flaw they're supposed to have. No, just grr! I'm not sure if I've got what I mean across right, but it bugs me too. Most people are fine for it, but the word "tolerant" can be used in a very pretentious and condescending way.

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  • suckonthis9

    Synonym discussion: bear,suffer,endure,abide, tolerate, stand mean to put up with something trying or painful.
    Tolerate suggests overcoming or successfully controlling an impulse to resist, avoid, or resent something injurious or distasteful.

    The use of 'race', in this context, is in ignorance of the facts.
    Why should I tolerate this?
    What's wrong with: harmonious society, harmonious people, or harmonious tribal relations?

    Some religious practices and beliefs are incongruent with what we know to be true. These are often injurious to people.
    Why couldn't we have congruous religion, instead?

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    When I use the word "tolerance" I mean it. So when I say I tolerate your mindset I mean I understand your opinion and even if I don't agree with it I don't dislike you as a person. So there is something to put up with.

    I'd say I have "religious tolerance".
    But if I'd be "racially tolerant" I'd be a racist.

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  • Fabulous

    Let's get rid of that word and bring back racist words stop beating around the bush

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  • ajmcrobs

    You tolerate crying babies. You should embrace others. However, people shouldn't be worried so much about being politically correct.

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  • Ghost-of-the-Marlboro-Man

    I think people should be more tolerant of smokers.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    I am tolerant of all that are not pedophiles, rapists, kill for reason beside war and self defense. Believe whatever you wish but once you commit this you no longer have my sympathy.

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  • ProseAthlete

    "Tolerance" is probably the best word because it fits such a wide variety of views. Tolerance covers everything from biting my tongue instead of telling someone who believes in astrology/conspiracy theories/Scientology/creation science/whatever that their core beliefs are idiotic to actively embracing and marveling at inborn human diversity.

    No law or societal shift will make everyone like everyone else, but laws and social censure can enforce tolerance. That's why it's the best word to use in this context.

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  • Hippie

    Thank you all for your intelligent comments.

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  • dom180

    I agree completely. Like bananaface, it's a massive peeve for me.

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  • LizardSkin

    Sorry I don't believe in tolerance, I'm a Republican. Send them back.

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