Changing the time of taking the pill

So a girl question lol, I just started taking the pill not finished my first pack yet I have 4 left but as i have been taking then I find I feel ill and have as sore head so I though changing time might help as i take it in the morning when wake up so if I change it to when i go to bed then I hope I would have had food in my system and will help me cope with it so I was wonder how to I go about changing the time I take it and will it effect the bleed I should have thank you
(I know it's not a is it normal question but Yahoo answers is a bad site to use)

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Comments ( 5 )
  • sillygirl77

    Slowly change the time in 2 hour increments difference daily until you get to the time you want. That should cause a smooth transition!

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  • Jujudog

    yes just take all of them on the first day, get an unmerciful headache that evening, and then you'll be grand for the other 29 odd days.
    won't get that on yahoo!

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    • Girlbob

      That is true you will not

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  • charli.m

    If you're taking it for birth control purposes, make sure you don't leave more than 24hrs between pills.

    It takes a few months to adjust to some types of birth control. I wouldn't think the bleed would be affected by the change of time. When I've changed the time, there has been no difference.

    Or you could just change it when you start the next pack (if you can stand the next four days).

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  • WinterStormGuy_Of_Feb9,1968

    I would change it to 2 hours later increments
    until you've reached the desire time you want
    take your pill for example:

    Week # 1
    Monday thru Sunday - Take the pill 12 noon instead of 10 a.m.

    Week # 2

    Monday thru Sunday- Take the pill 2:00 p.m instead of 12:00

    Week # 3

    Monday thru Sunday- Take the pill 4:00 p.m. instead of 2:00 p.m.

    Than follow so on...

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