Charles darwin is to be celebrated as a god. iin?

Its almost Feb. 12th. Happy Darwin Day! Thanks to Darwin, we get to point out notable people that win the Darwin Awards.

God of science and evidence. Saving people from idiocy one day at a time. is it normal that I hold Darwin on a pedestal?

Voting Results
26% Normal
Based on 31 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • thegypsysailor

    I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but there were several people working on this at the same time. I think it was a French man who actually published first, but Darwin got the acclaim.
    As a world traveler I've seen his theories IRL, and it's absolutely fascinating. So many small islands that I've visited and the biggest one, OZ, abound with examples of his ideas.
    I find it beyond understanding that any intelligent human being could choose creationism over evolution. It is absolutely insane.

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    • TrustMeImLying

      Anyone choosing creationism over evolution is actually less insane than your incapability in understanding why they prefer to choose it. Though I think I can see why you so vehemently oppose creationism so much as to be unable to understand it.

      FTR, I'm pro-evolution.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Where's the rational in someone choosing some mythical beast created the heavens and earth in 7 days a few thousand years ago, when it has been proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the earth is 4.54 billion years old? I just don't get it.

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        • TrustMeImLying

          Because for some people the realization that there is no life after death --that this life is what it is and not a build up to something better but a build up to nothingness-- is too terrifying/uncomfortable of a thought to live with. It's a conceptual security-blanket among other things, and we all have such blankets of different forms.

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          • TrustMeImLying

            Feel free to diss a religion. I sure as hell can't resist after someone tries to rape me with the love of Jesus, but the ones who mind their own business with their beliefs, perhaps those are deserving of respect, and deserve their beliefs to not be always criticized or forced to change.

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            • thegypsysailor

              Yep, the most devout are certainly worthy of our respect. Here's a hit & run with a fatality DUI by someone who only days before preaching from the pulpit how her parishioners should live their lives.

              The Right Rev. Heather Cook, 58, of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland also was charged with criminal negligent manslaughter, failure to remain at the scene of an accident resulting in serious injury and death, using a mobile device while driving and three drunken driving charges.
              Cook's blood-alcohol level was 0.22% after the Dec. 27 crash, nearly triple Maryland's legal limit, Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby said.
              I hope she gets the book thrown at her. She murdered a father of 3.

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  • Dad

    Darwin was real not a another mythical supernatural ;)
    You can celebrate Darwin's achievements, the man himself may be too glorified in your mind.

    Darwin helped (and continues to help through his work) the world understand that we all originally came from the same point.

    Evolution is now counted as FACT. The 'theory' part remains a scientific term just like gravity. There is so much evidence for Darwinism that it has stood the truth for over 150years. As yet no scientist has ever faulted it.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Simply put, yes, 100% yes

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  • omghahahawasbanned

    That is very weird. As far as I know, God's name is Jesus.

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  • People trying to win the Darwin Awards? That's funny.

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  • Punchbagsac

    Just as normal as every other religion

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  • sega31098

    No more than celebrating Black History Month makes people polytheists.

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