Cheatin on wife

I know its wrong but sometimes I just feel like society makes it a bigger deal than it is. Who cares if I hit up some girl from work once a year? Its not like anyone could ever replace my wife and I'm gonna leave her. And I dont get jealous at all. If she fucked some dude I honestly wouldnt even care. Idk why but I have never felt jealousy from a girl. I would only worry about her leaving me. Sex is just something you do that feels good. It doesnt mean you care anything about the person.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • S0m3th1ng

    This is actually wrong if your wife doesn't know it, I think is better to have her consent, since you would be hiding the truth (on a bad way). But if she knows it you are fine and that's nothing wrong with it.

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  • Somenormie

    Cheating on anyone makes you feel like a dick.

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  • ChrissySnow

    I know it is weird but I always wanted to marry a man that cheated on me. I think it was because I had a lot of boyfriends stolen from me that I wanted a man that takes other men's wives. When I met my husband he was 'working' with couples to help them get pregnant the old fashioned way. I also loved that all his best friends were married women and most of them were his past girlfriends. I've found turning a 'blind eye' to my husband's dalliances are a huge turn on. I am curious on how your wife feels about all of this. There has to be SOME women out there like me

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  • idolomantis

    Yeah, this is why communication is important. For all you know this chick you're banging on the side might like to visit brothels or some shit at least once a year, that is if we're going to apply the "it's ok to do this thing once a year without telling my partner" to whatever her mentality on this subject might be. For all you know all 3 of you might be crawling with STDs or something. Plus trust is a thing, too. It's nice to know that people say what they mean, mean what they say, and also do what they say. :) It's also quite worrisome that you simply haven't decided on your own to tell your wife in the first place. Hm, sounds just a tad bit suspect depending on the Reader's perspective.

    But yeah, if you get regular STD check ups it'll make it a little less awful. But still, open communication is a good thing! Who knows, maybe your wife has some secret "I love it when my partner lies by omission to me." kink. It's a big world, I'm sure it happens sometimes lol

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    • To be honest thats what I worry about more than anything. If I spread an STD that'd be fuckin tragic. She would get over cheating but if I gave her herpes id fuckin kill myself.

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      • idolomantis

        Practically everyone has herpes of some kind, chill bud. After pandemic it barely even matters anymore, people just need to be more educated lol.

        Here you go:

        It's ok to have a mild skin condition, just be responsible and educated. :D

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    I’m sure your wife would care if she ever found out. And there’s a great chance that the tramp you’re screwing will blab about it.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    You do know that some people catch feelings when it comes to sex? What if the other person falls in love with you after a one night stand, does everything she can to find out where you live, and threatens to tell your family? This shit happens here in the ghetto all the damn time. You know what else happens here? The cheating spouse gives STDs to their husbands and wives. Don't be some brainless animal like these people in my town. XD

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    • I learned that the hard way and now I am very selective of any girl because of a prior false rape accusation. I dont go aroubd sleeping around because of drama. But every now and then it's like the stars align and it works out.

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