Child abuse

at age fifteen my English teacher would sit on her foot so I could see her private part. I sat on the front row and she sat so by looking around the edge of the desk I could see she had no underwear on. It made me get highly excited and it showed. She would smile at me. I was on the baseball team and we practice after school. I would ride my bike to school being only three miles there. I left my book on my desk to practice. Everyone was gone but my teacher. This was her first teaching job after collage. When I went back into the class room she was sitting at her desk. When I went into the class she showed me her private part and ask me if I knew what I could do. I was lost for words, she got up and locked the door. walked back to her desk, sat down on it with her dress up to her waist. Handing me a condom, she ask me if she needed to put it on. We had sex, my first sex with a female. On many times after that sometimes at her house. I was scared to death I would be expelled for doing this. She warned me to keep my mouth shut or I would fail the class. I changed school the next year and so did she. I met a girl who wanted to get married really bad. She said she had it all arraigned. Her parents had a twelve unit apartment building beside there house. We could live there finish school with her, work for her father so I could pay for a car and food. The only problem was the last year teacher had transferred to that school. this would be my last year in high school. I went to school the next day turned in my books drove to the recruiters office and sighed up for the Navy. He followed me home to get my parents signature because I was a month shy of my eighteenth birthday. I was scared to tell my girlfriend or anyone about what was going on. What I want to know is "WHAT CAN I DO NOW, THE TEACHER WAS KILLED A FEW MONTHS BACK IN A CAR CRASH. I AM MARRIED TO ANOTHER WOMAN. I HAVE TWO KIDS. SHOULD I COME CLEAN WITH MY WIFE OR KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT. SHOULD I TELL THE POLICE THAT SHE SCREWED MY LIFE UP. WHAT SHOULD I DO? IS THIS NORMAL OR AM I GOING GRAZY? WHAT SHOULD I DO?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • I don't understand.

    Why are you making a big deal of this after all this time?
    What does it have to do with "child abuse"?
    Why did you inexplicably start screaming toward the end of this post?

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  • mystery7

    Why do you need to come clean with your wife if it's something that happened before you were together? Tell her if you want to though. It's just part of your life history.

    I'm not sure what good telling the police would do unless you can sue the school she worked for, or the state, or something like that.

    Sounds like you might need counselling too to deal with some of that.

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  • RoseIsabella

    There's nothing you can do except be assured that your skanky ass teacher is rotting in hell!

    I'm a firm believer that when someone, especially in authority, figure says, "don't tell" it means TELL EVERY MOTHER FUCKIN BODY!!!

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  • Dazed_dreamer


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  • amiloved

    I think counselin would be most helpful in bringing this to a closure. I'm so sorry this happened to you.

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