Childhood dry humping with friends
When I was ten, my two girlfriends, introduced ''dry humping'' to me. At first I thought it was nasty, and felt weird about trying it. Then after my first time doing it, I found it to be very fun. We then continued on to make it an everyday affair. The three of us taking turns dry humping each other. We would put balled up socks in our pants and pretend that one of us was the guy and the other two would be the girls. The guy usually was the one on the bottom and the girl was on the top.Of course we had rules for this game : 1. no tongue kissing, 2. no nakedness of any kind (full dress was required),3. you could only be the guy or girl three times in a row, and 4. always close the door and listen for parents. Along with that game came pregnancy and birth simulation games. At the time, we had no concrete understanding of Homosexuality, we were just playing out the motions of sex to the best of our knowledges. Has anyone else done this as a kid? Is this a normal thing for growing girls?