Children are just comedy to me

I've never been a "kids person" and freely admit I'm awkward at interacting with them. However at my current job plenty of them traipse through the doors and I'm starting to see them as my personal comedy show.

I feel as if the TV show Supernanny is unfolding before my very eyes, I've seen a baby hurl their rattle with surprising force, have it hit a set of shelves and bounce it's way down jingling all the way. I've seen children literally dragged out wailing over insignificant trifles. I've had several children look me in the eye and immediately burst into tears for no reason. I've even seen two 8-10 year-old girls have a full on physical brawl between themselves and their screaming mother over a stuffed sausage dog.

Even the well-mannered ones can throw up gems- the other week I overheard,
"Mummy, can I get this?"
"No darling, you don't need a book on divorce."

Basically I feel the best way to view children is as a source of entertainment - do you?

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Comments ( 26 )
  • ellnell

    Children are hilarious. They say the most stupid things

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    • LloydAsher

      I have a lil cousin and he randomly blurted democraps I was dying of laughter.

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      • Hopefully I'll get a political child at work soon, maybe I should make a bingo card of types of odd child behaviour and play against myself.

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    • Somenormie

      I have annoying very young cousins and they try to imitate me but they fail.

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  • Grunewald

    That post is so charming!! Love it!

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    • Glad someone enjoyed it.

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  • chuy

    children are the clowns of society

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    • Alongside the crazy people.

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      • chuy

        yes but crazy people wierd amd crippy

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        • So are some clowns. Familiar with Pennywise?

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          • chuy


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            • The villain of the film “It”, don’t watch it if you’re scared of clowns.

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  • raisinbran

    I saw a toddler dive head first onto concrete from about 4 feet. He was fine.

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    • He must be part Nokia.

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  • Hubbard

    The way you phrase it feels awkward to me.

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    • How so? I’m open to all comments.

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      • Hubbard

        Idk it makes kids seem like they’re not even human to you

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        • Thank you for your honest comment.

          As I said I don’t consider myself a “kids person” I honestly don’t find them “cute” in the way most people describe and have struggled with finding them very irritating in the past. Perhaps that’s what happens when you subtract the cuteness aspect? Seeing them as my personal comedy show has become my way of dealing with the annoyance.

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  • Boojum

    That's really funny.

    It's a little concerning how kids look at you and burst into tears, though. Babies and toddlers almost always smile at me or give me a "What the fuck you lookin' at, dude?" stare. That always cracks me up, and when they see I've conceded the battle of wills, they usually grant me at least a triumphant little smirk. Maybe you need to smile more, or get into the habit of making funny faces at them.

    If you have to cope with kids at work, there's no point in allowing them to wind you up, and trying to see the funny side of them is the best approach.

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    • Kids just find me scary for some reason, I used to try making faces at them but their looks of fear and horror made me stop. I've also been told by adults that my face is a bit creepy and that I would "make a good villain." I've just accepted that my face strikes fear into children's hearts- maybe in a previous life I was a Victorian headmaster?

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  • my_life_my_way

    I usually just find it funny when they’re screaming and crying, no point being annoyed over it.

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    • My thoughts exactly, I used to wish they would shut up but now I just mentally grab my popcorn. I was once told that children throwing temper tantrums isn't funny but that's a load of nonsense, kids these days are so over-indulged and namby-pambied that they'll throw a fit over anything.

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      • Boojum

        That's a bit unfair.

        Our daughter was never over-indulged. We always had clear rules and we were consistent about applying them. When she was a baby, she was a huge pain in the backside, since the slightest thing - or nothing in particular - could set off her bawling. When she was a toddler and she felt thwarted by not getting what she wanted, she could throw a doozy of a temper-tantrum. One of my least pleasant memories of her at that stage was wheeling her out of a shopping centre, putting her seat in the back of the car and listening to her shriek her lungs out non-stop for almost half an hour. I think that was triggered by us taking her off one of those coin-operated kiddie rides after two or three cycles.

        Fortunately, once she was old enough to communicate what she wanted and to understand our explanations for why she couldn't have it at all, how she could have it later or what she could have instead, she turned into quite a nice kid to have around. At twelve, she still is, and one our biggest annoyances with her is that she never knows what she wants for her birthday or at Christmas.

        I'm not saying that parents never create little monsters by giving their darlings whatever they want the instant they want it, since that does indeed happen. But all kids go through phases, and one of those is finding out just how much you can get if you behave like a total asshole.

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        • True all young children flip their shit sometimes even if they have good parents, but I’ve watched parents let their children run wild because they fear discipline will make them “the bad guy”. A genuine quote I’ve heard is, “we don’t say no to our children”. I’ve seen many exhausted fathers being dragged around by their 8-12 year-old children who are clearly in control of the dynamic- and they know it.

          Just because you did a decent job raising your child doesn’t mean everyone else is doing the same.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I have a little second cousin who was six years old, and turned seven when I spent two months living with his family in the fall of 2017, and he is totally awesome!

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