Christianity makes no sense to me

I'm a christian ya... So if I was "good" during my life, I will go to heaven... and do what exactly? fly around with my new wings?... And its all pointless now...thinking of God during the day makes me feel like: yeah god is good, he will help me, but then again, "he wont", or he will, but when?
And I feel bad when laugh at "Jesus jokes", yet, find them very funny.. it drives me f***ing crazy
Also I hate those guys in church collecting my money (wonder why *caugh*)

To make a long story short, God and religion is pointless to me, but in the other hand, I kinda believe in Jesus and God and stuff... iin?

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Comments ( 25 )
  • tori

    I agree with you. But some people need a church to feel connected to God. I am spiritual, not religious. I don't need a church or whatever to tell me how to connect with God. Or have them cry about not getting enough money. One time a fellow church goer had their house burn down. The congregation went to the priest asking for the churchs help for this family. After all, she sang at mass, solo. He said no. That was just one more thing for me to leave. I am a happier person now. I've been trying to shed the catholic guilt all my life.

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  • mplichta

    It's normal to feel that way, i went to a catholic school my entire childhood and I hate religion. I think it's pointless, but sometimes when I'm worried or w.e I find myself talking to somebody as if their going to do something!

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  • Proudfear

    read the Bible then decide 4 yourself

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    • jhollow

      Read the bible? Hmmm... I guess that would make sense if you wanted a history lesson. The bible "New King James version" is 66 different books, orginally passed down through hundreds of years by word-of-mouth BEFORE they were written. SO, how accuate is the bible? Hmmm, that is where faith and belief comes in. There are many misinterpretations in many religions... all saying that you are damed to hell if you don't believe "this way". Of course hell isn't in the bible... but it is in the story "Dante's Inferno". YEP, many parts of the bible make sense... but more of it is only believable IF you're gullible. JUST LIVE A GOOD LIFE.

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  • babykyy

    Lol. It doesn't matter if you're good or bad during your life. Apparently It's only the ones who believe in god go to heaven.

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  • We all need God in our lives.

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  • Simple-Hes the way, the truth and the life. Just have a friendly, loving relationship with Him. No religion, He just wants you. If I'm wrong- no sweat, lay in the ground. But if I'm right...

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  • danzig138

    Study religion. When I say religion I don't mean just Christianity. Study as many as you can (some are hard to find info on). Most importantly study then for yourself aswell as with the help of others. We can both read the same exact thing and have different oppinions on it, so why just take a preachers views as your own. Develop your own through studying for yourself.

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  • lovrue

    Religion came about when society was in chaos. They needed to control people.

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  • lovrue

    I'm not here to judge but the bible is just a bunch of stories. It leaves out a lot of stuff. I was raised Mormon. They actually believe they are above everyone. I think if there is a god he doesn't care as much as everybody thinks. What about the ancient tribes in untouched jungles? Do they have a chance in heaven? What is wrong in one society is okay in another. Think about it.

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  • n41rb

    People choose to believe science because it seems logical because of evidence. Evidence - that's the thing isn't it? People think that science is always right, so if someone doesn't believe in it and chooses religion, then they are considered "uneducated." Well guess what, religion does have evidence, and that evidence is historical texts such as the Bible, Quran (or "Koran"), etc. Why can't those be considered evidence? Were they not written by people who experienced, saw, and felt God? One might argue that the people who wrote it had no interpretation of the world like science does, but science doesn't truly interpret the world either. Science is a set of beliefs on the small factors that make up the world and beyond, but isn't it all a set of ideas based on what they believe is evidence? It's illogical to say religion OR science is logical. Neither of them are logical. Is it logical to say a supreme being made two humans from dust and a rib to reproduce and create the world's population? No. Is it logical to say that apes somehow developed human emotions, feelings, and physical features over time? Not at all. But that's what they are; beliefs. To call someone uneducated and ignorant for being religious is just hypocritical and therefore, meaningless. By the way, no-one can say science is always right, considering scientists haven't even been able to explain what gravity really is yet.

    Bottom line: It's OK what you believe in. You're not uneducated or brainwashed to believe in religion. And the fact that you think it's pointless? That's OK. Like I said, believe what you believe in. Follow your own path. Just remember; all religions teach you to be a good person. Even Atheism, which is know not to be a religion.

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  • Honey_Badger

    The bible is tainted by men who have re-written portions and removed others to suit their needs. The victors write the history books remember that.

    Christianity overall is a good faith. The rule of the church over almost one thousand years has been less than ideal. They have a closet full of skeletons in which the door no longer closes.

    Follow the moral principles in the book. That is all. Living in America I often look at the amazing amount of work that was done to build the country by men and women of faith. Truth is make your own decision, don't take the teachings literally, and look at other countries around the world. China harvesting organs of people against their party or the wonderful people living under Sharia law ugghh. Would rather deal with the idiots knocking on my door asking me if I accepted Jesus yet.

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  • CaptainObvious

    We need god just like a drunk needs beer.

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  • HurrrDurrr

    So I was walking down the street today. I saw a man being beaten up and I thought to myself "..What would Jesus do?"

    So I didn't exist.

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  • Karma&Symbiosis

    Has anyone ever noticed how bible based religions fight among themselves? As a unbiased child, my parents took me to a Mormon, Protestant, Lutheran, Christian, and Catholic churches. The only common ground I could ever find between them all, is different interpretations of the Bible, and a subtle undertones for Jews. My favorite line I was fed was "Did you know the Jews killed Jesus"? How can a person support a religion that singles out a group?

    I love the preacher that talked about burning Korans on 9/11. Is it me, or is it a sign of the upcoming decline of Bible based religions thru their feelings of revenge and grudges.

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  • whippit24

    Try this book: The Science of Self-Realization by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. It is not religious or sentimental it is only logic. Some things in it I don't agree with, but as I read it I found out that it made so much sense and was in line with many of the spiritual beliefs I held before reading it. I was and still am disillusioned by religion, but I feel that it is better to be lost and alone temporarily than to be one of the sheep that never bother to question their direction. Also try everything once. That is how I arrived at many of my own conclusions about life, death, an the eternal.

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  • chris1992

    It's normal to question sure. But I would suggest that you go a little deeper. Get into a small group with people your age for a Bible study. Posting your issues here will not help you and just get bizarre responses. You need to work through them with others. Also, being good is not related to getting into heaven. Those things are mutually exclusive. It's not about deeds but a relationship. Start by looking into that.

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  • ruralfrights

    If your looking for contradictions, then you will find them. Looking for answers you will find them as well. Religion does not = God and vica Versa. Nor does religion have a monopoly over our spiritual lives. The key is a relationship with the him Christ or Maharishi. That, to me doesn't matter because it's all the same thing. Devine wrapped in flesh to give us hope and direction. And I get tired of the Santa Clause God. Better be good I'm tellin ya why". Not much substance there.

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  • It seems pointless to me too. People
    Get so closed minded--with any religion. I just can't believe(in Christianity) that if your not christian and you die you automaticly go to hell.

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  • nowimsureimsane

    All religions are useless pointless ways of weak humans trying to cling to anything with purpose because they are too damn stupid to realise life is useless and to live their lives from a book from wtf knows where?religion is a fucking lie there is no god why dont you people get it.your living a fantasy ever heard of Constantine?look it up and stop being stupid.better yet learn science.Constantine really fucked your asses over didnt he.yeah despite the fact that he wasnt even real.when are you fucks going to get it?there is no god!i do believe in carma and past lives but that has nothing to do with religion.its from years and years of learning and listening to everything.fuck it you wont listen anyway.praise jesus.actually thats jesus in spanish.

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  • god smod pod where in the world did people get this info a old dirty book that they passed around because they cant think for themselves they have to make up some story to have people inspired so when they die they get dissapointed that there is no heaven or hell for that matter
    church is absolutely absurd its one thing to worship somebody but its another to waste time gas and money going to some building full of judgemental people who think going to church is a mother fuckin fashion show i can tell you right off the bat if there is a hell then they all belong there i dont see any astronauts floating off in heaven so where is it ??? i dont see hell in the core of the earth full of magma obviously religion does not make any sense satanist are stupid because even if there was god satan why worship the bad guy ?? and how is god all mighty and great if the dinosaurs became extinct people are dying everyday because of sickness and disease but wheres god NOT THERE the drug addicts the murderers the thieves what happened to the time he supposedly killed all the first born sons if gods such a holy being why kill innocent people kill the guy that did something wrong not the kid the bible says he made some guy kill his son for i dont know what reason

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  • cmcopeland

    I WAS you about 5years ago. I know exactly how you feel and what you're saying. The purpose of this life is a test. We are sent here to endure trials. How is One supposed to know hot when they've never felt cold? Or know sweet when they've never had bitter? How would you know happy with no sad? We are here to be tested and become like our God. We are commanded to multiple and replenish the earth. That is something that has brought me great joy in this life.....being a parent. You will have to pray and find out for yourself. DO study different religions and pray to find the right one. If you are sincere you will get your answers. Oh and btw I despise the preachers with their hands out collecting $$ also. Our church has no paid clergy at all. One of the things I love about our church....everyone serves out of love...not a paycheck. Check out The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And then PRAY! We ARE here for a reason.

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  • TDG

    I believe the bible is completely misunderstood. Watch the discovery channell show Ancient Aliens. It brings a whole new light to the storys the bible shares with us.

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  • DanB

    I believe in god. But not the church.

    I started thinking that way after I took a business class and the professor asked if we knew what the number one business in the world is. Naturally everyone thought oil, computers, all that. He laughed, smiled and unleashed this little nugget "the number one most profitable business ever is Christianity, they take your money and give you...techinically nothing in return"

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  • Gidget

    ALOT of good people go to hell "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" u get to heaven by accepting Jesus Christ as ur savior and following him also i laugh at some Jesus jokes because it just shows me how much smarter I am than the people telling the jokes deep down we all know God is real so its stupid to make fun of that I mean really did we all get here by accident NO it took a creative imagination to make this world and all that is in it Gods imagination and as for those guys at church who take your money being a pastor is a career how do they get paid? The tithes of the people in the church also how else can u keep the church running lights heat bills need to be paid for the church too also a church is a famaily u take care of each other its a community of people looking after eachother it takes more than the Pastor and the church building to have a church if u are a part of church dont complain about doing ur part also how can u diss ur own religion that is messed up i mean it is always good to have questions but read the bible it has an answer to every question u can think of ok good luck on strengthening ur faith

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