Christianity scares me

How can you not realise that God is a lie? I mean come on! You Christians actually believe that gold guys fly about playing the harp? How about some dude who lived 2000 years ago who could use The Force? You retards. The bible was heavily edited in the middle ages so the church could get you to do what they wanted or spend eternity in hell, but even prior to that it's purpose was to get wrongdoers to behave. And why do you believe this? Cos you've been brainwashed.

I won't go to hell cos it aint real.

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Comments ( 117 )
  • Altruistic-Tendencies

    Alright first of all there is no Proof that the bible was heavily edited, did you know most of the "proof" against Christianity is just theory and a scientist set out to prove god wrong and when he was finished trying he became Christian. Oh and your forgetting the shroud of Jesus, scientists ran tests on it and found out that the person in there vanished like light, look it up. And dude research before you come up with fake evidence, I was atheist once but I found heaps of evidence that god is real by researching, now I'm Christian.

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    • StarMan

      I'm not on either side, but...

      Carbon dating puts the Shroud of Jesus (or Turin) to be from the Middle-Ages. So how could it have been Jesus'?


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  • Defsing

    Religion is for the weak.
    Science is the truth.

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    • TheMemoryTree

      "Religion is for the weak."

      What's so bad about admitting weakness? I thought humility was a nobel virtue.

      "Science is the truth."

      I guess it depends on which science you're believing. Or scientist, I should say. I highly doubt you've conducted every scientific experiment coming to truthful conclusions about every one - so you must be taking scientists words for it on faith that they're telling the truth.

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      • hisham01

        and if religion prooved by science ?
        I mean if religion and science were compatible would you believe?

        MY EMAIL IS [email protected]

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  • GreyScale

    Better safe than sorry. ;)

    Consider this: In the eyes of Christians, YOU are the one that is brainwashed. So, arguing about it is endless and pointless.

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  • richielarry

    Oh dear, whoever wrote this is having personality problems. I believe in God and the Bible. I don't have any problems with people who don't at all, it is their choice and God made people that way.

    What I don't like it intolerant sh*ts like you mouthing off about what I should and shouldn't believe. My personal beliefs hurt no-one. I couldn't care less if someone thought their toothbrush was the King of Spain.

    I also think you are very ignorant of what you are talking about. What are these flying gold people with harps? What's "The Force".

    I hope that one day you do believe in God, but in the meantime I just hope that you learn to become a decent member of society who accepts people's beliefs.

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  • Look, if you are ever in a crisis and you open yourself up to God's help, "He" will help you.

    Last week I got down on my knees and asked God to help me with something heavy that I was going through. I felt God touch me, and I was filled with calmness and courage. From that moment on I have found the strength to cope with the situation because I know that God is with me. This has not been the first time in my life that I have experienced this.

    This doesn't mean that I believe in the words of the bible or the fairy tales held within. They are all false. And yet, they are all true.

    The presence of God has nothing to do with little silver guys flying around or old men with beards sitting in clouds. It has to do with the nature of the universe, and something deep within our existence.

    I get what people are saying when they put religion down, but on some level, it becomes more complicated than that.

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    • hornsby123

      Have you ever heard of the placebo effect?

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  • buriedalive

    @ poster
    You don't really seem to understand Christianity at all. For a start, angels are presented more as God's warriors than anything else in the bible (remember it was an angel that killed the first born boys in Eygpt), and were romanticised by artists etc (and by religion itself to make the whole thing more appealling). Also, many modern Christians combine scientific findings with whats in the bible, and don't take the whole thing literally, and when you think about it that way it's not so illogical. I still don't agree with it, but there's no reason to be so aggresive towards them.

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    • buriedalive

      * Egypt, lol

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    • buriedalive

      *and aggressive, damn, it's too early for this XD

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    • Hosikage

      God killed the first born Egyptian boys because the Egyptians didn't let the Jews leave Egypt.

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      • buriedalive

        Yes, but he sent the Angel of death to do it, which was my point XD

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  • Brenin

    Smart Christians realize all this (golden harps, the force (WTF?), edited texts) and take into account that humanity will make of it what they will. Honestly we know nothing about all this, and let our imaginations fill in the gaps. All the classic views are skewed through milennia of history and no-one is in a position to judge. What you call 'ridiculous' may very well be possible because, honestly, what do you know?

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  • MermaidPrincess

    I don't believe in you. Does that make you not real?

    Gold guys flying is just a media image, and the media is largely to blame for the negative light on Christians. A lot of religious people use religion to justify their own means, but that's the fault of human nature, not religion. And there are plenty of religious people who don't, so it sort of balances out.

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  • Apathique

    Actually, there is historical proof that dates back to the actual time that the gospels were written. There is actual proof based on writings (NOT written by Christians!) by people of that time that say a man that strongly resembles Jesus, was alive.

    And are you one of those people that believe the Big Bang Theory? Congratulations. Beliving that all of this complexity was formed from nothing takes a lot more faith than it does to believe that a superior being made it.

    But then again, the last time a firecracker went off I saw a little fish fall to the ground, grow legs and and run off into the forest. Because something from nothing isn't physically impossible or anything.

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    • Hosikage

      Actually its harder to see it the religious way.
      Who created god? Where did a BEING come from?

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    • buriedalive

      How would the existance of a man who strongly resembled Jesus be used as proof of Christianity? In Isaiah, a description of the coming prophet is that %%u201CHe had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him%%u201D, basically saying he would look the same as many of the other men of the period, and would have had few distinguishing features. Also, there were many preachers at that time, and as far as I know Jesus was a pretty common name, so the existance of a preacher called Jesus doesn't prove anything either.
      The reason people choose to believe the Big Bang theory is that, complex as it is, it's logical, and has it's basis in scientific reasoning. Direct interpretation of the bible is not. I'm not completely disregarding religion, just sayin why to many people it makes more sense (I'm agnostic, so haven't really made my mind up) : )

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    • StarMan

      Remember, I don't back either side... But I would like to say that:

      If something coming from nothing is impossible,then how could God have created the universe when there was nothing to create it from?


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  • LOL. Uhhh I really don't get what you are talking about, "The Force"? "gold guys"? I notice most people who do not accept christianity actually know nothing about it. You should grow some character, and learn to respect people's religions, and beliefs even if you don't agree with it.

    Everyone wants to take religion out of America, christianity did not fly a plane through the twin towers, not all religion is bad. Taking religion out of our country is taking our traditions away and turning us into something we shouldn't be, sorry but that's just my opinion.

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    • marcuschristensen

      Although your post is somewhat poorly written I do agree on your point, the bible has been rewritten and translated to such an extent that it most probably doesn%%u2019t even resemble the book it used to be.

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      • TheMemoryTree

        "the bible has been rewritten and translated to such an extent that it most probably doesn't even resemble the book it used to be."

        Have you ever studied biblical documentation and transmission?

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    • RevKenny

      What's even scarier is the hypo-christians. At least 75%% of the worlds' "Christians" have never even read the bible. I think I would want to read the manual before I took apart my car. Things said like violent10dency are an outright mock and they should be. The only Christians that ever complain are the ones that don't know jack about the bible. For instance, they can all quote John 3:16 but can they quote Ezekiel 23:20? Or how about or Malachi 2:3... And then even accurately explain them! This purpose driven life garbage has really pulled Christianity AWAY from Christianity! It's sad... As Bill Maher once said, "Christianity is the worlds' only contagious mental disorder."

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    • The_Enigma

      Oh haha heehee ho ho fuck you. Nope. Not gonna do that xD

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  • freakersball

    Christianity is a tool like any other. It can be used for good purposes or not-so-good. It really depends upon the Christian to live life in a good way or just go around thinking they are better than other people. Most Christians are well-intended and want to serve a good God, but Christian belifs are handed down to them from centuries-old traditions, such as the idea that Jesus was born on December 25th (an idea that originated around the year 354.)

    Really there is nothing to be scared about, because if there were no Christianity, there would be some other belief that would have come into prominence. People need to believe in something, and even though we don't realize it, we are all tweaking our belief systems as we continue to live life and see new viewpoints. We can never wipe our minds out to become a clean slate, we need to have a foundation of some kind, and religion provides that foundation for people to live by.

    And the Mark Twain quote is correct, Jesus himself would certainly not recognize our American style Christianity as anything that started from Him. Christianity started evolving from Jesus' teachings as soon as he was no longer around. Even the idea that Jesus died for our sins did not come from Jesus, it came from a guy who never met Jesus- the Apostle Paul, who was not one of the twelve but came into the fold later. None of Jesus' 12 apostles ever said he died for our sins. That concept was introduced some time after Jesus' death by Paul. It's not really a Christian concept, it's a Pauline concept. So in a way, it's more about Paul's teachings than it is about Jesus' teachings.

    Just take Christmas as an example. What did Jesus ever say about elves, sleigh bells, mistletoe, Santa Claus, gift-giving, stockings hung by the chimney, or bringing trees into the house? He never went around saying his mother gave birth as a virgin either.

    Also, the Bible has errors. Jesus once said, "It is easier for a rope to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." The Aramaic word for "rope" looks almost exactly like the word "camel" which ended up in the Bible instead of the word "rope", which makes much more sense, since a rope compares to a thread, but a camel does not. Jesus didn't talk senselessly, it was just translated that way.

    Yes, if Jesus were here, He would probably say, "Christianity, I never knew thee."

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    • TheMemoryTree

      @ freakersball

      "Even the idea that Jesus died for our sins did not come from Jesus, it came from a guy who never met Jesus- the Apostle Paul, who was not one of the twelve but came into the fold later. None of Jesus' 12 apostles ever said he died for our sins. That concept was introduced some time after Jesus' death by Paul. It's not really a Christian concept, it's a Pauline concept. So in a way, it's more about Paul's teachings than it is about Jesus' teachings.

      Matthew 20:28
      "even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

      Matthew 26:28
      "for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."

      Matthew 1:21
      "She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins."

      Luke 5:24
      "But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins"

      1 Peter 2:24
      "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree."

      None of these were written by Paul. In fact read all of Peter. He was in direct following with Christ. He attests often that Jesus died for our sins.

      Christianity can seem scary, but I find misrepresentation the scariest of all.

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    • TheMemoryTree

      "Also, the Bible has errors. Jesus once said, "It is easier for a rope to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." The Aramaic word for "rope" looks almost exactly like the word "camel" which ended up in the Bible instead of the word "rope", which makes much more sense, since a rope compares to a thread, but a camel does not. Jesus didn't talk senselessly, it was just translated that way."

      Also...this isn't actually saying the bible has errors. Just various translation problems. A huge difference. Such errors don't have any bearing on the doctrinal statements issued throughout.

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  • FlatLander

    Don't worry.. with the advances of modern science, hopefully in our lifetime religion will begin to be stomped out. If the Christians did that to opposing belief systems throughout history, why shouldn't science be able to do the same to the Christians?

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    • TheMemoryTree

      "Don't worry.. with the advances of modern science, hopefully in our lifetime religion will begin to be stomped out. If the Christians did that to opposing belief systems throughout history, why shouldn't science be able to do the same to the Christians?"

      What? Are we still on the playground? It usually seems like non-theists are just really angry at what religious folk have done to them, so they throw the baby out with the bath water.

      What's more is that they don't even see their own hypocritical actions such as this one above. You construct a moral superiority over religion because they've caused wrong throughout history, but yet your own mentality towards them is not much different than what you're pissed off about - as much as you'd like to deny that.

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  • truth09

    I can honestly say that ever since I came out of christianity, I've never been a much better person. I felt so constrained to the demands of religion when I was a christian but once I came to terms with the fact that "God" never existed, my life my life has been so much easier and I'm so much more happier.

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  • MikelAnalyzes

    I used to be a christian [13 years], but I realized a few things.
    1. There is a supreme being who loves everything in the limitless universe
    2. Made everything in that limitless universe
    3. Made everything in all other universes in the other dimensions
    4. Is in one of those dimensions, if even our own, with a bunch of people who're dead.

    I found this hard to believe. So I just figured 'screw this, no lies.' It is VERY normal to be scared by and feel hate towards Christianity.

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  • 0Red0

    I totally agree with you. Yes, I believe Jesus was some guy who existed. But I also believe that the state of the world at the time meant that a lot of people needed something to believe in, and not much was known about narcotics. Draw your own conclusion.
    Science is what will drive us forward, religion only serves as a way to hold us back. Even in the way of morals, if we need religion to give us morals then we're not the best person anyway, and are unlikely to uphold those morals.
    To those who believe in God, belief if up to you. But if one day someone you love develops cancer and you are given two choices, which would you follow:
    1)Renounce all faith and recieve a cure through science
    2)Believe that God will save them

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    • StarMan

      I don't back either side, just wanted to say:

      Very NICE ultimatum


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  • HowardMoon

    religion scares me too, I cant understand how a grown adult can believe in fairy stories.

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  • Nokiot9

    What should scare u is the idiots that think it's REAL. Idiots that are in the highest echelons of our government that believe some asshole can part an ocean at will, or some other asshole can live in a whale, or some other asshole can talk to snakes and burning bushes. These people have the power to Nuke the entire planet and they base decisions on faith based on shit like that instead of reason. What should scare you is the horrible murderous, child rapey, genocidal things that religion inspires in the mindless fucks that follow it. It's a plague on man. The most dangerous, virulent, widespread epidemic that has ever existed. God. In any form. To any people's, is a step backwards. Think of what the Middle East would be like without any religion for people to disagree about. Think of what ww2 would have been like. No holocaust.

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  • LadyEliza

    For someone who isn't into religion, you sure do say a lot about it.

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  • midnightear1500

    Are you serious?

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  • Wh0Ar3YoU

    Yea and just wait till Jesus returns and tells you all the sins you've committed. You will then proceed to shit your pants,grind your teeth till they're gone and shake like you're naked in the north pole. Keep on believing he ain't real. Just wait

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  • ilove

    BOO!!!! haha jk

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  • grimmbunny

    Amen! Christians are scary see how they group up so fast loli don't believe in being classified but yea i i do know about the father the son and the holy ghost n i kinda think its that big ball of fire in the sky cuz really in our lil sector of the universe is there anything more powerful then the sun that is gentle enough to create life the bible is "basic instructions before leaving earth" lol but i do also believe everyone has a lil soul n that never dies :-) but i feel some souls fade away others linger and when you die your brain plays back into a recoil of your life

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  • dailynews

    Wow. So, because you don't believe in hell, you're not going to hell. That's like saying... because I don't believe in computers, they don't exist.

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  • takeiteasy12

    Thememorytree* sorry

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  • takeiteasy12

    Oh, and @thematthewtree, you will convert him yet! :)

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  • You Dont know about chriatianty. Before you go and make fun of it you should probly look into it. And maybe if you would chill out and try being a cristian you could put your faith in god and you can work with him. And go to church. Then you can judge.

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  • potroast7654

    No, you absolutely should not be afraid of Christianity. Rather, you should welcome it with open arms.

    Here are some basic concepts:

    1) God is real. God is omnipotent and omniscient -- all-powerful and everywhere. Humans have no real power other than to choose to follow or not to follow -- we do have free will. Why is that important? Because...

    2) To get to heaven, one must accept Christ. Jesus Himself said it and the Disciples/Apostles echoed that most central of tenets: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father but by me."

    3) How do you accept Christ? The form is not terribly important; what's important is that you are earnest -- it isn't a joke. Here's how I did it: I got on my knees and closed my eyes. I prayed, asking God into my life/heart, to forgive my sins, and to be with me... to help me be a better person. Paul gives the basics in Romans 10:9-10. Jesus explains its importance in John 3:16 and numerous other verses in the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John).

    4) What will change? First, you are saved from eternal damnation, which is the price we pay for our sins -- and we all have sinned. Jesus' shed blood on Calvary is the payment for your sin, your ticket out of hell. It costs nothing; the gift is freely given. You only must ask Him, for He is the only one who has that power. This experience should give you a sense of peace, of certainty.

    5) What is the Trinity? Father, Son & Holy Spirit. All are God -- just different aspects. Sort of like ice, water and steam are all H2O... God the Father's proper name is Yahweh or Jehovah; Jesus was God Incarnate (God as man) and now rules in heaven; and the Holy Spirit is on earth with us (sort of like that... not terribly easy to explain. hehe)

    6. What do I do once I've accepted Jesus? It's not necessary, but it's a good idea to join a bible-based church. Also, read the bible. Pray at night or whenever you feel like it -- when you pray, you talk to God. God is the world's greatest psychologist.

    7. I have a Bible... where are Jesus's statements? Mostly in the Gospels (Matt, Mark, Luke, John).. all in the New Testament.

    Or you can read the bible online... I think the site is Bible Gateway.

    Anyway, don't be afraid... accepting Jesus is the best decision a person can make. And if you read the bible, you'll find that He was a pretty good guy... and to try to follow him, if done honestly (and not as pretense...), is fulfilling.

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  • cubinsc

    Oh, hi John Lennon. You survived! Wow! Start writing some more songs immediately.

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  • pjay10

    Everything in your life is controlled by your mind, what you believe or don't believe is your decision. Man has the most amazing computer, he does not need to be programmed by others and yet he lets others control his mind on certain issues like religion. Once others take control of your life, you become dependent on others to make your decisions for you and then your quality of life is deminished

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  • angelaa

    Heck yea it's ridiculous. I'm a person who cares a lot about what people think about me. A LOT. and when people call the faith gay, fucked up, myth etc. I just can't agree. God is not real to me cause the stories I've read in the bible, or cause someone said so, or cause he fixed all the problems in my life, which he did not. He's real to me cause I can feel Him. It's no bullshitting and I don't use drugs. I'm just a ordinary person who feeling a wave of warmth or even a shock whenever I pray. I'm not talking metaphorically, I mean it, I literally feel it. I used to not get those feelings when I prayed but one day it did and since then, I've been feeling it everytime I talk to God. I mean, honestly, I don't like church cause I ususally don't like the christians in the church cause they make me feel uncomfortable with their fake smiles or their judgmental look in their eyes. So.. when people say shit about the christians, I say.."okay fine.. some of them..they're pretty fucked up. I can't agree more." But God is real to me and I have learned in my life..(not in church) that God is a loving and caring God so if people say bs about God, I say that I disagree or don't say anything and just ignore it.

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  • SamuraiPeeper

    "If christ were here there is one thing he would not be-a christian."

    -Mark Twain

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    • TheMemoryTree

      "If christ were here there is one thing he would not be-a christian."

      -Mark Twain

      Depends on the the kind of Christian you're referring to. The Benny Hinn kind or the Mother Theresa kind?

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  • SamuraiPeeper

    I hate how christians always say that society would cruble without religion. That's such bullshit. Religion doesn't stop people from murdering or raping. Religion is used to justify whatever a religious person or group of religious people want it to justify, including murder and extreme cruelty. It's actually much more cynical to say that belief in a vengeful god is all that holds us back from chaos. Why can't people see that?

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  • tonkatank

    there are two things i would like to say (the heavy one first then the nice on). first off...WTF ON THE GOLDEN DUDES PLAYIN HARPS MAN. angels are God's freakin strike force. they are strong , fierce and ready to strike down all who dare to blaspheme HIS glorious name. all God has to do is snap His fingers and an army of shining beings would be down here kickin some. but God is merciful. He wants everyone on earth (even satan who use to be God's homie) to know that He loves us so much that He was willing to send His Son, Jesus, to die a terrible agonizing death that was reserved for the lowest of human swine. He extends His hand to all of you right now, wishing that all of you, His beloved to come into His arms right now so that you can feel the warm and loving embrace of holyness. im going to go and pray for all of you because i also want to see all my brothers and sisters in Christ to rise up from the ground to be brought to paradise to rule with the King. may God go into your heart.

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    sorry on the typos!! Humans* and *process lol

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    Are you talking about christianity or candyland??
    Gold guys flying around with harps?? lol that sounds like a bad cas of denile to me!! You dont believe in god but you believe that a long time ago before ANYTHING nothing started spinning and then all of a sudden earth was created?? kay so along that oricess as earth was forming little creatures were all of a sudden made and then they slowly evolved to the huans we are today!!??!! wow convincing story!! ill just stick with the creation story!! thanks

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  • Eljanco

    I am agnostic and made my own religion in the name of Iron Maiden it is called Aces High %%u20AC

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    • TheMemoryTree

      "I am agnostic and made my own religion in the name of Iron Maiden it is called Aces High %%u20AC"

      Tell me more.

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  • I pity people like you..thanks goodness i know the lord

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  • ifbaptist

    i believe that you are very confused and that you might have had some expierences that made you feel this way. i understand what you are saying but i disagree.i bet you have had some (supposably)christians who have ruined the hole idea of a loving and forgiving god and have made you think "well if this is christianity i dont want a part in it."
    i used to think this exact same thing until a wonderful caring independent fundemental baptist church got a hold of me and showed me the way to heaven. i would like to show you the way to romans gives a very clear path to heaven in chapter 10:9-10 kjv (the only correct bible written in english).read my profile i am (ifbaptist)there is hope that you will go to heaven red,believe,and finnaly recieve. if you or anyone who reads this or hears about it e-mail me at [email protected]

    best of luck i hope you find your way to christ i promise you it will be the best thing you ever do.

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  • raphatello

    I grew up without any religion in my life, but I don't think it should be stomped out. It is a way for people to cope with both extreme situations and day-to-day mediocrity. people should be allowed to believe in whatever the hell they want to, as long as they don't tell me what I believe. I think having an open mind about things is the best way to do because very rarely is anything absolute. Science proves it's own theories wrong as consistently as the bible contradicts itself. I'm much more interested in what instead of why or how.

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  • HarpoonedAlaska

    so, I'm not a big time christian, at all, and i dont think you're as scared as you are angry. I personally believe that its all fables, just stories that can tell us how we think, and how we've told our selves to behave... I do believe in god, but it was a brain washing. Raised to think that, But even i hadnt i think i'd outreach to some superior form... just talk to something like that, because what i value most about religion is the utter faith ( brain washing for you). I value the feeling you have when you believe, you feel so accepted and guided, not lost. If i'm being most people...i'd rather be lied to and happy. If i were in the garden of eden, i'm probably a stupid one that wouldnt eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil.

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  • Jennalee

    Im with chunkybongo(18981)

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  • SquareWheel


    This is absolute garbage. "Complexity" is formed from natural selection, any intellectual understands this.

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  • strangeblueberry

    saying "the gold guys with harps" was going a bit too far. I've grown up in a christian family yet i am athiest as of the moment and will be unless science proves the existence of a divine being. It's stupid to put your life completely in the "hands" of something that more than likely isn't real. And yes the bible is totally false.

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    • TheMemoryTree

      "i am athiest as of the moment and will be unless science proves the existence of a divine being."

      So what if God is immaterial? How does one run scientific experiments on an all-powerful, immaterial being? Plus...what if matter itself is proof of God?

      "It's stupid to put your life completely in the "hands" of something that more than likely isn't real."

      "More than likely" is relative. There are plenty of people who think it's likely. Science doesn't know everything - for instance only about 10%% of our oceans have been charted. There's a 90%% chance God is lurking around somewhere down there ;)

      "And yes the bible is totally false."

      "Totally"? That statement is totally false and misleading. You're saying NOTHING in the Bible is true. It talks about Herod. That's a well known historical figure - not to mention many other historical figure known to have existed. It speaks of many cities that have and/or do exist along with proper dates.

      Dont mislead people.

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  • iAmLiz

    Your not relly asking a question your just trying to get people who believin god not too... If you wanna state your opinion about stuff go to a diffrent sight cause you can piss some people off by saying that. and im one of those people.

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  • Bubear50

    It saddens me that there are so many "empty" souls in the world. This is a Judeo-Christian Nation whose core beliefs and morality are based on faith. And whose behavior is outlined in "The Word" and the word is directly from scripture.

    Is there evil & sin in the world? Yes. Is the end days upon us? Yes. Will there be an increase in suffering as a result of the end days? Yes

    Revelations outlines this false religion that will permeate the planet. It will be the marriage/joining of Islam and Technology.

    For those of you who have read scripture, or at least attended bible study, or even watched one of these Evagelist on TV.

    The end days are upon us: We are practically into a cashless society. And the One World Government is the United Nations. Islam is on the rise again (It took 200 years to suppress it the last time).

    And in time will become the one world relion. And finally when you receive the mark of the beast, you will be damned and upon your death be casted into the lake of fire for eternity.

    Death, Destruction, Famine, and unimaginable suffering will rein on all of us who reject the mark of the beast. In the end however will rein in heaven.

    I pray that all those souls who are not believers find a bible and read revelations. Its still not too late. HURRY!!!!

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  • anabolic19

    you dont believe thats what christians believe do you
    your an idiot
    that was some ones personal fantasy of what heaven would be like and it just got widely used by the media and films and stuff
    heaven is what heaven is
    no one knows what it looks like
    all we know is its a kingdom where all your family that have died go to live
    listen mate if you dont believe in anything your a sad lonely tool
    thats what the test is faith is blind
    you either believe no matter what or you just dont believe
    god is real and i feel sorry for you son
    you must be bitter

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  • help___

    Ugh, I hate it when people bash Christianity...
    They are not "Gold guys" that fly around "playing harps"
    The angels are God's army.
    If you were to see and angel you would probably be scared to death by the site of it.
    There is no such thing as "The Force"
    Jesus was able to perform miracles because He is God.
    God is three people in one
    God the Father
    God the Son
    And God the Holy Spirit
    The Bible isn't crap and I suggest you start reading and believing soon, preferably before you die.
    Because with beliefs like this, you've definitely got your ticket to hell.

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  • niicocofosho

    i dont belive in god myself.
    i belive in a religion without a god.
    personally, i think calling other's religion is rude. god brings hope to people. other's expierence contribute to what they belive in. in the middle ages, maybe that did happen. but what gives you the right to call someone stupid for having hope ?

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  • cookiecookie

    Wow honey... wow... Where did all of that madness come from???? God is real babe....What do you believe in??? Nothing??? Who do you think created this Earth? Who do you think created you??? I hope you're joking... and if you're not... I hope God does something to open your eyes.... And have you even picked up the Bible? God is real honey.

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    • Hosikage

      Who created God?

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      • TheMemoryTree

        "Who created God?"

        What created matter? Did it exist eternally? Or did it come from absolutely nothing?

        If you believe it existed eternally then why is it a stretch to believe God existed eternally?

        If you believe it came from nothing then I'd wager that you've got as much faith in the impossible as I do in my belief in an eternal God.

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        • StarMan

          @ TheMemoryTree

          I don't back either side, but I'd just like to point out that:

          If matter existed eternally, then God could never have created it as it never was created.


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      • No one, he created us all.

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    • jesusman

      i liked cookiecookie's reply lol did some rock crash on the earth and BAM there was i life!!! o ya we realy were monkys LOL God is real and if you dont open your eyes you will go to hell and god will look into your soul and see every bad thing you have done and say depart from me siner for i do not know you hey man goodluck i fear for your imortal soul

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      • delft63

        the abandonment of Christianity has left a large hole for islam to fill.

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  • takeiteasy12

    Violent10dency has it right (1st comment). Obviously you know nothing about christianity. But theres no point arguing. When you are in Hell you will realize how wrong you were.. how dreadfully wrong... :)

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  • that's not what its about. the bible shouldn't be interpreted word for word. because it's not meant to be. it's about the moral, the meaning BEHIND the story.
    and who the fuck says it's all about gold things with harps?

    go to hell - the devil awaits

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  • sincity

    God loved the world so much he gave it his only son. Those who believe in him shall never Parrish, but have eternal life.

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  • OT3P_Wolf

    Your reasons for fear are illogical. I'm only slightly fearful of Christianity because of what happened in the middle ages. I'm pagan and believe in an infinite number of gods, but mainly Dionysos. I fear because I don't want to be burned alive at the stake after a year of horrible torture. Is that a decent reason to fear?

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  • newChristianmom

    If you researched Christianity you could see that most Christians don't believe in anything that you wrote in your post. Christianity was around long before the Bible was put together, so you don't need the Bible to believe in God.
    My heart goes out to you and to all nonbelievers. I pray that when God speaks to you through the unique avenue that he will you will open your heart to hearing Him. I love you and hope to see you in heaven :)

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  • MeninBlack

    God is important, just look around.
    If you think god exists hell is far away, if you dump god probabilly the hell is in front of your door but you can't observe because you don't belive in god.
    A religon teaches us what's ethically good and bad. Without it ethic,good will,love and care wouldn't exist.

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    • MeninBlack

      The Bible,Coran and other books were born to teach people basic things like what's good and what's bad or more preciselly what's normal and what is not.

      Just read it and you will don't have to enter this website. I tripped over on it while searching something on google, it's interesting to see what kids and people are doing these days.

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  • noodlemasterX

    Wow, this is a scary thread...

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  • lovequestions

    Heh, this post is for all the people reading this thread who debated responding but then realized that it is simply not worth it because the ignorance of truth and lack of open-mindedness would defeat the purpose.

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    • StarMan

      I don't back either side, but...

      So you're saying that you're not one of these people? Bahahahaha


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    • zenofsky4

      I dont care for religion of any kind, but do think people should be free to believe in whatever they want to, as long as they are not hurting or trying to force their beliefs and opinions on others (wishful thinking. the day that people finally stop trying to kill/convert/judge their fellow humans, is probably never going to come.)

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  • billabongsport

    To the person who wrote this. finally someone who gets it! I totally get where your coming from.
    Atheist for life. :)

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    • StarMan

      But not afterlife!

      (Sorry, I could resist)

      (and I don't back either side)


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  • JaiHo_YouAreMyDestiny

    That is my religion jerk! i have complete faith in god because I don't want to believe I came form, like, nothing and was created out of a disguisting monkey. Well., If you don't belive then OK. It's fine! But don't you go online and write disrespectful things for everyone to see. Grow up.

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    • StarMan

      I don't back either side, but...

      Let's leave the monkeys out of this, shall we? What did they ever do to you?


      Can I just point out that the features of humans and "monkeys" are remarkably similar. So much so that it may not be a coincidence.


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  • Tomodikai

    Christianity, like other religions was stemmed from what we dident know, and became less credible with the improvements in our scientific knowledge.
    But it isen't always they are believers to the grave, its just that alot of people needed something to believe in, to make them feel secure.
    And get your facts right. Even your statement, "Christianity scares me" is wrong. by the sounds of things you just don't like it.

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    • StarMan

      I don't back either side, but...

      Perhaps "Christianity scares me" was more of a comment on how the many millions of lives ended by Christianity throughout the ages is so horrible that they wonder why it is a widely accepted part of our society.

      However this is just a speculation. I just didn't like how you blatantly said "the statement was wrong".


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  • Rmoe12

    Also, I totally agree with Indifferent, but, for some people, once you get to researching, and then you check out Christianity,you start felling a little tug in your chest to get accept Jesus, even if your not a Christian. I used too be a f***ed up person. Still am. But belief in Jesus has at least helped me through life whenever I pray, whether it be a series of coincedences, I still want to keep praying to keep my life good

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  • Tigress

    Im on even going to adress the above comments. >.<
    I classify myself as a roman catholic but I don't give a damn about my sins and sacraments and whatnot. God loves me 100%% right now and he won't love me better if i follow the rules he told Moses to write on a rock up on a mountain. Personally I think that Christianity has been really twisted since its origins at the Council of Nicaea.

    Just forget it. As long as we're wearing clean underwear and don't smell, we're all ok and we need to stop hating.

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  • Indifferent

    Christianity, like any religion, is a coping mechanism designed to alleviate the basic primal fears that other animals have to deal with - namely death. It also serves to ease our tension of the unknown so that we feel more knowledgeable and in control of the universe around us. The Bible, Quran, Torah, and other philosophical publications, are compendiums that examine man, not God. We are here on this planet for no more purpose than to live. What we do in that time is what is important, and the limited time we have on Earth makes our lives that much more significant.

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    • Indifferent

      Moreover, I agree with other's opinions that Christianity provides a relatively consistent moral framework for its subscribers. After all, not many people would enjoy bathing in a lake of fire if they could help it.

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  • livialilac

    No one said his guy was muslim, hindu, or atheist. No one said this guy was a terrorist. And no one said this guy hated Americans and/or christians. And guys- some people have rewritten the bible in the middle ages. That doesn't mean it's wrong though. The bible, I mean. Just believe what *you* believe, and be tolerant of other people's beliefs. But some people do get religions twisted in their quest to be more "godly."

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  • Moonlit_Heart

    Sorry, I didn't mean to direct that comment to Sammy3.

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  • Sammy3

    Oh sh!t, what a book of comments. Im Catholic. Nuff' said.

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    • Moonlit_Heart

      Ahh, I wish people would stop acting like they know everything...It just causes wars and disasters. No one knows if God exists or not. Just bee a good person and whatever happens, happens.

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  • replicator

    I believe in God not necessarilly because of what bibile says. I believe because when I am in difficult situations in life and I pray for something to happen, something really happens and it helps me. Most of people think that it should be a coincidence.

    Pal, there are no coincidents!

    And your post is not relevant. You don't have to be Cristian to believe in a GOD.

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  • jesis is a goof.:)

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  • Angelmom

    I am a Christian and if you aren't or don't believe in it then you have nothing to worry about do you?

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  • I belive in the Big Bang.

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  • billabongsport

    So with you on this one. Fuck God.
    I don't even know why I spelt his name with a capital coz he ain't even a living thing. Just a figment of you gulliable peoples minds.

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  • axejacks

    I've asked Jesus and God to "make me str8". They wouldn't do it. They just want me to be who I am. They told me so one night. They said: "AJ, you are who you are, we made you this way. Accept it. We love you."
    So, when they didn't make me str8, I stopped beleiving in them. Makes me angry cuz I know I would be much happier as a str8 guy.
    Yeah, krishcheeanity ain't as cracked up as it made to be.

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    • grimmbunny

      "Jesus hung out with 12 guys and a prostitute i think he was more like me then you" lol i like that poster aid some gay guy made

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        lol gave birth while still a virgin XD christians are baffled i say SPERM BANK!

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  • Yeah just become a scientologist that story is twice has retarted then anything you will read in the bible.

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  • eatter123

    people need religion, it gives them hope and a support community. to remove that system would cause chaos.

    that what fucking bible are you reading, were does it say god is some golden guy flying around playing a harp (one of the ten commandments says that thou shal not creat idols, so how do you know what the image of him is)

    and violent10dencey, no religion is bad. as each religion is seperate, having seperate communities, practices, and you should not judge it differently as you do not practise that religion.

    the 'base' religion of most of the western world is christianity, it is what most country leaders want to believe as many think it is the best (but that has just been programed into our culture, from the 1800s when christianity ruled the world)

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    • Yes I understand not all muslims believe in killing the "infidels" but some do, and that's a problem, especially for americans.

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      • Hosikage

        The terrorists twists the Q'ran!
        In the Q'ran it stands that Muslims should take up arms and destroy Islam's enemies. But the Terrorists use it as an excuse and says that the Americans and the western countries are enemies of Islam.

        America is there to take terrorists(and oil. i dunno). A enemy of Islam is someone who wants to destroy ISLAM and not someone not Muslim who has warfare in Islamic countries.

        Remember: The terrorists are a extreme minority. And "Terrorist" is not "rampaging-jihad leading muslim".

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      • Pringletot

        So your just saying that muslims are a problem in America because SOME kill people??? What about black people too are they a problem because some black people kill, and whites, and mexicans, and asian, are they all problems because some of them kill people? Some Christians kill people but you totally ignored that right there.

        It doesn't matter what religion, ethnicity, sex, or whatever there are going to be some extremists so don't bother saying one type of people are a problem because whatever religion, ethnicity or sex you are there's going to be extremists.

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        • babyjay21

          the problem with muslims killing is that they want to kill americans. beleive it or not america is still the land of the free, not the land of the fearful. some website polled muslims and asked them if they thought suicide bombings could be justified. 20%% said yes! 1 out of every five muslims I see probably believe in suicide bombing! f**k them they should all be deported.

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    • The Islamic religion, as it is being practiced as well as manipulated by leaders in that world, has been a force of great evil and detriment to the people who live under its influence.

      I think you can judge it on what is evident in the world today. You don't need to be a practitioner of something to judge that thing.

      I am not putting down Islam itself, but only the way it has been used to manipulate the people of the Moslem world in contemporary times.

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