Closets scare me!

So,I am absolutely terrified of dark closets or rooms.If I'm just walking around the house and there's a room open with the light off I have to have someone else turn the light on because Im afraid if I reach for the light switch a wrinkled old hand with long fingernails will grab me.I go outside and walk in the dark all the time by myself (in my woods) and I have absolutely no problem with it. I am terrified of dark rooms.Also,I can't hang my toes over the edge of the bed or get out of bed without jumping halfway across the room so that there's not some weird deformed person waging to slice my toes off when I get up. Is it normal that I feel like this? Or am I just crazy?

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64% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Glumpo

    Just anally fuck the monsters until they bleed out and you are all good (if girl, shove knife up ass and carve out a few chunks).

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  • Ningelle

    It's normal to be afraid of closets. They can harbor ghosts. I've also heard/read about ghosts having some weird thing with feet if they're uncovered or hanging off the edge of the bed. Never had anything like that happen to me but I think I'd flip out! So... There are no closets in my house and my feet are always covered in bed. It's a lil paranoid but at least I know what WON'T happen!

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  • coolio75650932

    Never be scared of the dark...Be scared of whats in the dark.

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  • snowtail802

    ok i hv to jump half way across my room to get out of bed becase i fear that a monster will grab my legs and pull me under and never let me go

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  • capcrunch6

    Sit in your closet regularly and you will overcome your fear.

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  • MegaGrenny

    hey leaving a fan on hi beside you kinda helps you know

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  • ginz

    we all have our own fears. no worries it's normal

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  • NotStrangeBird

    Don't be stupid. None of that stuff is gonna happen, you watch too many movies. Force yourself to walk around in the dark a bit more every day. Overcome your fears!!!

    My only fear walking around in the dark is stubbing my toe.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's normal. I can't sleep if the closet door is open.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Yeah; I find myself afraid of the dark sometimes, myself. I have to have my closet closed at night.

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