College is making me hate myself

It's my first year in college and it's making me horribly depressed. I can't make any friends that I truly connect with, I'm already failing a class, I have no idea what I want to do with my life, and I feel like my family is offering little to no support. Whenever my mom calls me and wants to know how things are going, she gets angry. I tell her that I'm failing a class because the professor can hardly speak English, and she gets angry at me. I feel stupid here, I feel awkward here, I feel depressed here. When I reach out to my family about it, they only seem concerned with finances and I feel like my happiness comes second. I feel like they don't even care. I have crazy thoughts about suicide, running away, or things of that sort on a regular basis. I'm just clueless, I have no motivation anymore, and I want away from this place.

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81% Normal
Based on 89 votes (72 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • I think you should focus on passing and getting this year over with. Then maybe take a year off to reevaluate your life. Just hang in there you already commited alot of time, effort and money just fight through it. Thats a better choice then dropping out and having to start all over again.

    You should start journaling, just sit there and let your mind go, write down some goals and future plans. This will make it alot easier to get yourself on the right path.

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  • Poolnoodle

    Some people just aren't fit for college. It seems however, that you are more concerned with the social aspects of college more than you are with learning. The accent can make it hard to understand your professor and it may make it difficult for you to get the best grade, but it isn't an excuse for failing. Please do some soul searching and find what it is in your life that you need to change. And if you aren't fit for college, invest your time in other fruitful jobs. And just remember that if you ever feel lost it's because you are listening to the wishes of someone else and not yourself. Best wishes to you on your journey. (:

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  • SplinterWingz

    This is exactly what my first year was like. Hell I ended up getting kicked out on my 2nd year because the tutor hated me but I stuck to college, i'm in a different one now and though it's still stressful and i have no one I can really connect with, I keep with it because i'd rather die bruised battered and successful than depressed, regretful and unsuccessful.

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    • linchpin

      yeah I never went to college, I'm in my early 30's and I feel depressed regretful and unsuccessful. The way you are thinking is spot on.
      Keep up with it and good luck

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  • linchpin

    Adversity causes some men to break.

    Others to break records.

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  • It's normal. It's a lot of big changes at a confusing time of life. thing I can assure you, with 97% certainty, is that your parents care about you.

    My oldest is in college now. He's going through a lot of the same things.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Perhaps, as mentioned above, you just aren't the "book learning" type.
    I tried college 3 times and left each time bored out of my mind. Every professor had gone to school, got their credential, and gone back to school to teach.
    I'd been a crab fisherman in Alaska at 15, sailed to Hawaii and back several times, been to war and traveled extensively; college just wasn't my scene.
    I would suggest you finish the semester doing the absolute best you can, while working as much as you can to save money, then go out into the world and find things you enjoy doing. Buy a bed roll, maybe a tent (to sleep in camp grounds, not hotels) and pack light.
    Get away from your folks, out of your home town and just experiment, taking jobs where ever you can find them. Try anything which might appeal to you. Obviously, it was on the sea, for me, but perhaps it will be in a forest as a logger, or being a lift operator in a ski resort, etc. for you. You won't know if you don't try. Each new experience will open further opportunities and you'll eventually find your niche. Or not, in which case you can return home and go back to school. But surly, you will have had some great adventures, met some interesting people and found out there's more to life than depression and suicide.

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  • macaroniheyo

    Take a break? Maybe take a year or two off? You shouldn't have to worry so much, especially if it makes you this depressed. You're never gonna get out of your depression if you don't do things for yourself. There is nothing wrong with taking a break from it, you can ALWAYS go back. People seem to forget that. Besides, maybe college isn't even for you, maybe you'll find something that makes you happier, and that you can be successful in. And you'll meet better people somewhere else. I hope you do :)

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  • Mersaphe

    I was the same way. Just realize it's costing them a lot of money for you to be in college. But don't do college to make your parents happy, do it to make you happy.. Find what you really enjoy and dive right in. I spent a few years fumbling around without any direction in my life and not only did this waste my time but I never got the results I was looking for so depression set in. You don't want to be that person at graduation who didn't know what they wanted to do with their life and so because they never had a goal they only half assed everything. Or the person who regrets not taking the opportunities that college had to offer. Or that person who isn't ready to have a real job and be an adult in their 20s. Trust me I've been there

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  • mixwell

    wait until you get into the real world youngster. colleges fucking chill compared to being an adult

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I really do not understand why a person who cant speak properly is allowed to be doctors or teachers. Especially when school children are forced to take speech classes to correct this. I don't have a lot of friends right now either so I know how that feels. You could try something like cops, security or military. They don't always require a lot of intelligence to start and if you become a cop they pay you as you go to cop school. As for the friends issue I not sure what to tell you there. Most people expect to get friends from college and all the friends I got were from HS not work.

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  • Would you jump off of a bridge if all of your friends were doing it?

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