Come and let us discuss atheism.

Okay! Atheists! A few little things that bug me about many of them are as follows.
*They tend to write theists off as 'religious' or 'gullible'. But hello, atheism is a religion as well. Scientists are putting their faith in unseen transition fossils and highly inaccurate carbon dating, to mention but a few. Non-scientist atheists are putting their faith in scientists and a theory that they probably don't even know all the details of themselves. I've had the privilege of getting to know it well over many hours, seeing all it's lukes and assumptions. Even stupider people I know go with atheism because that's what their friend group goes for!
*But why do people do that? Many have the closed mindset that there's Christianity/(Other theist religions), and if that's not your thing, the natural alternative is Atheism, where you're smarter because you have science. But that dear friends, is idiotic. Creation science is a thing. Divinity is just used to explain the things that science can't answer, unlike many atheists (even professors!) who shrug and say, 'I don't know' when queried about the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, how exploding a bunch of bricks doesn't get you a house, where the bricks came from, the creation of new genetic material etc.
*Atheists say 'So God created you, but who created God?' and adopt a smirk on their face. That gives me the right to ask, 'So the universe created you, but who created the universe?'.
To me, if there was a God, his all powerful nature would undoubtedly leave questions unanswerable to humans.
*I've heard, 'Theism is a disease passed on by parents'. Well that's very nice, but atheists do the very same thing.
*As I type this on my cheap phone which has a screen which can show me things, looking at it with my eyes that let me see things, lying on a bed that has springs in it, in a house made of bricks which sits on a world which is spinning at over a thousand kilometres per hour, and have the privilege of having a cat name Bouba, it would be beyond me to think that it all came out of nothingness.
Just think about it. Looking at a computer you know someone designed and built it. It would be a very long shot for one to have formulated itself, but how many million more times more complicated are we?
*Just a note, how Christianity, certainly in America, is being butted out of schools and Christians being looked down upon more and more as atheism grows in power and followers.
So these are my thoughts. Whether you agree or disagree, I want to hear yours.

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Comments ( 96 )
  • Couman

    Atheism is not a religion, atheism is the absence of theism. Atheism does not make any claims, it is the null position. Everyone is born atheist.

    You are confusing atheism with science. Now I'll admit scientists can sometime be dogmatic and reluctant to accept that they're wrong about things. But scientific beliefs are still fundamentally based on evidence, so usually the worst case scenario is that the next generation of scientists adopt a better theory and leave the old ones behind. It's strange you have such a negative view of science, since it created your "screen", bed and house. What has religion done for us?

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    • Arm0se

      Um, no. Atheism is just straight up "There is no God or higher power" people. Agnostics are the ones who don't make claims and are in a null position.

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      • Karmasbitch


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    • Thanks for replying. I just have to say, those definitions of yours are a bit dodgy. Where did you get them from?
      Also, I don't have a negative view of science. I like science. I am in the process of becoming a scientist. But I don't think that evolution is an adequate response to the questions we all ask.
      And yes, religion does have it's fair share of bad stigma surrounding history. But in the bible it says not to kill, some 'Christians' missed that point completely. All in all I think proper Christians are gentler and will be less likely to do bad things than Atheists.

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      • VinnyB

        "But in the bible it says not to kill, some 'Christians' missed that point completely."

        It seems God also missed this one. That is why there are countless accountings in the Bible of mass murder committed by its God. In the great flood, he commits the greatest act of mass murder ever. One would have to believe that children and babies were among the dead. Then, he kills the first born sons of Egypt, more innocent children, just to prove his strength to Pharaoh. Even if you believe in this evil God, how can you justify giving your worship and love to a being that mass murders children?

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    • ArayaLioness

      I disagree with the notion that everyone is born atheist. In order to be atheist, you would have to (imo) understand the concept of a deity and then simply believe that you lack a belief in a Deity.

      I don't think being ignorant of the concept of a Deity automatically makes everyone an Atheist.

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    • mystery7

      By your definition anyone who lacks a belief in God is an atheist, I guess that makes Fluffy the cat an atheist too.

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      • Couman

        That's correct. But it's true that not everyone uses it that way. These divergent uses are sometimes called "weak atheism" and "strong atheism". The difference is between "I don't believe there are gods" and "I believe there are no gods". I'm using the former definition.

        If someone claims they know for a facts that no gods exist, I think that could arguably be called a religion. Where as I just assume no gods exist until I see some evidence to the contrary.

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  • iEatZombies_

    Athiesm in of itself is not a religion. I can't speak for every Athiest out there and I'm not going to try explaining every belief or abscence of belief.
    What I'll say is Athiesm is the -absence of- a belief in -God-. Thiesm requires a Deity. You can't believe in a person or a subject and call it a religion because there is no theism to believe in or not believe in.
    You can't belive in science; science is not what's plausible, science is what's factual. No matter who you are or what you belive, gravity keeps us from drifting into space and Earth revolves around the Sun.
    As for whether you believe a scientist, well you should believe what facts a scientist makes and make your own opinions with such inforamtion.
    If a scientist says Global warming -is- happening, with proof, you should believe it because it just -is-. If a scientist says they believe Global Warming may occur, you shouldn't go live in the coldest place in the world to avoid the possibility of wearing a bathing suit for the rest of your life.

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    • green_boogers

      It would seem that Agnosticism is not a religion. I think Atheism requires a (small) leap of faith.

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      • Ellenna

        There is no small or large or medium sized "leap of faith" in atheism. Faith is about believing things without proof, usually what the believer wants to believe and that has nothing whatsoever with Atheism

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        • slings_and_arrows

          But we don't know for sure that there isn't a creator of some description. So to call yourself an atheist and declare that no Gods exist, even though you cannot explain how existence came into being, seems to me to require a leap of faith. No one has the answer to how the universe came into being, what's beyond it, what came before it etc. so how can you be so sure it didn't involve some kind of creator? That's where atheists take a leap of faith, coz they are saying 'whatever caused the universe to come into being it definitely didn't involve a creator." I don't see how an atheist can be so sure, and I do regard myself as an atheist, but I wobble a bit at that point.

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          • VinnyB

            "But we don't know for sure that there isn't a creator of some description. So to call yourself an atheist and declare that no Gods exist, even though you cannot explain how existence came into being, seems to me to require a leap of faith."

            It requires a leap of faith in the same way that believing there is no tooth fairy requires a leap of faith. I can not prove there is no tooth fairy, but I have no doubt the tooth fairy does not exist. There is no way that you can prove definitively that there is no tooth fairy, Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, or God.

            I can say that there are invisible, undetectable aliens in your living room right now. There is no way that you could prove it is not true. If you want to call that faith, go ahead. I wouldn't use that word.

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        • Really Miss Ellenna? Maybe you're a scientist who has been keeping her work all to herself, and have infallible proof, filling in all the gaps our scientist friends would love to know?
          Please share it with us.

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          • Ellenna

            I'm not a scientist and don't pretend to be: I don't need to be one to know the difference between faith and proof. A scientific approach keeps the brain open and questioning and willing to change if new evidence for any proposition is found: faith results in a closed mind unwilling to change or learn.

            And that's MS by the way, not miss

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            • green_boogers

              So, I challenge you to disprove the existence of God. If you cannot do it, you are agnostic. If you still BELIEVE God does not exist, you are atheist. Notice that Aetheism is about what you believe, and agnosticism is about what cant be proven.

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            • GigglesGirl

              *Giggles* open mind *Giggles*

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    • Riddler

      Okay so what about Buddhists? What should we classify this as?

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  • chained_rage

    I didn't read your post. I don't feel like raping my mental capacity for somebody who doesn't appreciate the use of paragraphs.

    I have, however, read the comments. It seems like this thing is about the validity of evolution as an atheist's "main" foundation.

    I would just like to add that you don't need to dig up bones to proves evolution. It's all around us right now. Organisms adapt.

    In Greenland there is an indigenous fish called the Wolf fish. It lives off of crabs. The crabs started to notice that they won't die if they just live on the rocks and not go into the ocean. The Wolf fish adapted. It now leaps out of the water and hops from rock to rock until it finds a crab. A fish developed extended core muscles in order to hunt for food on land whilst completely ignoring the fact that it needs the water to breathe in.

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    • Did I mention my phone was cheap? I don't think it's capable of paragraphing and that's why I used bullet points. But don't rape your mental capacity if you wish not to.
      I've got a question about your fish; was there any new genetic code created? If my mother hides the cookie jar, and I find out she hid it up on the highest shelf, if I start climbing it doesn't mean I evolved, does it?

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      • chained_rage

        If your mom hid the cookie jar at the bottom of the ocean and you suddenly developed gills, then yes, evolution, bitch.

        You're nothing but just another person who tries to act smart and then collapses under sheer stupidity due to your embarrassing train of thought.

        Let me put this to you in terms you would hopefully understand.

        water. fish. JUMP. out of water. CLIMBS. air. Fish. Fish.


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    • Incomplet

      Going to add to this point.

      There are homologous structures throughout mammals. One notable example is the pentadactyl limb. The pentadactyl limb is common to humans, other mammals (although whales and dolphins have lost their hind limbs), birds, dinosaurs, and other reptiles and amphibians.

      This is all evidence that supports a common ancestor - and thus, evolution.

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  • Ace09

    I respect ur opinion, but I don't think if atheism is really out- growing Christianity. We're the minority of the world, and we don't have the rights u do.
    So just be cool, I'm not trying to change ur beliefs, don't try to change mine.

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    • Yeah, I agree, let everyone think what they want.
      But I don't know. On IIN atheists are majority. With people I know, atheists are a majority; in fact I even get dissed by people I know for bringing in my ideas. And in schools (American, I'm not sure about others), theism is being shoved off and replaced with atheism. So I don't know if your observation about that was true.

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  • TriWolf13

    Ah religious debate. This'll end well.
    My opinion is this.. Religion is fine if it's your choice.
    What I don't like are hypocrites and bigots.
    As for in schools, I think it's fine as long as it is completely optional for each student.
    On to the atheists and believers... there are people on both sides that are complete lunatics.
    I'm paraphrasing here but as Einstein once said "Religion starts war. Science makes us more efficient killers."
    Other than being curious, I honestly don't care what people choose to believe.

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  • Karmasbitch

    I was farting at work a lot.

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    • Consider yourself lucky. Who doesn't like letting the odd one fly about every now and then? :)

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  • myspace84

    And as MisterMastero said....don't be afraid to admit that we don't know. It's good to admit that you don't know something and to seek the answer in a way that can be repeated and produce the same result.

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    • Riddler

      I agree with this! Why I believe Agnosticism makes the most sense. It makes no wild assertions either way on a matter we dont have enough evidence to support. It just says "It may or it may not but we are not really sure at this point".

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  • MisterMastero

    Why is it such a problem to say "I don't know"? Just like people thought Earth was flat, there was no reason to believe it was when there was no evidence supporting it. Now, what defines "evidence" can be debated, but in my book it's better to believe you DON'T KNOW rather than believing a lie.

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  • Riddler

    Well done, I not even going to add to the argument just going to say I very much enjoyed your presentation.

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    • Thanks mate, any time :)
      Unless you're being sarcastic...

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      • Riddler

        No actually I wasn't, I would have phrased it differently if I was being sarcastic. I did enjoy reading this and I love how you narrate.

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    • green_boogers

      Thank you, friend.

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      • slings_and_arrows

        This is yours g_b? In that case I will give it a read, was gonna skip it, it looks lengthy...

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        • green_boogers

          No, I am not the OP. I found his lack of critical thinking skills to be irritating.

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  • green_boogers

    Life could have evolved in billions of different ways. Unfortunately, it evolved to produce degenerates like you, me, and 7 billion other fucktards. There is nothing special about life. It propagates and fills voids. Making up imaginary friends like God only explains things to the ignorant. When billions of random outcomes accumulate over billions of fucking years, Darwinian processes produce something. You could have been an intelligent mollusk on some other planet. Do the math, and accept nature's pathetic nature.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers


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  • myspace84

    Religion is not fine I am tired of this bullshit. Science doesn't claim to know everything. That is what made the Europeans succeed compared to other empires. The admitting of now knowing all and seeking to learn. Scientists are always revising and disproving their theories based upon EVIDENCE.
    When theists can provide one iota of proof or even just agree on which God is God. You have to be smoking something to believe the fairy tales that come out of religion. If someone said those stories today they would be laughed at but passage of time and collective agreement seems to make it ok for those certain people.
    There are billions upon billions of stars in our galaxy and countless planets/solar systems. If someone claims to have all the answers they better show more than just a book and some old tall tales.
    Fuck religion no respect anymore. I used to say I respect it but seeing what happens across this world in the name of fairy gods and tales. I say fuck all of them hypocritical delusional fucks.
    There is no basis for a debate. End of story.

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    • I appreciate your comment, but are bitter replies like yours beneficial? Swearing and disrespect are something you should keep to yourself, thank you very much. What happened to civilised discussion?
      I think evolution is as much a fairytale as anything else, if not more so. You're one of those ones who like to pull out science as their shield, but let me pose you a few questions.
      1. What makes a religious person a hypocritical delusional fuck?
      2. What is the depth of your knowledge in the theory of evolution?
      3. What do you think of my point that atheism is a religion?

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    • Ellenna

      Oh so it was science that made the Europeans "succeed" - what, the science of superior weaponry to subjugate, exploit and kill indigenous people all over the world?

      Apart from that point, I agree with you. I also used to believe we should respect all religions, but as far as I'm concerned I don't see why religious belief should be respected (not to mention financially supported by the state) and protected by law any more than my belief that fruit & vegies are better for me than Macca's.

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      • Asstastics

        Yes, the science of superior weaponry guarantees Darwinian processes into the future. The great Anglo-Saxon tradition is being continued by the Americans - nuclear bombs and cruise missiles will eventually obliterate humanity. But who cares? Life will evolve to fit the environment.

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    • Ace09

      Gimme Five!

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  • Dad

    Wow a creationist. I would love to answer and enlighten you on each ridiculous point you made.

    But for someone not to agree with evolution (that even the Pope agrees with) shows me you know nothing of science at all. I'd suggest you read up anywhere on the subject.

    I don't know why people's beliefs such as yours still exist in 2015? Its funny and sad at the same time.

    Ok mostly its funny :D

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    • Hello, sir. First off, it's nice how you assumed who I was. I've got nothing to do with the Pope, or Catholics. Second, why don't you enlighten me on every ridiculous point I've made?
      What's funny here is your closed mindedness, nothing else.

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      • Dad

        My mind is not closed it is open. I enjoy learning new things and building knowledge even about the entire universe.
        Can you please inform me how religion has increased in any knowledge over the last 2000 years? You may as well have been born back then, so sad :)

        There were so many problems with what you wrote it would be extremely hard to specifically enlighten you on every single point. I have however already mentioned that understand evolution is true is probably the best start for you.

        I just started reading your first couple of lines again. Its just very silly ignorant stuff you wrote
        Atheism is not a religion
        No one has 'faith' in science', science requires evidence and facts that scientists all over the world try to disprove and confirm the findings. Its not like believing in one man or something! That would be utterly ridiculous.

        Are you following so far?

        Since you obviously have such a poor understanding of science and knowledge, I'd highly suggest you read up absolutely anywhere online (bar say religious nuts).

        The information is freely out there ;)
        Your long paragraph goes on and on with nonsense, you may need to ask one question at a time.
        It also sounds as if you are very young (ie ignorance) Please ask a really strong single question to me, and I'll answer as soon as I read it :)

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  • Freedom_

    Neither side can come up with a completely solid argument, yet there are endless contradictions pertaining to both theism and atheism. I find this very interesting indeed. It's a decision you just have to trust yourself with.

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  • chole

    No. Stop.

    I can't even say "Jokes."

    This is how strongly I believe in not thinking while intoxicated.

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  • VinnyB

    Well regardless of my beliefs, I am certainly not going to worship or respect the Christian God of the Bible. This is a being who, according to the Bible, slaughtered all of the innocent first born children of Egypt just to prove to Pharaoh that he was strong. How can you respect, worship, or love anyone who would to such a thing to children? You might just as well worship Hitler, or any other mass murderer.

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  • Terry...

    Do you believe in everything that is written in the bible? If not, which parts do you not believe in?

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  • potatofridges

    Atheism is not a religion. Athiests are simply people who do not believe in deities. Calling atheism a religion is like calling a group of people who hate Care Bears a religion.

    Another thing. Atheism isn't some sort of crazy science group, researching to disprove the belief that any form of God exists.

    Anyway, here is my opinion (mostly on the Christian God..) whether you like it or not;

    I personally do not hate the thought of God. I cannot prove, nor can I disprove, the possibility that there is a God somewhere out there. What irks me, however, is most religions who "worship" said god.

    (Christian rant coming through..)
    Okay, by most religions, I mean Christians, however.

    God hates religion.

    Yes, God hates religion…

    I will give you Biblical support for that statement in a moment.

    Someone may be thinking “I thought God invented religion!” Sorry, but God invented Man and Man invented religion.

    Did you know that the bible was written by several authors? Back then, being gay was thought to be satanic, and things like that. All these authors wrote what THEY believed God's word was. The Christian God did not write the bible.

    Derp, I'm getting completely off-topic, seeing as this thread was originally about Athiests.

    But, those are my thoughts.

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  • slings_and_arrows

    Can I just also mention another group of people (forgot what it's called)- you say to them "do you believe in God?" And they say "what is god? " and they don't understand the concept of 'god.' And no, they are not retards.

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    • green_boogers

      Interesting ...

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  • borntobeme

    Where to start?
    When the US courts removed religious teachings from our public schools, there was an immediate decline in our youths level of responsibiliy and accountability, if they were not being taught those things at home. We all have seen the decay of marriage and single parents struggling to control thier children. Gangs and multipe wackos started creating thier versions of 'Church', following any doctrin that they chose. Gullible people seem to migrate to the charismatic leaders. You've seen the results in vivid scenes of mass suicides and families watching thier own children being abused by the leaders, not to mention the priests of the Catholic faith.
    As an Agnostic, I have attempted to let all observe the belief system of thier choice.
    Most all present religions had thier start in violence. Most bringing death to the nonbelievers. Do you realy believe in Witches? How about the tooth fairy, or the easter bunny. C'mon, Every belief system around today was created by man, less then 5000 years ago. Sorry, I don't beleive the rediculous stories in the oft rewritten Bible, or Koran.
    Each of you have a right to believe as you choose, however, when you cross the line and start killing others and demanding others convert to your thinking, you are wrong.
    When you spend Sunday morning singing the praises, then go out and fuck your neigbor's wife.
    Sorry for the length, but, I know some will be angry of this, but Really, would you dare to actually study a little human history.

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  • cynicalteen

    Looks like the other atheists beat me to it...

    Nice try, though. Maybe in another 2,000 years Christians will provide us with some proof?

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  • myspace84

    Wow good answers from people...I was rude because I just saw 21 people whos neck were sawed off for a dirty they claim is superior to others. This has happened all thought out the past millenia

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    • Ellenna

      Sorry, dirty what? That doesn't make sense, what are you talking about exactly?

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      • DaBruzzah

        We are talking about ISIS beheadings you ignorant slut. Want me to CHOP OFF YOUR HEAD? That's what I do to chickens that have the same intelligence you have. Growl.

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        • Dude, calm your shit. She asked a perfectly reasonable question, and I don't think you have the right answer either.

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          • Ellenna

            Thanks for that comment: I genuinely didn't know what he was talking about but I suppose I shouldn't expect intellligent debate from someone who doesn't bother to read his own posts before he sends them off to confuse the rest of us.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I love fossils!

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  • RoseIsabella

    Nice trolling.

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    • Ace09

      Nah, I think it's serious bro.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      sortalong these lines?

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    if yall fuckin jesus freaksd mind yalls fuckin business and do all yalls fuckin jesus bullshit on yalls own time thered be no problem

    but no the minute yall git a bita power yall gotsta drag it into politics and tryn legislate the shovin of all yalls bullshit fuckin morality and fuckin stupid religion down my and every other motherfuckers throat

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    • I know you on this site.
      I'm very curious, are you capable of better spelling, punctuation and grammar? Or do you put that on?

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


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        • So you put it on right? Okay. Hopefully I didn't come across as rude when asking.

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            after what i wrote yalld hafta try kinda hard to be rude wouldntya?

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            • Ace09

              Yo, I wasn't being rude! I just thought u were black!

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          • Freedom_

            Look up "redneck accent".

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  • Jweezee

    Shit, where to begin? You didn't flat out say it but I'm guessing you're an evolution denier. Well, transitional fossils do exist. A couple of the most notable ones are archaeopteryx and Australopithecus afarensis. Some whales still have leg bones inside their bodies. There are many other examples of vestigial structures throughout the animal kingdom. I'm not going to sit here and type the all mountains of evidence and examples of evolution's validity. Take it from one of your own. Here's a quote from Francis Collins, a devout Christian that played a large role in the human genome project. "It's also now been possible to compare our DNA with that of many other species. The evidence supporting the idea that all living things are descended from a common ancestor is truly overwhelming. I would not necessarily wish that to be so, as a Bible-believing Christian. But it is so. It does not serve faith well to try to deny that." Look, I've had the privilege of thoroughly studying evolution and biology in college and I will tell you it's fact whether you want to believe it or not. You need to find a way to reconcile your religious beliefs with evidence and fact. I've typed enough. If you want more google "God of the gaps" and here's a website for radiometric dating, which is verifiably accurate.

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    • Thanks for your reply. There are scientific points both for and against atheism. I can't help but note, the evolution they teach you in college is biased. Maybe you should see it in a different light as well, for that I recommend watching some of Kent Hovind's videos. Either way, believe what you want, peace out man.

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      • Jweezee

        That's the thing, scientific evidence is the opposite of biased. It is coldly factual and evolves when presented with new studies that dispute previously held beliefs. There is no agenda, no ideology, and no motive other than the truth. For those reasons it is the exact opposite of religion. And Kent hovind is a dishonest twat desperately clinging to implausible ideas that were long ago dismissed by the logical scientific community. Like I said, you need to reconcile your faith with facts. If you wanna say God set the evolutionary process in motion, then great. If you want say the bible is to be taken metaphorically, have at it. But denying what has been scientifically proven makes you look like a complete moron prime for an institution to anyone with the slightest scientific knowledge.

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        • You speak of scientists like holy men. Remember that our species is one of greed and thirst for power. Money can control people, scientists as much as say, pastors. I don't believe in the infallability of scientific records and experiments, but not saying that's a major issue either. Just remember to take anything with a grain of salt.
          And don't forget that scientists are still disputing among themselves.
          I consider myself fairly advanced in my scientific knowledge, and when I hear something said I don't stick my fingers in my ears and chant. If I do so, please enlighten me.

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          • Jweezee

            You don't stick your fingers in your ears and ignore scientific evidence? Then please tell me why you choose to deny the evidence of evolution? Tell me why the fossil record, vestigial structures, DNA evidence, ring species, similar embryology, observed germ evolution, geographic marsupial location, and any credible scientist is ignored. Hell, even the Vatican acknowledges evolution. Well, if you're having trouble answering that question I can answer it for you. It's because the facts collide with your faith and you desperately don't want to believe it's true. Well, I'm sorry but your emotions don't trump facts. I'm really not trying to be a dick here but fuck! I'll give you an opportunity to refute my examples. Give me one, just one, example of credible scientific evidence, that means no creationist website propaganda, that contradicts evolution.

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      • Incomplet

        Sorry. Could you please expand on the scientific points against atheism? Why do you think the evolution taught at college is biased?

        Kent Hovind is a conspiracy theorist. That's a pretty good indicator that he makes claims but lacks evidence to support them. Even fellow creationists criticise him.

        In particular AiG (Answers in Genesis) criticized Hovind for "persistently us[ing] discredited or false arguments" and said Hovind's claims are "self-refuting".

        Creationist astronomer Hugh Ross, of Reasons To Believe, debated Hovind on the age of the Earth during the John Ankerberg Show, televised nationally on the Inspiration Network in September through October 2000. Ross said Hovind was "misrepresenting the field" of different sciences, and Ross told Hovind: "Astronomers view the credibility of the 'Young Earth' as being much weaker than that for a flat Earth."

        If a creationist astronomer is criticising the whole "Young Earth" concept as weaker than the "flat Earth" myth, you know this man isn't credible.

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        • I noted my main ones already, but to list all the little ones I would need to get my text books out and slave at my desk for a week or two to get the majority.
          And in my school, we are taught evolution not as a hypothesis, but rather a fact. There's a little anecdote for you.
          As to Hovind, that's the first time I hear such things about the guy, given time, I'll look into them. But what do you think is wrong about conspiracy theorists? And did you know of Hovind before I mentioned him, or did you google him?
          P.S. I only just realised the cleverness of your username...I feel dumb.

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