Come and let us discuss atheism.
Okay! Atheists! A few little things that bug me about many of them are as follows.
*They tend to write theists off as 'religious' or 'gullible'. But hello, atheism is a religion as well. Scientists are putting their faith in unseen transition fossils and highly inaccurate carbon dating, to mention but a few. Non-scientist atheists are putting their faith in scientists and a theory that they probably don't even know all the details of themselves. I've had the privilege of getting to know it well over many hours, seeing all it's lukes and assumptions. Even stupider people I know go with atheism because that's what their friend group goes for!
*But why do people do that? Many have the closed mindset that there's Christianity/(Other theist religions), and if that's not your thing, the natural alternative is Atheism, where you're smarter because you have science. But that dear friends, is idiotic. Creation science is a thing. Divinity is just used to explain the things that science can't answer, unlike many atheists (even professors!) who shrug and say, 'I don't know' when queried about the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, how exploding a bunch of bricks doesn't get you a house, where the bricks came from, the creation of new genetic material etc.
*Atheists say 'So God created you, but who created God?' and adopt a smirk on their face. That gives me the right to ask, 'So the universe created you, but who created the universe?'.
To me, if there was a God, his all powerful nature would undoubtedly leave questions unanswerable to humans.
*I've heard, 'Theism is a disease passed on by parents'. Well that's very nice, but atheists do the very same thing.
*As I type this on my cheap phone which has a screen which can show me things, looking at it with my eyes that let me see things, lying on a bed that has springs in it, in a house made of bricks which sits on a world which is spinning at over a thousand kilometres per hour, and have the privilege of having a cat name Bouba, it would be beyond me to think that it all came out of nothingness.
Just think about it. Looking at a computer you know someone designed and built it. It would be a very long shot for one to have formulated itself, but how many million more times more complicated are we?
*Just a note, how Christianity, certainly in America, is being butted out of schools and Christians being looked down upon more and more as atheism grows in power and followers.
So these are my thoughts. Whether you agree or disagree, I want to hear yours.