Compulsive hair twirler

I remember in Kindergarten chewing my hair, but I believe I began twirling it around Middle School (12-13 yrs old). Ever since High School I have began twirling it to a point where I pull it up into a ball and sniff it (to be fair, my shampoo smells great). And sometimes I even rub my hair (the ball I've created from twisting it) on my lips.

I get stares from it, so I'm asking do you think this is normal?

Also, this habit isn't wonderful since it continuously puts knots in my hair. Can anyone please recommend a better habit one can do during class?

Thank you!

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55% Normal
Based on 77 votes (42 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Energy

    That could lead to hair loss in the future believe it or not. My mom used to do the same thing and she lost a good amount of hair from it. Sorry though, don't have another habbit for you. Look around you and see what other people are doing and try those things out, good luck!

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    • SleepingPretty

      A couple years ago I actually sought out a professional help on some hair loss I had discovered. He told me that twirling my hair like I do wouldn't cause it, but I've always had such doubts about it.

      Thank you for the advice!!!

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  • ChiefTwistedHair

    I have twisted my hair my whole life. It's just a bad habit. My mom hated it before and now my wife hates it but my pops gave me a great nickname "Chief Twisted Hair". Just enjoy it and get after it! Hair twisters unite!!!!

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  • throat_cutter

    Going bald is the way to go

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  • worried78

    New habit? about tapping your leg or arm, create beats. My bf does this all the time and it is adorable. Of course, in a classroom setting tapping on hard surfaces would be a rude distraction but on yourself shouldn't do any harm.

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  • pufferton

    Cut your hair short for a while? So that you can't do the twirling and such. Maybe that will work. But If you don't want to cut you're hair (which is understandable) then I guess try putting it up everyday, or wearing a hat? That's all I could think of.

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  • samalander

    My friends that way too wearing a hat helps

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  • nAt2017

    It's a habit, and most habits are considered normal. You might want to try and stop, if it's really attracting that much attention. There are a lot of methods. Look online.

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  • Blue'sClues

    I think a lot of people twirl their hair, just be careful because you might give yourself mini dreads lol

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  • TerryVie

    it's normal...i usually have my hair in a pony tail, but especially during school i would often have it open and play with it. Not only twirl, but all kinds of stuff. In the breaks i often had to go to the bathroom and fix my hair because it looked like i just woke up after a party night. So i think it's normal, but have no real advice :)

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