Confronting ex best friend and his mother 3 months from today

This is my fourth post on this issue and just because I haven't posted since August does not mean that I don't think about this daily. I even have dreams about it. my most recent post was here:

In my last post, I mentioned that I went to my now apparently ex best friend's church hoping to see him. I saw his mother and we had a rather pleasant conversation about him. She said that she would have him contact me. The next day, i checked facebook to see his mother's profile because I was used to doing this multiple times a day and it has disappeared! I had already experienced this before when my cousin blocked the whole family, so I was immediately freaked out since I knew there was no way she would suddenly delete it. She was friends with my mother on facebook, but not me. I used my fake account to check since my mom and I could not find her on our accounts. Sure enough, her account showed up and I knew of the betrayal. What a sinful wretch! She is a catholic woman, but she agreed with her son ghosting me and then did the same! To me, since this hurt me and really wounded my soul, she is a hypocrite!!! She should not take communion until this sin is directly addressed with a non biased priest. Hurting a person like this is not following the golden rule or Jesus' commandment "Love one another as I have loved you". This is treating a person who can't read nonverbal signals like trash! I have NLD, and I honestly didn't know that my behavior was bothering my friend. He should have said something, and then we might not be in this situation! I probably would have listened to save the friendship. Ghosting is a terribly sinful thing to do to someone who a person once cared about.

Three months from today is the next catholic youth festival in my area. I found my friend here in March of this year and he still didn't indicate anything was wrong. After this, there was a brief "Congratulations on your graduation, I'm really proud of you" message, and since then there has been absolutely nothing! I've been planning this for months, and now it's only a quarter of a year away! I have to buy a ticket, which is $55. I'll probably do no matter what the cost. I need to hear from my "ex best friend" directly. Nobody told me "Go away forever" directly, so they can't expect me to do that or arrest me for it. I have three choices, which are listed in the poll. I could go and tell them off, assert my authority and then leave. I put this option because sometimes I feel like doing this and other times I feel more like option 2, talking to him, or his mother and finding out exactly what I did wrong and tell them they hurt me. This seems like the most effective way to get resolution or recover the friendship. Any decent catholic would have a positive response to this. If not, then they are not Catholic at heart, and deserve nothing for betraying me. Option three is not to go at all and suffer this for the rest of my life and hope for a miracle run in with them. I probably won't resist going, and will take necessary measures, such as taking off work and reserving that time for it. The dreams are frequent and the thought are torrential sometimes. I just want it to stop. Please vote on these options and comment what you think. January 23 is the anniversary of finding out what happened to him and a month of situational depression. It's also the 8th anniversary of my beloved grandmother's death. So, I have been thinking about him in this way for 11 months. Before, I just wondered what had happened to him. I feel like going to this festival is my last and only hope, and I must prepare for it during these next 3 months!

go and be innocent, but mention how they hurt you 3
don't go 3
go and tell them off 0
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Comments ( 2 )
  • --

    You have control issues and need to understand that people do not have to have you in their lives, you have no authority over these people or control.

    I can see by your wall of text that you are a little obsessive and probably think people are out to get you. You need to change the way you think before you drive everyone away.

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  • Nikclaire

    Take your meds.

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