Conservatives are promoting violence against feminine men

I've noticed that a lot of people have been fear mongering about drag queens being present around children, which doesn't make a lot of sense. They say that drag is adult entertainment, but how adult it is depends entirely on what the show or material is, not how they're dressed. By saying that it's inappropriate' for a drag queen to be around a child, what's really being said is that it's wrong for men who wear makeup or dress femininely shouldn't be around children. This contradicts their complaints about trans people. On one hand they say that there's nothing wrong with men being feminine and women being masculine, and that some of them mistakenly think they are trans just because they are gender non conforming. Yet, those same people turn right around and treat feminine men like pedophiles just based on how they dress. Conservatives have always demonized men who are gender non conforming, but they are weaponizing it more now. Calling people predators for the way they is about as much of a control freak tactic as you can get. In my country, there has been a rise in homophobic attacks on men, particularly when they are 'obviously' gay, aka more feminine.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Ligeia

    Any drag event is for adults because crossdressing is a fetish and drag obviously requires crossdressing. Look in the news. Kids are taken to these drag events and end up in weird, uncomfortable, bad situations.

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    • Jem_Shadow

      Again, what is wrong with men wearing makeup or feminine clothing?

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      • Ligeia

        I didn't say it was wrong, I said it is a fetish which it is.

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    • Wow3986

      Just admit you're a transphobe.

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