Constant urge to kill...

Everyday, on every occasion, no matter who I'm with or where I am, I always think about killing people, when I'm at work I daydream about killing pretty much all day.
In those dreams I usually imagine myself sneaking around the streets at night looking for potential victims, I target people who in my opinion are "bad" and doesn't deserve to walk amongst everyone else, like violent people, girls who scream and act tough because they have an abundance of laws and boys to cover behind, guys who act like they own everything and everyone, couples who shows their love in public by kissing in the middle of everything, people who think they can get everything if they yell loud enough.. I fantasize about finding a person or a couple that annoys me and brutally murder them, I plan how to do it in ways to avoid being caught, so I can do it again and again.. Basically, I want to watch people who annoy me suffer and die while they beg me for mercy.

I already assume that this is not normal.. But maybe I'm not alone with this urge.

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59% Normal
Based on 3618 votes (2125 yes)
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Comments ( 240 )
  • shamwow

    Hello, FBI?

    I have an anonymous tipoff...

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    • YunoGasai

      Yes. It is normal. I have the same thing. It brings me pleasure to think of these things. I'm not saying that these things are good to think about, I'm just saying that I have the same thing. I can't help but think like you do about killing people. That's my opinion/thoughts

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  • It is my personal opinion that you should seek professional help. If you really are serious, YOU are a potential threat to society. Crime doesn't pay, remember that!!!

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    • sorryitsnotnormal301

      Chill down... Maybe a therapist but I always see you yelling at others peoples opinions lol

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  • Sepai

    Death Note is an amazing show. Anyway.. I think about killing people, too. Well.. no, I don't. I NEVER think about KILLING people. Just torturing them until they beg me TO kill them. But I still wouldn't. Killing is immoral. X)

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    • belbel000

      death note is the best anime ever. The protagonist wants to make a pure world by killing all the bad ppl. Unfortunately, the law does not agree with him...

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  • fatmanph

    Your like fucking Kira, from Death Note. That's kinda bad ass. I want to kill people all the time too.

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    • Flabbergasm

      Just as planned.

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    • belbel000

      death note!!! :D

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  • lk4me

    You're going to end up one of those serial killers we all hear about on the news.

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  • Harry_head

    If your feeling this it is because you feel bad about yourself, somehow you feel a lack of power and you are feeling frustrated.Keep this under control or you may develope a narsistic personality disorder. This is not good you can't change people you are not a judge. just concentrate on being a good person you are only reponsible for your own actions,teach those fools lead by good example.

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  • Xerxes

    You're not alone in some occasions I have acted out on them.

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    • BlackWhite

      Like legit you've acted out on it? Like killed people? How'd that feel?

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    • loviex102

      LOL gotta love this guy ^

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    • LasNoches7


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  • ohai

    First off, I'm not sure how old this post is.
    Couldn't see a date and I'm new to this site, and made an account just to post to this thread
    That being said, i'm not sure if anyone's even going to read this.
    But the majority of these comments are complete bullshit. I honestly used to think I was fucked up and going to become a serial killer when i grew up. I slowly started opening up to friends, and then eventually family that I had such intense anger towards people I honestly plotted to kill them, but knew I couldn't, out of maybe 18 people i've gotten a confused look and slow reply at worst. the rest supportive saying either they feel that way, they don't feel that way but know others who do, or just say it's nothing.
    As long as the person deserves it, what's the harm in fucking thinking about it? and as long as you don't actually act on it, there's no arguement.
    There's different people all around the world that have rape "fantasies", I don't believe they get as much shit as the poster of this question. It's just a dream
    I daydream about how if i were still in school, putting a bullet through the head of every "jock" or "gangster" who picks on others. The world doesn't need that filth, that's why it's so fucked up. Fight violence with violence imo.

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  • i don't dream of killing, not recently anyway. Now i just constantly think about sticking my foot way up a lot of people's asses

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  • bigalrespect

    I think you should take your thoughts to the next level and really take someone out.Don't be scared we are all meaningless like ants.But instead of ant trails our trails are called highways.Back and forth we go driven by instinct.Someday I hope I'm man enough to satisfy my natural homicidal urges as well.Anybody who disagrees with me is just not being honest with themselves.Along time ago before we were apes,we ran around on the ground and bit each others necks and ate each others flesh.Gd lck

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  • hotboxhero

    In elementry school I would often be picked on and while the teacher was talking, I would silently pick out the ones I would want to kill... everyday... The "feeling" is normal, but acting out on those feelings... not so normal. try having a more open mind.

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  • FunkyFatMan

    dude you need jail

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  • If your serious, I think you need to get some help from a professional.

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  • Your world can end in the blink of an eye. One event, one unexpected twist of fate... and suddenly the world as you knew... is gone. Forever. All that you held dear, all that you held close... is washed away in a sea of distant memory. Life... is cruel. Of this I have no doubt. But life continues on... with, or without you. One can only hope that one leaves behind a lasting legacy. But so often, the legacies we leave behind... are not the one we intended.

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    • D.A.M.D


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  • pattacake

    You are fanasizing too much. If you actually did it, it would be a lot less glamourised.

    I daydream about it sometimes, just if I'm bored, and that's normal, but if it is grafic or you think about it alll the time then you need help.

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  • randomname

    its not normal by traditional standards. You might have a large umblagata in your brain. sorry for the spelling but i forgot the full name was or what its called. Its the part that contributes to rage and anger. There is another part they think contributes to apathy or the the ability to feel what others feel that are smaller in killers brains. you should proly contacts scientist who are doing reasearch about that...It could really help them. you might get paid a lot.

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  • gunstarbob


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  • i usually think of killing people when i'm trying to sleep it helps, just picture yourself stabbing people, it really puts you to sleep

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    • GTara

      I think my bullshit meter just exploded.

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  • haleyshea

    This is fucking crazy lmao you need to be put in jail

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  • TheFallen1

    Do not listen to these fools who tell you that your urge to kill somehow abnormal or strange. Most of those very people would eat each other for ONE more day of life if the situation called for it. The urge to kill as normal and common as the urge to fuck, those who claim not to have are lairs, plain and simple. It's in our genetics, in our very origins, all the way back to when we lived in caves and beat to death anyone that opposed us. If we couldn't beat those that opposed us, we either submitted or evolved so we COULD beat them. The problem however is in modern day society the rules we are forced to live by are counter intuitive to our nature. Our instincts tell us to fight, the law tells us if we fight we go to jail. Our instincts tell us kill, to take, even to rape when we are denied, again the law tells us we can not. Ultimately no one will be able to help you with these feelings, either you act upon them and live outside the bounds of "civilized" society with the understanding that the powers that be will catch you eventually and won't tolerate your existence in their version of society. Or learn to suppress them through various means as I have done, in order to continue to live among those you believe worthy of sacrificing your true self for. Is it worth it? I can't truly say, as the daily fight not hurt those who anger or annoy me is truly quite difficult. I often wonder just how long I can keep wearing this mask.

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  • NotImportant6

    Sometimes, the urge can't be ignored.

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  • Valkale

    Sounds like you need The Sims. The only place you can get away with murder and proudly display your "trophies".

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    • lonesomeforever

      Haha i love this dude^

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  • liveFastDieYoung92

    There is no such thing as normal. Only social acceptance and support of things, but no one is "normal" because everyone is different. You are not the only one who has these urges. I sometimes go through weeks or even months feeling like this but I know who I am, and I'm no killer. I'm not even violent at all, I just get this butterfly feeling in the pit of my stomach that provokes me. But every single time that happens I immediately walk away and find something to keep myself occupied. Since you are aware that killing is wrong, and you obviously came to this site so people would talk you out of going through with it, you're not beyond redemption, or prevention for that matter. And I don't see why there would be any reason for you to be institutionalized. Try to get some help though, and learn to live with this feeling. No serial killer has ever wrote a letter to a bunch of strangers on the website to be reassured of their problems and how they are in fact problems. The fact is, that you could have just acted on the urges, but you fought it off so. Talk to someone you trust about it, I mean warn them if possible so they don't flip shit. But by showing people you're not gonna let anything happen. They will trust you and a lot of them will try to help.

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  • dark12

    i finally found someone i can relate to

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  • Anonypoo

    I only think about killing the popular b#tches that were at my middle school. Hated them.
    Hahahaha :3

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  • Balseeder

    It's normal to ACT on this urge, just get rid of the evidence.
    Myself? I use a homemade incinirator in my basement turns evidence to dust, i usually watch my victims for a month, get to know there routine. Take her when noone is watching , single club from a steel-bat and their knockout, drag em in the back of your van and take her home to have some fun with a 220 volt electric wire.
    Get nice and tingly on their genitals, oh the screams are such sweet music. I usually record it on audio so i can listen to it on the road.

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    • lonesomeforever

      why did this make me laugh???^

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  • pinklady7

    I also dream of killing people such as yourself, along with all the rapists, and murderers but, then I'd be no better than you if I acted among these thoughts.

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  • PicnicBasketCase

    you should take up boxing or MMA to let your anger out smashing peoples faces in legally

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  • morbidthoughts11

    sounds normal to me~ lets partner up hahaha

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  • stjimmy

    You're what would happen if Walter Kovacs and Jeffrey Dahmer could have a baby together.

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  • Kittycat101

    remind me not to piss you off O_O
    this is NOT NORMAL. help is required ASAP. D:

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  • jc82592

    Are you a serial killer or what? thats scary

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  • CGFE3

    well.....on the bright listed all the types of people no1 likes. lol
    BUt seriously, keep it as a fantasy

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  • funnyjoke22

    u shouldnt kill people because it is illegal and bad. people dying is never good. think of that next time u almost take that knife out. And dude calm urself down becuz killing can end u up in jail. especially if u have no good reason to kill

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  • ihopeyoudie

    you have your own morals, but why would kissing in public bring violence? that is their business. now if it got personal and some guy stole your girlfriend and were kissing in public. kill them both.
    if your going to have such strong feelings you should know every right and wrong you could also make before you judge them. because death is as serious as anything else.

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  • Metatron

    Come from a place of love in all your doings. The fact that you have these urges does not frighten me or amuse me, it makes me feel sad for you. I'm sad that one has such hatred in their heart. Yes people are annoying, but until you accept that you are just an annoying to others, I'm afraid you might do something you will regret once your temporary insanity deminishes. That is all.

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  • guitaranddrugs

    Ok well I always have urges to kill/torture/maim/kick the shit out of people. I also often have fits of rage when I smash alot of things and the only way I can calm down is by lifting weights. I know this isn't normal and I'm probly gonna end up on a killing spree some day..

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  • sadali

    Seek help immediately!! Something isn't right in your brain. Please, talk to a professional about your thoughts.

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  • AmINormal789

    Its fine. I used to be like that until I got on depression pills. But acting on it, would get your ass in jail. Try to keep those thoughts to yourself. If it gets really bad, see a psyciatrist.

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  • mastrodie

    dude, i feel ur pain (or feelings, hehe more like pain for others), but i CONSTANTLY deal with that, ive gone to a temporary mental hospital twice because of stuff like that (never acctually "killed" someone though. you have to find yourself a good therepist, i used to go to one that put me on wierd meds and i went outa controll, and that was my 2nd stay, but now i found a better one, and everything is turning around for me? with u the best of luck man.

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  • Its like suicide people who talk about it arent really gonna do it. It is pretty hard to get away with murder these days you will eventually get caught

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  • SlimFast

    I think it's perfectly normal to hate people who annoy you. Thinking about killing them is normal but doing so is not unless you're in a life threatening situation. That said, why don't you play video games that allow you to annihilate others whenever you feel like it. That way you satisfy this urge without hurting other people's feelings. Having urges is normal. How you respond to them is what matters the most.

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  • cpg123


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    • firebad0

      heres a great idea: try watching the food network instead of spike at night

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    • tattoo_beauty

      Hope you don't live anywhere around me..... lol. I do think you need to go to the dr. These urges you have are they things you think you would act on? I have OCD and I get urges or thoughts rather, of just slapping the shit out of the stranger talking to me. I would never do this, but I get thoughts like this all the time.... It's part of my OCD. I think everyone has a little crazy in them.

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  • hahaifeelmorenormal

    Haha this is like Dexter. Man I get that urge when I'm in Wal-Mart, only in my fantasy I'm just holding a gun and shooting the annoying fuckers around me. I don't know if that helps, I certainly don't obsess about it or think about it like you do though, but if you think you're gonna do it get help. You probably should get help either way.

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  • lemon

    Everyone who kills justifies it somehow and your justification is clearly that you'll be killing 'bad' people who annoy you.

    It's definitely an obsession if it's always on your mind and what you happen is that you progress more and more until you start acting it out and you will get worse and worse.

    There are a lot of things that can predict if you'll act out your urges - like if you killed or tortured children in your childhood, if you didn't stop wetting the bed as a child until quite later on in your development...

    An urge to kill is also (I think) linked to chronic loneliness and rejection.

    See a psychiatrist - or if you're in the UK, you can see someone on the NHS for free.

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  • I think that's what happens when you get a little older.

    Really young and you dream of killing.

    Now, like me, I just dream about kicking a lot of people's asses.

    Later, when you get old, you probably are content just to be rude to people or pretend you don't hear them or know they exist.

    That's called personal evolution. Life's a journey.

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    • onesaysso

      so true..

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  • squazzer

    I was about to go out for a run by myself, but reading these posts has made me change my mind... I didn't realize how screwed up so many people are

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  • thecynic

    Uhm, no.

    You need to get yourself checked by a psych. Seriously, I'm not saying this to offend you. I think it's perfectly normal to hate certain people and, in stages of EXTREME anger and fits, thinking about harming them or even killing them...

    But you have these feelings and urges all day long and what's even more frightening to me, is the fact you 'choose victims' and the criteria by which you select them. That is just not normal, dude.

    You should get help, because there's a real chance something will push you over the edge one day. Sorry, but killing a couple because they are kissing? Killing a boy or a girl because he or she has a bit of an attitude?

    Nuh-uh. Nope. Bad idea.

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  • babyyboyy

    well you are a bit of a weirdo then arent you?your going to be a murderer.

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  • shinzou

    Let me know who you are, couse i dont want to be alone with a prospective killer. Not normal in my opinion

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  • missnormal88

    wtf is wrng wit u ppl?

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    • oi its normal dnt judge jus smile and wave :D or i might jus think of killing u (evils) LOLOL i kid ya im not tht nasty im a lil angel :D

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  • anabolic19

    your the kind of person that shoots up schools
    if you really want to kill
    kill yourself and make the world a better place son

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  • Redgown

    Go see a therapist.

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  • morbidthoughts11

    kill animals or torture them or something.. go fishin and catch fish then cut their eye balls out then throw them back in the water haha

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  • watthehell03

    THATS FUCKING CREEPY! i say u talk to a doctor or something. Thats not safe for you or anyone else. Do you have friends?

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  • chatty

    So many people like you and some are boss of country, like GWB. I think your mind is ill. You have no peace and you need psychiatric help.

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  • twilight_fanatic01

    your sick man. like really sick.

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  • deviLzZ

    lols!! i can say i have tears in my eyes from laughin after readin this!!! LOL dude im sure u were kiddin.ROFL=)))
    u know,u'd be very good as an actor go applay for a role in Kill Bill vol.3(its comin soon).
    if thats true and ur not kiddin then u gotta be some HUGE EMO SHIT=)maniak depressive ! make us a favor and cut ur throat :))

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    • Harvester`

      1000 thumbs up to you, sir

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  • Failed_the_Turing_test

    Sure hope this is just a troll (anoyingly normal) - otherwise totaly f'ed up not normal.

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  • specialKajt

    dude awsome can you do me a favor and tellme more abote the people you want to kill and stuff like that and other types that irk you it would be much aprechiated

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  • xoxo_mia

    omg !
    i was just watching Dexter today !
    you made me think of him ! :)

    but im sorry, this is not normal, go see someone with a PHD please

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  • ImJustAguy

    You're just pissed off at; idiotic people, people that feel like they are the highest power and nothing can stop them, etc. I know how you feel, and this is not thoughts of killing that you should be concerned about. It's just anger issues mixed with high levels of annoyance. I've definitely felt like this many times. Over time it will just sort of fade, and come back on occasion.

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  • thapimp

    Yo playa, kill someone right off the streets?! That's cold, ice cold. You're too unforgiving... and creepy. But as a playa and all, yes, I do want to whack my own list of motherfuckers. By motherfuckers,I mean only those who done sumf'n personal to me, a'ight, SEEN? And mind u, I do disagree on the couples part.

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  • DarkHeirophant

    yeah the urge is quite normal but as a friend i must warn you that murder is illegal

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  • ithinkiminsane

    totally normal, hell i want to eat other peoples hearts out.

    killing people is FUN =)

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  • 1234xxx

    This is fairly common. You're normal.

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  • HowardMoon

    It natural instinct for men to hunt and kill things, its just the way we are, you're fine buddy.

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  • imrighturwrong

    First of all, how do people who show public displays of affection, girls who think they are tough & etc. not deserve to walk among other people? Yes, people are annoying but that is not a reason to fantasize about killing them... That is pretty scary that you think about commiting murder everyday all day just to make urself feel good. You dream about the act of killing another human just to get ur rocks off... that's SICK! Do you not have compassion? You say you dream about walking around targeting ur victims who in your eyes are "bad" Well, wouldn't you consider people who murder others "bad"? You need to get help & fast before you do end up killing someone.

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  • Scrat

    I bet you have seen all the episodes of DEXTER and played video games over 24 hours :D

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    • Scrat

      but sometimes feel like killing is good !!

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  • jjj5543

    dude, get some lube and mastubate okay, i mean you need to calm the fuck down!

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  • shiny_stuff_girl

    i play gta, bash people till im happy. use the sawnoff shotgun and blow ther heads off

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    • dwe

      LOL, yeah GTA is da BOMB!!!

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  • RichardChase

    You're not alone. Probably many people feel the same way but won't admit it. I think about killing people all the time.

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  • TrevorSociopath

    Watch the show Dexter. Not Dexters laboratory either. just Dexter.

    Dexter is about a man named Dexter who is secretly a serial killer and almost no one knows about it. Its awesome.

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  • Isolated

    I think it's normal. Maybe you need some excitement in your life. That can be the reason. :]

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  • creepypervert

    Story of my life.

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  • simpsons101

    ohhhhh man ive wanted to kill someone for ages im glad im not alone

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  • mike_fog0904

    anyone above who says that it's normal is probably wrong

    you shouldn't think about it ALL the time and it shouldn;t be for the most oddest things

    funny to read in a way though :)

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  • killBG

    I don't think that is normal. But I feel the same way! I have never killed, but I feel like a brutal murder is going to solve all my problems. Just like you I fantasize about it. And if the urge gets too big I can't sleep...

    Oh, and if someone is interested I have a 20 minute long reportage about brutal teenage killers...

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  • spyderr

    I am with you, I always think of killing others, but not in the sense that I'd like to cause them pain. I just don't want them to exist anymore because the annoy the living fuck outta me.

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  • you are one lonely disturbed sick fuck. You want to kill people because they are happy? I have the urge to kill you violently bash your head against the wall till your skull cracks.

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  • gaffa

    yes it is very normal
    you're just someone who thinks his life is boring so you're making up this fantasy to enjoy the role of a potential serial killer thinking it's cool. my advice is grow up

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  • YE


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  • EatEgodaily

    If you never wanted to kill someone, idk what you're doing with your life but your probably a door mat for other people or a cuck with a hotwife, js

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  • Catsarehawt

    If u're reading this I love u

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    • EatEgodaily

      Mouths "Olive juice" and makes a heart sign with his hands behind you

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  • Catsarehawt

    Ah I could just edit my comment

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    • EatEgodaily


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  • Catsarehawt

    Too* ^

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  • Catsarehawt

    Who tf am I taking to

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    • EatEgodaily


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  • Catsarehawt

    For being to dumb to actually ask people on the internet if it's normal

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    • EatEgodaily

      You never know bro, a lot of people responded the same way...shock value or real.I went into the military and they actually encourage that kinda behaviour. So to each their own

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  • Catsarehawt

    Nah, if he were he'd be in jail

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    • EatEgodaily

      Yeah, you're probably right, lol

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  • Catsarehawt

    I wonder if this dude is actually a serial killer today

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    • EatEgodaily

      I was wondering the same thing or maybe he became a GWOT trap lord? You think...

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  • Catsarehawt

    huehehuehue I'm retarded

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    • EatEgodaily

      Nope, just stoned.

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  • Catsarehawt

    O shit nvm

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    • EatEgodaily


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  • Catsarehawt

    7 years ago lolol

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    • EatEgodaily

      On the op

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  • hio_tru

    I believe that is normal because I also have the same feeling and urge to kill others because I'm tired of humanity because of their stupidity and their tendency to get on my nerves. So I started this list that I put names on( for all the retards that I would like to kill) and give them strikes. The first strike they are on the list, the second strike they are on the calendar( due date) and when it past by their due date I consider them expired so that I know that I need to remove them from the world immediately. Just know that I'm a misanthrope and I don't care about people or what they think, to be honest I just want them gone. The earth is going to end soon * I just cant wait till that happens*. I pray to God asking him to please protect his children before I put a hand on them because if they were in my hands I think they would be just about dead :-) .

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  • sofee59

    Yes it is normal I fantasize about killing humans all the time I plot and ponder working out Knicks and problems so I wont get caught.

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  • Lautrec

    I find it completely normal... Dude, you're not alone... I do the same thing on a daily basis, though I'm a funny, normal person who everyone likes... With a grousum sence of humor and mind, but you aren't doing anything bad, just using your imagination... And nothing is wrong with imagining... Just no matter how much you want to slaughter people and tear open their stomach, just don't do it... You will regret it...

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  • TheNextOne

    I feel this way a lot. I got forced into therapy and I acted my way out of it. Just don't act on the urge. Unless you wanna deal with that mess.

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  • Badiddy

    Well I for one don't want to kill anyone except for this jerk on line named the mysteriousmrenter because he said some really hurtful things about my girlfriend so yeah I wanna kick the crap out of him and then some

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  • myname41333

    I was infected with HIV from a much older man. He knew I was a social worker, and he told me sexless marriage and made me feel bad, stupid me, oral sex, and then after he told me he used me. No marriage... i cant go on meds cause of preexisting health probs

    I don understand it, gave pleasure and he gave me hiv...

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  • ShadowSelf

    I just Googled 'urge to kill' and landed up here. I'm fighting with this urge too. I think that humans do have darkness within them, and being surrounded with morons can make one murderous.
    I just want to experience how it feels to cut through someone, to take their fragile little life. I want to see how killing someone will effect me as a person, how will I feel while and after killing. I wonder if I'll enjoy it, I'm not sure yet.

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  • Paws

    I think we all have these uges from time to time, but just to let you know, this question has been asked a thousand time before on this site. You're not alone.

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  • Avant-Garde


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  • kiradarknote66

    I'm a 47 year old female; and most of those years, I've fantastized about bashing in a select few certain people's faces in with a baseball bat. I don't want to use a gun, or a knife. not enough damage. Baseball bat + face. that's it. One is a complete @asshole co-worker I've worked with for 20 years, one is my complete @sshole father-in-law, and occasionally, my husband. It absolutely has to do with powerlessness, and an inability to tell these idiots off, for one reason or another, as to why I cannot stand their asses. hatred, light of a thousand suns, all that. I'll never act on it. But's it's my pet fantasy, and it gets me through my encounters with these people when I have to. It's not normal, but relatively harmless, as long as I keep a handle on it.

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  • Muffins

    Well, i'm not entirely too sure when i started getting this thoughts. I hacked up a live fish with an axe (that was the start, it was pretty big about 30cm) months later i got the urge for blood so i cut myself and played around with the blood. I started thinking about killing girls and animals i see, just any girl really. They haven't done anything to me i just like to think about different ways to kill them. Another night i stayed up thinking about blood, killing, dead girls i needed blood right then and now, i cut myself once again and drew pictures of decapitated girls on the walls with my blood. I often draw girls dead in all sorts of ways in my book you could call it a scrap book. I have lists of all the people i would kill in it, i've got paintings of cut legs, arms, heads and more with my blood, i've got a ton of drawings in it. Although some days, could be weeks, months i'm normal ( still think about it ) but the urge dies down but then starts back up again and who knows how long it lasts. I'm thinking about killing this dog that lives in the same town as i do. I want to cut its tail off with scissors, break its legs, scoop its eyes out with a spoon/knife, grab a hammer and smash its stupid fucking mouth and cut it open with a saw/axe.

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    • Beware,I'mRightBehindYou

      wow,just wow.i'm really not alone..

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  • Beware,I'mRightBehindYou

    I would like to know more about you,you're so interesting....................

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  • Beware,I'mRightBehindYou

    Yes,you're not alone... you could be a great partner...

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  • unknow666

    i know how you feel everyday you wake up and everything you do all you can think about is killing feeling the victims blood run over your hands and through your finger's and the wonderful scream of pain and the look of pure fear in there eyes as they watch you tear there skin as looking them in the eyes with the biggest smile on your face wanting to hear more screams for help and forgiveness and when they realize no one can help them watching the hope and life drain out of there eyes as you cut and tear and laugh wow anyway i got distracted i know how you feel but the human mind can only take so much before it snaps i know i have my urge under control i would not hurt anyone even if i wanted to and no matter how much the voice in your head argues with you about it and tortures you in your dreams you just have to ignore it but just hang in there and just remember if you kill someone a big guy called bubbles will rape you and make you his prison bitch as you serve life for having a sort period of fun its not worth it just play video games with lots of violence to help you control the urge and help you live a normal life or do something that will distract you good luck and don't do something you will regret.

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  • Killerbuz

    oint I was ready to kill and didn't give a shit who it was. My blood was pumping and my heart was racing in excitement. I was willing and ready to gut that man after I woulda stabbed him over 20 times. But to be honest.. I got struct with light. The light that only god sheds upon people. And thank goodness I wasn't too blinded to throw away his help. But all I'm saying is man, it's normal to think about it. But to actually follow through with it. That just means you don't have god in your life. Fuck seeing a professional. They got a degree to get paid to listen to someone's thoughts so they can kiss my ass.. But god will always listen to you brother no matter what. At all of your failures if you turn your hand and heart over to god you will be soo happy. Killing people will leave your thoughts. Since that day I started reading the bible more and talking to god more and understanding how precious others lives are. So listen brother, you weren't alone and you still arent. You've posted that some time ago but I hope that in the new time frame you have been blessed with the heart of understanding. Goodbye

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  • Killerbuz

    I'm going to be completely honest because none of you people know me... But I had urges to kill also, similar to the "main" guys thoughts we are commenting about.. But I have thought of unique ways to kill and make people suffer. Ways that will make there soul scream even when there no longer breathing air or alive to tell anyone. I had a sick mind once and I'm not proud of it. Things were rough for me in my life and the death of others made me happy. I felt it was the only way I could seek happiness. Though my urges were to kill the evil that walked among this earth and predators and thiefs. It got so bad I once had the perfect chance to do so and I was on the verge of doing what I've always wanted.. To "kill"! It was an middle aged man walking through an alley after he had removed himself from the city bus. I followed him grining from ear to ear with a Indian hunting knife under the sleeve of my hoody.. But at one point I stopped when he turned around.. He walked by a dumpster and grabbed some card board boxes and made a sleeping area for himself.. At the p

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  • darkelf246

    I am exactly the sameIf anything I admire the finesse some killers have when they kill their victims. I'm to much of a coward to act on my fantasies at the moment which is a good thing. I don't care if I'm being a hypocrit if they deserve ot they deserve it

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  • Anonymous_Last

    I believe the urge is normal, inside myself anyways! Though I do not believe that it is normal to act on the urge. I have embraced my violent side, I believe that it is human nature to have this side. Though saying that I believe it is also human to control its tendency, takeover or hunger... even if the little devil on our shoulders tell us not to control it.

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  • Kharn

    Yes! Give into your blood lust! BLOOOD FOR THE BLOOOOODDDD GOOOOODDDDD!

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  • Mechasparkle

    Nearly everyone on planet Earth has these kinds of thoughts, I admit that there are people on this planet I would love to see dead or suffering in horrible ways, The problem is if you actually act on those "homicidal" feelings and follow through on it.

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  • Meander

    Dark thoughts are like birds shitting in your hair: you can't help it if it happens on occasion but you don't have to allow them to build a nest there...

    After reading some of the sick, twisted, pathetically selfish shitheads here, I understand a little better why so many Americans want the right to carry guns.

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  • SanctuaryInTheSilence

    You are definitely not alone my friend feels exactly the same she said to me that it scares her, it makes her feel like she doesn't know what she's capable of, the only thing that makes her different to you is that she also enjoys documentaries on murders (anything on the crime or investigation channels) she's only 15, she won't tell anyone about it because she thinks no one will believe her, because her parents think she is just an attention seeker and has to have some illness or something, she self harms so at first i thought it could be that, you know the urge to do that is so strong, but then i found out she had self harmed so we don't think it could be that, it really confuses and scares me, i pray that she doesn't ever actually do it :)

    SanctuaryInTheSilence xoxox

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  • pinklady7

    This isn't normal but sometimes I dream of killing the black people, not all of them , just the ones that are obviously a waste to society. I'd like to hide on a hill with my gun with a silencer and shoot them. I believe they are the reason the world is so shitty. If they would all just go back to Africa!

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  • Harvester`

    So many underage kids ITT.

    I mean seriously, its normal to think about killing people and fantasize about it. Everyone does it.
    Your not special, your not cool, your just like everyone else.

    Those 'bad people' in the world that you want to kill, they probably think about killing you just as much.

    You aren't an archangel of vengeance because you think that someone is bad and you should kill them, your an underage poster who lacks understanding of those around them.

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  • Chuckz

    I'm guessing this thread is really old now, oh well.
    It's kinda normal, there are some bitches at school who I think about shooting, but that's because they have personally upset me, I never think about mutilating strangers, I never even think about mutilating the people I hate! So I suppose if you haven't already, get some help..

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  • Violet_Heart

    Finally, I'm not alone. Only I don't have fantasies about killing people I hate. I fantasize about murdering random people, although I don't know why it just pops into my head unexpectedly. Sometimes I stop them because I feel bad about it, but other times I like to see how I would kill people, and what different things I use to kill them with. Almost everyday I think about murdering someone but it's never a specific person, I'd be walking in the mall or on the bus and then I'll see myself with a knife and stab whoever I just saw. Some times it's a lot of people, or one person, or classmates, or my family. But the good thing I never commit murders. Maybe we're supposed to fantasize about killings to get rid of stress or to make sure we never do them. Kill someone in your mind and then you have the "satisfaction" of a murder. Right?

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  • rexdarling

    We get it. You're angry because people have been mean to you, some girl probably dumped and/or humiliated you, and you can't seem to find happiness in love. People can be pretty damn despicable and you don't always get your way in life. The difference between people such as yourself and the rest of the world is that we accept that life is hard and we learn to cope with it. You should be institutionalized.

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  • Mr-Time

    There is nothing wrong with this, i to have a list that justifies murder. Top of the list is unfaithful partners but thats a personal preference. There are too many people in this world and removing some of the junk isn't bad. My question would be number one do you have what it takes to look someone in the eye and watch the life drain from them? To kill another human isn't something most people can do easily. And my second question is do you know how to get away with it? Because basically no-one will understand if you get caught and then you are the bad guy.

    I have the method perfected.

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  • xxxMissFitxxx

    This is obviously not normal, if I don't like someone I may subtly shove them, trip them over or serve them up dog poo cookies but I wouldn't think of killing them.

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  • I do not think this normal... no i don't, sorry but that is kind of frightening to think about, everyone gets mad but not to that point.

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  • ohai

    Oh, though i do disagree about the couples part, unless they're some fucked up rude couple or something. I don't know.
    The holding hands/kissing/hugging in public never bothered me, I've known other people who get so pissed off about it.

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  • skinz

    im currently recieving help and am taking meds for major depression and sleeping disorder.
    When ever i do get some sleep i can't stop thinking while im trying to sleep, and when i do fall asleep i dream of it constantly.
    pretty much all day everyday i have urges to take action and have spent much time planning everything from who,when, where and how. I don't realy want to go into detail but if there is anyone truely having these problems aswell can you please Email me privately,
    im a bit self concious.
    theres only so much dr can do.

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  • onesaysso

    You may have an anxiety disorder. People can have OCD where the only symptom is obsessive thoughts. this can be distressing but is able to be treated. I had a client who had obsessive thoughts that they may have already killed someone and worried about going home and finding the body, no matter how many times it was proved to them that the person they thought they had killed was still alive! This is due to a bit of a blimp in your thinking and a good therapist should be able to help with CBT or with medication. You should seek help if these thoughts are stopping you doing any thing you would normally do or if you find your self avoiding people or places that bring them on. Otherwise, just ignore them and get on with your life.

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  • amethysteyes,

    well lots of people have commented already, but I'd like to give my opinion..
    Tbh, I have the exact same thing, I think everybody feels like they want to kill someone, whether they admit it or not. The people you described in your post are the exact same people I fantascize about killing. It is perfectly natural.
    On the other hand, it sounds a little like it's becoming an obsession. Perhaps you need to release your anger in a safer way. Try excercising at the gym or something to help release it, or have a nice soothing bath, listen to calming music, whatever makes you feel better. It is important to stay relaxed, they're seriously not worth it. If you are not feeling any better, then you may have to talk to a professional? This is just my observation coming from a young learner, and it could be nothing, but all the same I hope this has helped. Good luck! xx

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  • 1u5t

    you need serious help~~~ get some before you end up in jail!!!!!!!!!!

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  • MyWonderingMind

    Heres the think. i am a 95lb girl and i think about these things and i was actually going to post something similar to this so im excited to answer with the way i think about myself.

    Honestly i think i am crazy.
    BUT a lot of people say no to this. the way i think is the day that i actually plot and begin with what i want is the day i need to go somewhere. iv choked people before when i get to angry punch throw my phone bleh. but as i get older i learn to control it. if you can control it. then your fine. but if you really really think your going to go do something then get help even if its something you really wanna do, because outside of thinking about killing people is a lot more thoughts you could be having that would make you feel can take what i said in or you can leave it and do what you please,

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    • Loverofevesapples

      95 pound girl how tall are you do you have a long skinny neck because I love crushing long skinny necks its the most exciting rush ever it sexual stimulates me and its the only way I can cum

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  • merljr

    I have had those urges to. I would fantasize about killing the wicked, not anymore though. But as long as you only imagine it(not act on it) and stick to evil people then its okay. Watch boondock saints 1&2. their about two guys who decide to kill criminals.

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  • UserFriendlyDrug

    You can think about killing people all the time, but there is a difference between the desire to kill and the will to kill. I doubt you'll ever actually act on it, so I'm not worried about you. 'Tis in fact perfectly normal to think this way. Especially during adolescence.

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  • AJMJ

    The fact that all these other people have urges to kill is kind of terrifying. =P

    Not normal, I would say.

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  • fastmoob

    your not alone, i get them too but the only difference is that i get them about my friends and family.... i usualy have to clench my leg in my pocket just to stop myself from hurting them

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  • Ah an angel of death if I do believe to smite the unworthy from our planet (Profiling term) I have studied your kind it is also possible you may be a ripper no I don't watch tv I actually major in the psych and most of it's aspects if you did act on them I would love to hear about it on the news.

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  • Sunshine.51

    You are seriously loopy. Idiot.

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  • twixzy

    You are a hypocrite because you say that you want to kill "violent" people and what are you? VIOLENT> Get a life you fucking selfish asshole. I pray that someone kills YOU and brutally murders you and smiles as they watch you die a long horrific death.

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  • DINLA100

    If I were to list all the people I want to kill it would take a ream of paper..single spaced, both sides of each sheet.

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  • Do it!

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  • 1inamillmiracle

    i always feel the same to after i got shot but i dont tell anyone dont wanna go back to mental hosp.

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    • 1inamillmiracle

      whoa that came out wrong

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  • x1alfa

    i have a undieing erge to kill american sales men your god has no fury like mine

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  • Contrary_Canary

    You need to speak to a psychiatrist NOW. Good luck with that! :)

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  • isatree

    I get like that too.

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  • Rssngrl

    im only 13 and i get those urges to do those things i dream of it, jjj5543 (40171) is right, i masturbate an im all good. but dude you need some serious psychiatric help...

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  • christine

    While it is strange and wrong to think about killing random people, it is fine to think about killing people who annoy you. I do it all the time and get super creative about how I would do it. My favorite torture impliments are a cigarette lighter, an exacto knife and barbed wire......

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  • sensitivechild

    It might be normal if it lasts for no more than two weeks and you happen to be a lonely resentful teenager. Anything other than that, please seek psychiatric help urgently. That goes for all you other resentful teenagers that agreed with him, too. I fear for our society...

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  • Dark

    Perfectly understandable. Personally I'm a pacifist and very kindhearted. Heh, I even feel sympathy for my sparring partners xD.

    Though, every once and a while there's that one kind who picks on you for no good reason at all. I know I'm capable of beating him to a bloody pulp to the extent of killing him. I envision myself killing a lot of different people for many related reasons but the real question would be...

    Is it really worth it?

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  • Orange01028

    I think most of us at one point or another have thought about violently killing people we dont like... but what separates it from actually being dangerous, is our actions. I suppose if you dont actually hurt these people, and you keep it all in your head, what could it hurt?

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  • lady_bug

    I have this same urge. I litterally almost stabbed my best friend because I was bored!!! Luckily she turned around before I did. How ever, she ran away screaming. DX

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  • Some people have the same urge to do so but... a little bit not intense as you do it.

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    i get like that went in pissed off

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  • nothing2

    why wont you call me?

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  • Layla_nerd27

    Personally i have never really hated someone that much , but i get where your coming from i get really annoyed with people i feel like punching them just by one little thing they have said , but most ppl get this and i hope this urge to kill goes away

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  • curiouskiddo

    Wow, the urge to kill is not normal. however, i often get the urge to hurt someone when i get mad.

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  • B_CaptivAte


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  • crushedrose

    Hmm. i agree.

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  • canadian6969

    (loop holed) *

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  • omigod

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  • Eddie794

    I would say its relatively normal but if you ever act on these urges make sure the second person you kill is yourself

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  • Steelclan

    You need to get some help before you hurt me or someone else.

    Lets just say this try to kill someone and they'll try to kill you twice as painful.

    Don't mess with people SICKO.

    You need to be in jail.

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  • HarshbutTrue


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  • kia106


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    • fastmoob

      this isnt murder this isnt deserving of hell, i have it too, it scares me. its not our fault and most arnt proud of it.....

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    • Anonypoo

      shhhhhhh its gonna be ok...

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  • Blackball


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  • Holy. Shit I do that all the time

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  • welcome_to_nightmare

    i think about killing people massacring my family and hoping to another house and killing everyone there but before i start im waiting to get an mp3 player then i can kill while listening to music so i dont get bored. i think thats all i need. :D

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  • smileshihi

    i have this problem too and i absolutely hate it...i dont really think about killing people myself(although sometimes i do)i will see someone on the street, in the store, my own family and i just get images of the getting really hurt by surounding things or me just killing them in various ways and i cannot tell you how much i hate it because i think about doing this to people i love...i always thought it was because i was diagnosed as bipolar and schizophrenic but no meds they give me help..i cant stand it

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  • sarahwinsley

    I wanna justify something I read through the comments and when it comes to these subjects why the f*** does JESUS have to get involved, allot of killers think that they are doing the will of Jesus by killing those who sin, when in truth you need to face reality, if you have homicidal thoughts its not because of Lucifer its all a state of mind its human nature to want to kill, its your choice if you want to act out your thoughts by killing but please be careful not to get caught and only kill those who deserve to die. Your not alone many people out there just like you :)

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  • VoLoPoK

    you'll get over it; i went through that fase

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  • DINLA100

    Make a plan, list all the people that really deserve it then GO!

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  • fluffyshem

    It's normal. Just don't do it. Baaad consequences, believe me--and you will get caught sooner or later.

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  • fuck man same even when i was a kid i was like that i dono y i mean i got a wierd facination wit blood and all but that really cant b it
    really i think people like us think its great that people can take away life something god created such a beutiful thing made can just be gone in a couple of seconds by your hand destroying something made by something greater

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  • undeadangel

    Not sure if it's normal or not, but I feel the exact same way. Other types that make me want to kill are the girls who act like your friend and tell you what a great guy you are and that they'd be lucky if the ever find one just like you. But then you tell them you'd be willing to date them or you like them and they say no, I'm sorry but I don't think of you in a romatic way. It makes me want to kill those bitches. I can't stand it. Sometimes I go into a place and look at everyone in the room and assess them. Figurte out how I'll kill them if I need to. I spend a long time doing this until I am comfortable that I'll be able to kill every person in the place that may be a threat. Only then will I be able to sit comfortably iin that room. Doctor's office, college, the bank. I spend maybe half of the time in public thinking about how I would kill them.

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  • ihopeyoudie

    why dont you choose your targets on an invidual level. if you just kill random people, you yourself deserve to die.

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  • HairyCanary

    Oh, Dexter.

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  • guitaranddrugs

    oh and i also have constant dreams and visions of killing people i know.

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  • HiHellO

    YH man i get what u mean, not as pland or sic as u say,a bit more primitive,sumtimes i jus feel like smashing up,ripping everything down,punching kicking objects,ppl anything in my path till its mush,the more you think about it its more likely you will,you need to speak to sumone or it will build,jus do stuff you like to do! unless?thats what you like to do?,i understand the kind of hatred tho, where some people look at you and its instant adrenaline,when it happens jus pretend there not there, your better than that hopefully?

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  • chunkybongo

    Just imagining killing people is harmless; as long as you know deep down that you'd never really do it. Would you? Would you look down at your victim, maybe twitching in shock and still not quite dead? You probably wouldn't like to do this...right? So don't worry about it! When workers wake me up on Saturday morning I put myself back to sleep by imagining mowing them all down with an gives a shit

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    • NotImportant6

      What if it you did like it? Not happiness or joy but adrenaline. Finally doing something that makes you feel alive and momentarilly fills the empty? What if watching the life drain gives you the feeling you desire the most?
      What if you have to do it to live? Not life or death, but to feel alive. Not out of anger or any outside reason. You just have the urge to end them. What if you don't feel bad or upset or happy about it but you needed to do it for the rush?

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      • EatEgodaily

        Control, repetition, and a steady nerve. Contact your local Army recruitment office, yell him you wanna blow shit up and kill people... he'll get you pointed in the right direction.

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  • AngelOfDeath

    i have urges like these and it sometimes is hard to hold myself in check, if i get angry enough, and i get into a fight i cant actually stop myself until the person is begging, as ive lost control of myself, and it is very hard to control sometimes, i feel possessed, but i do control myself, cos im a good guy, and it gets easier and easier to control. i myself have thoughts of releasing these urges on the people that brutally murder people and are ruining our world in such a way so that i can release my own urges, but that just removes one problem and adds another. im not a sicko because of these urges because ive managed to restrain myself, and you arent a sicko unless you act upon them, i think im genuinely a good guy for defying this, because not eveyone has put up with this problem, so its easy to fling around words like sicko when you arent afflicted. honestly though mate seriously, if you ever are about to act upon the urges lock yourself up for the good of mankind because the world is corrupt enough at the moment, it doesnt need another murderer. im getting much better and i can control myself more, so the urges are leaving, and you can get rid of them too, you just got to want to be the good guy and beat it, because no man has the right to take the life of another

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  • Weasel_poo

    im xctly in the same boat, specially i was in a really loving relationship 4 2.5 years which makes me wanna gut the couples thr and then same as with little bitches who thnk they can get away with anything and get everythnk the only smile i'd like them 2 hav is a chelsea smile!! yeh im jst as bad as u, xcept i dnt thnk it tht much but im near thr :P

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  • lostinacanvas

    Your not alone.

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  • canadian6969

    I have the same urge, no joke unlike the rest of the fakes on here. Except I don't agree on the couples part, I think people should be able to express their love for one another however they please. To me the people that deserve to die are the same ones everyone else thinks to. (They will all deny it, but in truth when parents see a child rapist get out of jail, when people see a serial killer get out of jail, a drug dealer or pimp released on bail) they all think that someone should just go kill those people. I only have the urge for those people, the people that truly deserve it and that most of public hates to the core. Its a uncontrolling need. If only it was as easy as the show Dexter. But I have these thoughts that if there are serial killers out there, why not ones that kill the bad guys and save our lopped hooled legal system for the class action lawsuits instead of rapist trials.

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  • Desinate

    I think exactly the same, i have urges to kill people alot... Only those people who really annoy me, like people which think they are the best and swear all the time / smoke / do drugs / say they have sex every day / annoy other people / pick fights for no reason / say "what you lookin at?" / etc...
    Just the other day i saw some kid sit in this little kids seat on the bus when he stood up for a sec to show something to his friend, then he laughed at him and said hes stupid... I was so tempted to walk up and beat the shit out of him or stab him, then kick him multiple times when hes on the ground...

    Its certainly not normal, but then again i have super powers.

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  • Lockets

    Every person in here,whatever religion, right now needs Jesus Christ.I am not just saying that for effect. I know in my heart that we all need Jesus. Through Him, we can forget strange, mad, selfish thoughts about killing people. We need to HELP our fellow humans, not KILL them. Jesus led a perfect life,read the new testament to see how perfect He was and is. He died for our sins and He is REAL!!!
    Honestly!!! I am sure of this.

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      But of course you also need to stop pushing your obsolete ideas on people. Jesus is dead, and though his ideas were great, and he was the best Jew who ever lived, doesn't mean we need to respect the dead, or even need to follow him. He was a great magician, and like all great Houdini s, he never told how he did all of those slight of hands, and how many people he paid with his Jew-money to pretend like he was healing him. He truly was the greatest fraud we have yet to encounter.

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    • tintedcouture

      Me too. But some counseling would also help the man.

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    • WarLord

      Hi Lockets! Welcome back. =)

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      • Lockets

        Hello! Thanks for your message, it's good to be back! Hope all is well x

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  • RinaChan

    I dislike people to no explainable extent, and there are times when I just want to see them in pain and suffer.
    No, I've never had the urge to kill anyone, but I find it enjoyable to see people die.

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  • 007phantom

    This is only normal if your name is Dexter Morgan

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  • almostnormal

    i have these feelings... once i grabbed my friend by the throat and squeezed REALLY tight that he actually thought i was gunna kill him 0.0
    i almost did

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    • Loverofevesapples

      FUCKING awesome !!!!! Strangling is the most exciting thing in life I live so tat my hands can crush w indpipes females just females I like killing women so I can fuck their warm bodies

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    • guitaranddrugs

      yeah same, alot of my friends know that im capable of killing and are scared or starting a fight with me as a resutlt. the ones that don't are in danger.

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  • malevolence_incarnate

    although murder will never be a hobby deemed acceptable by the general public, murderers have always & unfortunately probably will always play a role in human society. maybe killers are meant to be part of the natural order of things. implements of population control along with tornadoes, earthquakes, & snack cake related choking deaths. however, before you go out fulfilling destiny & whatnot, a couple tips:
    1)keep it random. repetition will earn you a 'serial killer' label, which will certainly increase the desire of law enforcement to spend their free time hunting you down.
    2)target bad folk only. don't whack nobody that could've been deemed oxygen worthy by 12 of your peers. (in the event that you might be caught.jurists typically believe it to be unsavory to kill nice people.)
    3)keep it professional & business like. people nowadays want their murderers to be efficient & respectible. The suffering-begging thing is just tacky.

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    • Surgical6

      Most of the responses in favor of killing, I believe are shit. It is in no way normal to have a fixation on killing. I admit, I do have my own urges, but ask yourself this first. Do you have the stomach and lack of conscience to end a life. Many will say yes, mainly because the anonymity provided the internet. The truth is you most likely don't have the skill, stones, or intelligence to actually kill and get away with it so do yourself a favor and go to a shrink and tell them whats going on in your head.

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    • NotImportant6

      Survival of the fittest.

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  • ViVaLaBC

    lmfaoooo you sound like Dexter.
    if you havent seen the show you MUST watch.
    he's a serial killer who works as a blood splatter analyst for the police department. but he only kills murderes! ha ha. i love him!

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  • y2k2012now

    I feel the same way, Finally I found someone like me (YAY)

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  • roketlever

    i feel the same way... people over do everything these days... i say we kill them.

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    • weird_one

      im in, when nd where and who??

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  • Fuhad

    We all think about getting revenge and feeling the power of being victorious over our enemy's. The key is not to put though into reality, unless they deserve it, and you can get away with it. lol

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  • 11101010

    I know what you meam i get the same urge as you.

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  • Unknown144

    Kill an animal. And if you start feeling better and you want to kill more, then you should get some help.

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  • PunkZombie

    Yeah. I've suffered from those thoughts since I was about 3. Nothing wrong with it. Mostly, the world isn't very decent and it's been trying to crush you long enough that it's hard to ignore.

    My best friend has that same problem, too. Sometimes when we chill together he seems to be hinting that he wants us to kill together.

    I don't mind me thinking it. I just hate that he gets hurt so often. In fact, I'd agree with him, if I wasn't so afraid either of us would have Psychotic break.

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  • iwillkillyouall

    I want to watch you all die by my hands. I can see the shinning knife crossing your throat and the blood from your carotid artery spilling you precious blood. I shall dance and dip my naked body in your life source! For I am more evil then Satan himself.

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    • Anonypoo

      Well then...

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    • Surgical6

      Too cliche

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