Constantly fear to disapoint people
Usually I can normaly talk to someone but when the conversation ends I start thinking "what if I said something wrong, but the person just pretended to don't notice/care to not hurt/cause a possible argument. Most of people that I talk are acctually pretty chill, but I can't help myself but worrie about possibly hurting someone.
I think that this may happened cause a person that I used to be very close with, even though I apologized, called me "guilty" "terrible" "traitor" "selfish", I acctually don't remmenber details about what happened, all I remmenber is that it started when I was a stupid 8 years old and it leasted for years. Sadly everytime when someone say "is all your fault" it hurts a lot (this was their most common phase to say to me). But I don't think they are terrible either, they were also justa child/tennager when they did it after we never saw each other again, I really shoudn't listen to what they said, but I can't help myself.