Constantly scared my mum and boyfriend are going to die, iin?
I've feared my mum will die (usually in a car crash) since I was around 12, maybe 13.
My mum used to leave me home alone (single parent, only child, yay..) for an hour and a half each monday evening to go to an al-anon meeting and if she wasn't back within an hour and a half I would automatically assume something had happened to her and start calling her frantically.
Now as far as I can remember, I wasn't like this ALL the time, and my anxiety levels were definitely not as high as they are now...
Forward 7 years later i've been with my boyfriend for 3 years now and living with each other for 2 and a half years.
For the past 2 years my anxiety for his well-being and my mum's well-being has increased immensely.
I'm extremely close to my mum, she lives about half a mile from us and I see her every day, we're sisters as well as mother and daughter, we've been through so much together, just me and her so if I ever lost her, it'd just be.. well I don't think i'd cope.
Same goes for my boyfriend, obviously not as strong as my mum but I would still fall apart without him.
Anyway, Everytime either of them don't pick up their phone I instantly think they're dead and go into a mad frenzy and sometimes break down completely.
I know it's not normal but I want to know how I can ease my anxiety and/or if anyone else can remotely relate?
It's really hard to live my life like this.
(I have been in psychotherapy for nearly a year and on various anti depressants since the age of 15. My psychotherapist has no advice, other than "try not to think about it" *sigh*)