Cooking vegetarian goodness

It's one thing to cook meat, bivalves, crustaceans, fish, cephalopods (octopuses, squids, cuttlefish etc), birds, amphibians, arthropods, or cetaceans (seals, whales, dolphins, etc), it's another to cook vegetables, grains, gourds, herbs, berries, sugar, dairy, eggs, nuts or fruits.
As such if vegetarian you don't want a reputation of cooking any of the above flesh if you don't eat it, some of this flesh I do eat (bivalves, crustaceans, birds (chicken specifically), and fish), and plan on eating whales some day, don't get me wrong, carnists think it's wrong to eat a whalemeat steak, I'm not a carnist, I'm a pollo-pescetarian since I don't eat unprocessed pork and aren't supposed to eat processed meats, hence I'm trying not to even eat ham. In a separate body I would eat baked beans, fritz and yucky stuff, but in my body with my identity I don't eat that stuff and I avoid yucky foods, drinks and sweets. But here's where it gets serious: despite not cooking any of this flesh, vegetarians still cook, and what they cook is veg, tofu, sugar, yeast flakes, yeast extract, nut savoury, veggie savoury cuts (I'm not sure if those two ingredients are extinct now), Nutolene, nutmeat, veggie links, TVP, and all that low quality stuff that doesn't taste as light or as good as steamed mussels or a paella which, as this is uncommon, contains artichokes, a normal paella contains red peppers, prawns, mussels, saffron, and hardened rice, but not much vegetables or any artichokes, and it uses white rice not brown rice, vegetarians eat brown grains and brown vegetable plants like sugar instead of the white ones, the average carnist eats white rice which has the husks removed, the irony is brown rice eaters are fatter than white rice eaters.
So with all this in mind cooking non-flesh foods doesn't make any sense, but the reality is grains, vegetables and nuts have to be cooked, and vegetarians would also eat something else different, like a gazpacho with okra in it, and tofu sweet and sour with whole almonds in it, sweet and sour beef for example doesn't contain any almonds, although it's thickened with arrowroot, and sweetened with palm sugar and pineapple and contains rice wine vinegar if you wanna get authentic. Unauthentic versions exist, with brown sugar (not palm sugar), pineapple, and cider vinegar, and also tomato paste and light soy sauce, the above, with almonds and no animals in it, isn't authentic, it's a veganised version pioneered by Leah Leneman and now adopted in Asian or Chinese restaurants.
A vegetarian isn't just cooking special foods, but special foods with a whole bundle of vegetables, like artichokes, okra, broccoli, almonds, walnuts, soybeans, carrots, parsnips, turnips, onions, peas, beans, lentils and potatoes, all in what's tasty to a vegetarian. It's not about how delicious it is, meat is delicious but that doesn't mean I'm going to eat it, it's about mercy for the animals.

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Comments ( 31 )
  • ospry

    You have so many rules and exceptions to rules that it's kind of confusing that you regard yourself a vegetarian at all. Aside from that though, I don't know how many people would be able to answer your question because I doubt anyone else on this site knows anywhere near as much about nutrition and cooking as you do

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    • normal-rebellious

      The diet of mine is very complicated, but it's simply a matter of not eating beef or any meat like that. I don't eat pork, I eat chicken and fish and no other animals. It shouldn't be too difficult if you dare to follow this invention of mine (i.e. my diet). I don't consider small feathered or underwater animals meat. I only know so much about nutrition and cooking because I read a low-fat cookbook. I'm a vegetarian because I don't eat the flesh of beasts (large wild animals, quadrupeds), and because I don't eat average food, I eat vegetarian food, food of cereals, fruit, vegetables and nuts, mainly foods without flesh, with the exception of cooking flesh occasionally and in the style of food with no flesh, such as vegetables and mussels, or vegetables and chicken, I also thicken my curries with nuts, specifically nutlike slivered almonds. I use vegetables that's otherwise not in a vegetable dish, such as lentils, peas, artichokes, and turnips. ☺

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  • dabadedabadie

    Whales aren't fish

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    • RoseIsabella

      Yes, they're marine mammals. 😊

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      • normal-rebellious

        They're not mammals, they're fish because the dictionary defines a fish as an underwater animal that moves with its fins and tail, by that definition a whale's a fish.

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        • dabadedabadie

          a warm-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that is distinguished by the possession of hair or fur, the secretion of milk by females for the nourishment of the young, and (typically) the birth of live young

          And yes before you say it whales have hair

          Fun fact: Did you know that all whales have hair on their body at some point in their lives? Whales are born with sensory hairs along their jaw and head. Most whales will shed these sensory hairs, but some will keep them! From a website literally called facts about whales

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          • RoseIsabella

            Spot on!

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          • normal-rebellious

            Whales are smaller than the sea, that's a fact.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Nope, you're wrong. Whales are mammals who give birth to live young, and breastfeed their babies.

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          • normal-rebellious

            You're wrong, whales are fishes, not mammals, a hippopotamus is a mammal but a whale is blue exactly like it's objectively the real truth that it's a fish and that objectively in real truth it's not a mammal. You take your belief on faith and just because exactly all humans believe it it's false. I'm extremely right and extremely not wrong, just tell the truth! We're several people arguing, we're on the internet, and I never saw mammals in the sea, only whales, I saw a whale that's not a mammal, that's my direct experience, not normal beliefs, and if I'm the only one who believes this I'll stand up for what I'm the only one believing in, I believe whales aren't mammals with stronger belief than you believe whales are mammals, and you're going to sit down being wrong.

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            • RoseIsabella

              It doesn't matter what you, or anyone else believes, because facts are facts regardless of whether, or not anyone believes. WHALES ARE NOT FISH, THEY ARE MARINE MAMMALS!!!


              Click on the above link, and expand your knowledge.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Pescetarians still eat whales.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Do you eat capybaras?

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        • normal-rebellious

          What the hell is that?

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          • RoseIsabella

            Google it!

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            • normal-rebellious

              I don't eat capybaras, Mrs Wrong, the wrongest whale person in the entire multiverse. I'm no scientist but what you say is never a fact, facts are things like this: the fact that whales don't wear clothes, that it's small compared to the totality of the whole multiverse, that people talk and your words are beautiful and I can't accept beautiful talk, it's all candy-coated lies by cetologists. Do you eat glass? Chances are the strangest of diets is spending months eating beds and helicopters.

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