Costume party - help!!!

Hi, Is It Normal critters!!!

It's me again. Another dilemma has presented itself. The reunion went great despite my not taking the male hooker and the orphan kids! Now I have a costume birthday party to go to and I would love ideas from the great minds gathered here.

Last one I went to I quickly assembled a pinup outfit and was out the door. Next to last one I paired up with that same friend from the Muriel's Wedding farce. He went as a 70's filmmaker (sometimes he'd blurt out "I'm Roman Polanski" - his wig made him look pretty much like him back then), just dressed in regular seventies clothes, using a very tiny Kinder Surprise Egg toy camera hanging on a string around his neck to film me, dressed as decadent aging former pornstar still trying too hard. White boots, fishnets, tight black tube dress under the grayscale plastic leopard print raincoat and same material scarf over the 'fro and all. Very very sad. A few props in the purse to play with, popping in and out of it: sunglasses, cigarettes, a glass of vodka, a flask, a couple real bananas, condoms, a pair of lacy panties, make up items, Polaroid camera to take and give away pics with the fans I gently forced into fandom, a Sharpie for autographs. Very classy. And predictable, really.

This time I'm going solo and I only have a couple of days to put this together. Since some of you have just been through Halloween and have got your brilliant is it normal minds to resort to, I figured you could suggest some concepts as brilliant as your minds.

Thanks in advance! :D

Go in regular clothes. I hope someone compliments your costume. Ha ha. 3
I have the awesomest idea!!! 9
Uuh... Dunno. 6
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Comments ( 22 )
  • Justsomejerk

    As soon as you get to the party go and hide in the attic as Anne Frank.

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    • Hahahahaha!! Exactly what I need! You're the best! :)

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  • Avant-Garde

    Go as a spy or a masked mystery man.

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    • Why, what an odd idea, cookie! Haha.

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      • Avant-Garde

        Glad to be of service!

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  • D512

    Not an awesome idea but pick a typically male character (like Robin hood but more original) and make it sexy. Maybe Spiderman?

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    • Yeah! Like Robin Wood? Edward Penishands, Alice in Wonderpants, Fairy Potter? The Twat in the Hat? Captain Jack Is Narrow?

      Dang! If only I had a pair this year I'd go as the Booty and the Beast. :/

      In all seriousness, I want something that is not sexy, just a concept. I'm thinking I don't really want to wear a costume, but thanks. Haha.

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    • MauriceLikesChicks1015

      I agree everybody needs Spidey ;)

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  • ChaoticBunny

    How about Sonic the hedgehog? I'm sure you could look on ebay.

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  • Pika-girl

    Your favorite Pokemon? Hmmm...

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Dress like Danny Elf!

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    If you have orenge pants and a white tank top all youll need is black hair die brown shoes sideburs and a small Kratos style beard(must be male)and you can go as Torque!

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  • Go as the Rain Man. All you have to bring is a squirt bottle to spray people with when they're unwise enough to ask about your costume.

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  • poohed

    Go as Jimmy Saville

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  • Kyrie

    You could put those tickets used for raffles and stick them on your clothes and say your the guy they can always count on

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  • dappled

    Go as a noted alcoholic. Then nobody can complain when you guzzle all the drinks. You're just staying in character!

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    • MsWVgal

      Kathy Lee Gifford or Hoda Kotb.

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      • Oh my! I was just watching Kristen Wiig doing Kathy Lee on Hoda's imaginary boyfriend. Wiig doing anything is something else!

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    • Yes, but... Aw, I just realized this is another perfect occasion for a Lisa Kudrow & Mira Sorvino combo! :D

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      • dappled

        If I told someone I had a pact with an anonymous person to dress up as someone they like so they'll dress as someone I like and between us we'll then pretend to be fictional characters from a film, they'd say I was mad.

        It makes perfect sense, though. High five, Romy! :D

        P.S. Don't you love the way Romy says "Romy"?

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        • You know what, Michele? If pretty woman could do it, we could do it!!! :DDD

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          • dappled

            Haha! You know, even though you and I have watched Pretty Woman, like, 35 times, I never get tired of making fun of it! :D

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