Could bad energy be affecting our relationship?

My gf and I have been dating for a couple years and she is in the process of moving in. We have an awesome relationship. But a couple weeks ago, she said she fears there is some sort of bad energy causing us non-relationship related issues. We thought through it and we have both had a pretty bad spat of misfortune starting at about the same time and lasting over the past 18 months.

I have some experience in energy work and we started trying to locate the bad energy. I have a crystal pendulum, which we took to various rooms of the house and held over various objects. The pendulum was motionless over everything until we held it over a gift her ex-bf had given her, and then it rotated alot over it and seemed to be repelled from it when I held the pendulum to the side of it.

She told me her relationship with this guy was tumultuous, called him crazy and admitted he had contacted her during this time for help. His wife had gotten a restraining order against him for being violent and he couldn't even go to his own house. She was divorcing him and trying to take the house.

Do you believe in bad energy causing problems? And do you believe this nut case ex-bf's bad energy could be causing us problems?? Thanks.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    yall need the magnetically infused amethyst crystals what I sells

    send me 800 bucks and ill send one and i promises all yalls prollems to be soon gone

    for 4 grand ill come feng shuei the place

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  • JD777

    I guess I'll join you in being ridiculed. Everyone and most every thing gives off vibrations. I've measured this in my lab. Some physicists will say everything IS vibrations. And some people can emit negative vibrations. People say "he's got bad vibes" or "I had a bad feeling" etc etc. Many people think intuition is a purely mental processing thing, but it is actually believed to be, at least in part, our ability to sense and read vibrations. RNA and microtubules are believed to be involved in this process.

    Anyway, yes this other guy could be a problem. Vibrations can be transferred to objects. And crystals, like your pendulum, vibrate at a certain frequency (like the crystals in alot of watches). And when their vibrational fields meet other vibration fields, the pendulum can react by moving (like two magnets repelling or attracting).

    The common term for a person with negative energy is "energy vampire." I know, it's overly dramatic, but has some basis. Google something like "how to clear remove negative energy" and you should find plenty of information on it to help you.

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    • Thanks. I'm glad somebody gets it. We've already started clearing some things in particular and the whole house. Hope it works. BTW, there seem to be some "energy vampires" on this site! Sheesh!

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    • Ellenna

      Yeah and pendulums, just like the glass on the ouija board, can move because a human is subconsciously moving it

      If all this stuff is true how come no-one's ever claimed James Randi's $1M reward for proof of any paranormal activity?

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      • JD777

        Randi's challenge is a catch-22. If the activity can be scientifically measured, it doesn't qualify for the prize. And his measurement protocols are stricter than the accuracy of current measurement devices for paranormal activity. In this case, the fact that objects and humans have vibrations is already proven. And it is proven that humans and objects can change the vibration of nearby objects, so it doesn't qualify. Then tracing the vibrations to negative activity is still objective and no measuring device can measure it YET.

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        • Ellenna

          Are you seriously suggesting that there are devices that accurately measure paranormal activity?

          The fact that objects may or may not have vibrations doesn't mean that an article belonging to a previous bf could possibly affect OP's current relationship. What she believes about the possibility could certainly do so but how would that help her and current bf work out their issues?

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  • Freedom_

    I believe so, but I don't think you really need fancy crystals to tell you that. Those things are cool and all, but at the end of the day you still gotta take care of business. You guys need to deal with the ex like adults and cut ties or whatever and maybe do some meditative thinking. You are just feeding the negative energy if you let it worry you and think you can make it magically go away.

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  • Nokiot9

    I think she's nuts, and you just compounded the issue by encouraging it all. When she's scared of ghosts do you get out your EVP recorder and ouija board? Sounds like you guys are perfect for each other regardless lol

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  • thegypsysailor

    I think the 'nut case' in this case is YOU, and possibly your gf. A crystal pendulum, huh? Wow, super dooper nut case, IMO.

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